The emperor guards the country, and the king dies the country

Since the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the United States has always stood out among others and become the world's only superpower. The United States stands at the peak of the world stage with its strong military power, and its behavior is often regarded as reckless.

最近,美方竟公然向中国提出了一项荒谬的说法:If war breaks out between China and the United States, the United States will not allow China to counterattack! 这种言辞令人难以置信,不仅让世界各国感到不可思议,更让人怀疑美国究竟意欲何为。

网络上有不少声音质疑美国的行为,认为其举动过于离谱。Why can the United States intervene wantonly but not allow China to counterattack?

This double standard is confusing!

Some military experts expressed their views. They believed that clarifying the competitive situation with the United States would be the key to getting a real answer. In this way, the United States can clearly understand China's bottom line. China is not afraid of any threats or provocations, so the United States 'attempt is bound to hit a wall!

As a powerful force in today's world, the United States has been trying to expand its influence to the world. However, their overconfident ambition may be just a delusion. History has proved that the United States often only takes actions to pursue its own interests and ignore the rights and interests of other countries.

Faced with the continuous advancement of the Chinese people and the rise and great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, the jealousy of the United States has become increasingly obvious. China has always pursued the concept that harmony is the most important thing, and has never taken the initiative to provoke other countries, let alone plunder the interests of others.

We have won widespread praise on the international stage, but the United States is the only one who is wary of China's rise. They are worried that China's rapid development and competitive strength will shake the United States 'dominant position in international affairs and pose a threat to maintaining its unilateral order.

In the current trend of the times, the world has become an interdependent community of interests. 无论是谁,如果试图孤立地追求自身的发展路径,都会面临巨大的挑战。对于美国而言,要想在这个全球化的时代独善其身,抛开与中国这样的大国共同发展几乎是不可想象的。

However, despite the facts in front of us, the United States seems to have difficulty accepting the growing reality of China. They have spared no effort to obstruct China's development in various ways, trying to stir up turmoil across the Taiwan Strait and disrupt China's development pace. **

Despite the frequent provocations by the United States, China still remains clear-headed, calm and restrained. 我们以智慧化解矛盾和摩擦,同时巧妙争取提升我们的军工实力,这为我们打造更为强大的国防基础赢得了宝贵的时间。

Many people worry that the shadow of war still exists between China and the United States due to the bigotry and obstinacy of the United States. Especially in the context of the current U.S. election, the United States may send more wrong signals to the world for the purpose of seeking more support.

当然,It is very likely that the United States will adopt radical measures to aggravate regional instability. This possibility cannot be ignored!

The situation in the Taiwan Strait in China has always been an extremely sensitive and unresolved major issue for China. In order to ensure the safety of the lives and property of Taiwan compatriots, the country has been striving to find a more appropriate opportunity to resolve the Taiwan issue in a way that minimizes damage and reduces losses.

毫无疑问,The United States obviously wants to use this "flaw" to deal with China, in an attempt to make China's internal affairs more sensitive and changeable due to foreign interference, and even replicate the situation of the Russia-Ukraine conflict!

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然而,China is by no means a person who will surrender without a fight. Any hostile act against China inspires China to counterattack. Once our interests are touched, China will surely launch countermeasures and counterattack to make the enemy afraid.

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China will never stop until the enemy is completely eliminated!

Patriotic, let's be together!

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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