Recently, humanoid robots have become a hot topic of public attention. In China, the Humanoid Robot Competition and Humanoid Robot 100 People Forum opened in Beijing, bringing together the "pioneers" in the field of humanoid robots in China. In the United States, the artificial intelligence company OpenAI, which has become popular with its hit product ChatGPT, has partnered with humanoid robot company Figure AI to launch a humanoid robot with large model support-after connecting to the latest version of GPT, it can talk to humans, listen and speak, Be able to make decisions independently and do housework.

ChatGPT now has a body. Is the era when humanoid robots enter thousands of households?

Judging from market demand, it is a matter of time before humanoid robots enter thousands of households. 由于模仿人类外观、形态和行为能力,人形机器人可以无缝使用人类所有基础设施和工具,能够融入人类社会,在航空航天、智能制造、农业生产、家庭服务等不同场景中均有广泛应用前景。需求端的倒逼效果,往往让产业发展事半功倍。在全球人口增长放缓、老龄化比例上升的当下,很多人认为,能起到家庭养老陪伴作用的“机器人保姆”可能是未来最大的刚需,是人形机器人产品最理想的落地场景。

Scientific researchers from the humanoid robot research team debugged the robot at the National Key Laboratory of Multimodal Artificial Intelligence Systems. Photo by Jin Liwang (Xinhua Agency)

** From the perspective of technological development, humanoid robots want to enter thousands of households, and they are at a stage where the dawn has emerged but there are still many obstacles. ** In the video posted on social platforms in the United States, the robot Figure01 can talk eloquently, but the skills displayed are only simple housework such as grabbing and delivering apples and sorting table utensils. This kind of function can also be achieved by the third-generation humanoid robots previously launched by many companies at home and abroad, but they have shortcomings in "brain","cerebellum" and "limbs", etc., and cannot do all housework independently. At the same time, they are too expensive., unable to truly replace human nannies.

The application of GPT large model technology to humanoid robots can make robots smarter and allow them to begin to demonstrate learning, understanding, reasoning and decision-making capabilities. This is the evolution of the robot's "brain", allowing us to see the dawn of a technological explosion. However, the evolution of the robot's "cerebellum" that controls movement and the "limbs" that perform actions still needs new technological breakthroughs, and the road ahead is still full of difficulties.

At present, humanoid robot technology is accelerating its evolution and has become a new highland for scientific and technological competition, a new track for future industries, and a new engine for economic development. On this new track, China has the will and strength to compete at the forefront.

人形机器人是人工智能在物理空间的重要体现和关键装备,集成了Artificial intelligence, high-end manufacturing, new materials 等先进技术。这些技术领域,中国都具备一定基础。中国人工智能企业数量超4400家,人工智能基础设施加快布局,算力总规模居全球第二位;代表工业领域顶级智能制造能力的“灯塔工厂”,全球累计有153座,其中62座位于中国、占比超过40%、总数居世界第一位;中国新材料技术与产业起步较晚,但进步较快,部分新材料研发与应用实现了与国际先进水平“并跑”甚至“领跑”。

On October 20, 2023, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the "Guiding Opinions on the Innovation and Development of Humanoid Robots", which clarified that our development goal is "by 2027, the technological innovation capabilities of humanoid robots will be significantly improved, forming a safe and reliable industrial chain supply chain system., to build an internationally competitive industrial ecosystem and comprehensive strength reaching the world's advanced level." The favorable conditions are to "give full play to the complete manufacturing categories and rich application scenarios, The market scale is huge and the advantages of the new national system ", and the development path is" adhering to the path of application traction, driving the whole machine, synergy between soft and hard, and ecological cultivation." It can be seen that on the future track of humanoid robots, we have clear goals, firm confidence, and scientific layout.

Data from the China Electronics Society shows that by 2030, the size of China's humanoid robot market is expected to reach 870 billion yuan. It is expected that humanoid robots made in China will achieve high-performance, low-cost and mass production as soon as possible, with smart "minds" and flexible "limbs" entering thousands of households.


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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