Recently, inflation in the euro zone has fallen beyond expectations, and the economies of Germany, France and other countries have stagnated, which has raised expectations for interest rate cuts in Europe again. However, in the context of the Federal Reserve's recent efforts to suppress expectations of interest rate cuts, it remains to be seen whether Europe can get rid of the trajectory of monetary policy following the United States in the past two years.

在奥地利维也纳,顾客在超市选购蔬菜。 贺灿铃摄(新华社)
欧盟统计局4月3日数据显示,欧元区3月份消费价格指数初值同比增幅为2.4%,低于预期的2.6%,当月除去食品和能源等因素的核心通胀数值也超预期回落。此后公布的2月份欧元区生产者价格指数环比下降1.0%,创下去年5月以来最大环比降幅。分析认为, With the decline in energy prices, the downward trend of inflation in the euro zone continues. In particular, the producer price index has exceeded expectations, which may be transmitted to the consumer price index, which in turn will accelerate the cooling of inflation in the euro zone.
同时,The risk of economic stall in the euro zone is increasing 。4月1日,标普全球及汉堡商业银行发布3月份欧元区制造业采购经理指数(PMI)终值为46.1,该项指标已经连续21个月处于萎缩区间,其中德法两国制造业仍处于萎缩之中。有分析指出,德国、法国这两大欧洲经济“发动机”失速正拖累欧洲经济增长。不久前,德国五家主要经济研究机构将德国今年增长预期从之前的1.3%大幅下调至0.1%。由于德国占欧元区经济体量的四分之一以上,这至少在短期内将拖累欧元区经济。
In addition to economic indicators, whether Europe can achieve interest rates will still be a key factor. 有分析认为,如果欧洲央行独立降息,将导致欧元大幅贬值,企业则必须为以美元计价的进口产品支付更多费用,“这可能加剧输入型通货膨胀”。
同样是在上周,美联储多名高级官员纷纷发声,多次提到今年年初以来美国通胀出现反弹迹象,反复强调美联储在降息之前需要看到通胀方面的更多进展,明尼阿波利斯联储主席卡什卡利甚至认为美联储今年有可能不降息。如此看来, Although Europe has increased expectations of interest rate cuts, whether it can ultimately be achieved depends on the eyes of the other side of the Atlantic.


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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