The emperor guards the country, and the king dies the country

The Chinese nation has a vast territory since ancient times, which also determines that we have many neighboring countries. 其中一部分国家的经济发展相较于我们而言存在巨大的差距。因此,为了实现共同的繁荣发展,许多邻国与我们建立了友好合作的关系。

map of Asia

China and Mongolia have a long history and profound historical roots. They are one family. Although Mongolia became an independent country in the evolution of history, it still has an indissoluble bond with China. 现如今,蒙古拥有150万平方公里的土地,大约有320万人口,但只有中国和俄罗斯两个邻国。虽然俄罗斯在一些经济指标上略逊于中国,但与中国友好相处,对于蒙古的发展仍然至关重要。

However, the previous Mongolian president chose to confront China, causing long-term tensions between the two countries. 蒙古还与西方国家结盟,反对中国的发展。如果二战结束后,蒙古能够保持友好的关系,如今的蒙古就会有巨大的转变。At present, the reason why Mongolia is poor and backward is mainly due to the lack of excellent leaders.

但是,With the coming to power of President Haletma Battulega in 2017, Mongolia's relations with China have transformed. Mongolia began to make good intentions to China and expressed its desire to establish friendly relations with China. 这位总统不仅疏远了西方国家,而且明确表示要对中国友好。Such changes are gratifying, and a neighboring country friendly to China has finally emerged!

President of Mongolia

In 2020, the new coronavirus epidemic broke out in China and had a huge impact on manufacturing in China. ** Under such circumstances, Mongolia President Haletma Battulega "personally" gave 30000 sheep to China. ** Although China is not short of sheep, this move still deeply touches us.

** Mongolia has offered its best to China, which is the same as providing epidemic prevention materials. Such behavior is actually showing kindness to China and hoping to establish friendly relations with China. This also shows that Mongolia is no longer too close to Western countries, but hopes to establish friendly relations with China. ** This is a major progress in the relations between the two countries.

President of Mongolia

In the current international situation, the friendly relations between China and Mongolia are particularly important. 尽管历史上中蒙两国曾经有过矛盾和纷争,但是如今,中蒙两国作为邻国和友好合作伙伴,已经建立起了平等、互利和互信的关系。

在这个过程中,蒙古的改变尤为值得肯定。Under the leadership of President Haletma Battulega, Mongolia has gradually courted China and established more friendly relations with China. Whether it is the sheep personally sent by the Mongolian President or the high-level exchange of visits between the two governments, it shows the determination and willingness of China and Mongolia to strengthen cooperation.

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Picture comes from CCTV News

作为中国人,我们应该感到自豪和骄傲,因为The "friendly" relations between China and Mongolia are not only an important part of geopolitics and international relations, but also a bridge for friendly exchanges and cultural exchanges between the two peoples.

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I believe that with the joint efforts of both sides, the relations between China and Mongolia will become closer and make greater contributions to peace and prosperity of the two peoples and the region.

Patriotic, let's be together!

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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