The emperor guards the country, and the king dies the country

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Picture comes from CCTV News Channel

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Recently, the armed conflict in Sudan has further escalated. Countless people have lost their lives in this war and large areas of land have been stained red with blood.

According to incomplete statistics, more than 3700 people have been killed, and terrible screams have been heard one after another, and wailing sounds are endless.

While countries around the world issued evacuation orders, transport aircraft from Japan, South Korea and other countries had taken off urgently, but the local situation was chaotic and the future was uncertain.

The Sudan has become a runaway beast, opening its bloody mouth and roaring at anyone who escapes. Like a cruel and ruthless tragic movie, many countries have experienced similar tragic experiences.

South Korean President Yoon Seok Yoon

According to foreign media reports, the situation in Sudan is getting worse and worse. Japan and South Korea have begun to evacuate, but there are still 63 Japanese and 23 South Koreans stranded there, and their lives are now uncertain. The two countries decided to go desperate to mobilize heavily armed troops and aviation crew to bring them back.

Not only that, many major countries such as the United States, France, the Netherlands, Germany, and Saudi Arabia also joined the evacuation operation, trying to rescue more than 10,000 people from dangerous situations.

At present, the United States has successfully brought more than 70 staff members back home, but many people are still in desperate straits and their lives are unknown.

Chinese Embassy evacuates overseas Chinese

Despite the severe situation, our great China is still taking urgent action as soon as possible.

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The Ministry of Foreign Affairs urgently issued a notice to protect the personal safety of overseas Chinese and students around the world in Sudan, allowing them to feel China's sincere care and meticulous warmth, helping each other and overcoming difficulties together.

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The World Health Organization has received sad news one after another. Sudan is in deep suffering, with more than 420 people killed, and this number is still rising.

What is even more heartbreaking is that Sudan's airports have been closed for various reasons, making it impossible for WHO to provide help to those in urgent need of medical assistance.

Sudan in turmoil and war

The WHO's appeal has been repeatedly emphasized in major international forums, strongly urging countries to take decisive action to support the peace plan. However, as conflicts and crises in Sudan have spiralled out of control, thousands of civilian lives have been destroyed and the power system has been widely paralyzed.

Due to the endless armed conflict, Sudanese people have to leave their homes and flee their homes in the dust and sand. The refugee crisis has made the surrounding countries worse.

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Nearly 20,000 people are said to have suffered from the disaster, making it difficult for its authorities to respond to a humanitarian crisis of this magnitude, and an additional 100,000 people are expected to be displaced in the future.

Sudan, a troubled country, has been in ruins, and a human tragedy has once again occurred.

On the 21st local time, the two sides had to reach a ceasefire agreement in an attempt to ease the endless conflict. However, three days later, small-scale conflicts still occurred, and the situation was extremely chaotic and heartbreaking.

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peaceful China

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According to the Rapid Assistance Force at the scene, on the evening of the 22nd local time, the hateful Sudanese Armed Forces launched another attack on a base area and attempted to launch a full-scale attack. This situation has deteriorated sharply!

In general, the constant wars and humanitarian crises in countries such as Sudan have made us feel even more the value of "peace and security" in China.

"Entering China without regrets in this life, and remaining Chinese in the next life." This is the belief and mission of every Chinese person.

Patriotic, let's be together!

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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