As we all know, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict has lasted for three full months. 在这段时间里,以色列对加沙地带进行了频繁而激烈的袭击,次数已超过2000次,导致逾12000名巴勒斯坦民众丧生。


因此,Israel's actions against the Gaza Strip have gradually lost its moral and legal bottom line, and have even aroused dissatisfaction from the United States.

This situation is worrying because as military operations continue to escalate, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict may further expand, bringing greater instability to the entire Middle East region. Against this tense background, the international community calls on all parties to exercise restraint and seek peaceful solutions to avoid more innocent casualties.

最近,Senior U.S. White House officials have made it clear that "they are carefully considering terminating military aid to Israel," a change that could be part of easing the tense Israeli-Palestinian situation!

It must be emphasized that since the outbreak of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the United States has always firmly supported Israel internationally. However, now the United States has suddenly announced that it will stop military aid to Israel, which will inevitably have a certain impact on the Palestinian-Israeli situation.

需要注意的是,In the Middle East, Israel faces not only threats from Hamas, but also threats from various aspects such as Iraq militia and Yemen's Houthi armed forces!

If Israel's ammunition reserves are plagued by problems, then Israel is likely to become the target of competition among all parties!

So let's put it, will the United States really give up supporting Israel?

In fact, this possibility is quite remote.

Because Israel is regarded as the agent of the United States in the Middle East, if the United States abandons Israel, it will be equivalent to abandoning the entire Middle East. Therefore, if the United States gives up its support for Israel, it will mean that the interests and existence of the United States in the entire Middle East region will be affected. Obviously, the United States will not take such risks.

As for the rumored news of suspending aid to Israel, it may be just to urge Israel to be more cautious in its military operations in Gaza to avoid causing more innocent casualties.

But Israel does not seem to realize this and instead points the finger at the United States.

最新的消息从以色列传来,声称美囯中止对其军事援助并非出于不愿支援,而是Because the United States 'own military production capacity is insufficient.

眼下,The United States is already mired in the quagmire of the Middle East. In contrast, meeting its military needs naturally becomes the top priority, while assisting Israel is placed in a secondary position. 这种说法或许有一定道理,但无疑将美方的军工产能不足的问题摆在明面,着实令以色列感到难堪。

Faced with Israel's blatant accusations, how should the United States respond to it to maintain dignity in this diplomatic game?

In fact, the close cooperation between the United States and Israel at the military level makes it almost impossible for the United States to give up its relationship with Israel.

Even if some secrets of the United States are exposed in Israel's actions, the United States can only choose to endure silently. As the tense confrontation between the United States and Iran in the Middle East heats up, although the United States may be dissatisfied with some Israeli actions, it has to provide military support.

Because at present, it seems that the only ally the United States can rely on in the Middle East is Israel. Once Israel loses power, the United States 'geopolitical influence in the Middle East will rapidly weaken.

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This deep dependence allows the United States to choose to accommodate and support Israel's actions, otherwise it will lose its key allies in the Middle East.

Patriotic, let's be together!

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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