Some time ago, the topic of "Young people who use cash back have finally saved money" hit the hot search. Many people in the comment section lamented that they always use it sparingly when using cash, and they really save a lot of money; When using electronic payment, the consumption of more than a hundred yuan on the full screen spent thousands of yuan "without anyone knowing".

Nowadays, whether it is a large shopping mall or a roadside stall, electronic payment can be used, and the payment process can be completed with a "sweep". There is no denying that electronic payment does make our daily consumption more convenient, but it also allows people to unintentionally spend more money and trigger more impulsive consumption.

Photo by Liu Xinwei (Zhongjing Vision)

The emergence of electronic payment has greatly shortened the distance between consumption decisions and consumption realization, and reduced the chance of impulsive consumption being interrupted. In other words, it has left us too late to regret it.

Richard Feinberg, a marketing professor at Purdue University in the United States, did a study in which he compared the impact of using cash and credit cards on people. It turns out that using credit cards allows consumers to spend more money and make purchasing decisions faster than using cash. Empirical research previously published by the University of Illinois also concluded that on average, after accepting mobile payments, the total transaction volume increased by 2.4%, and the total transaction frequency increased by 23.5%.

有了电子支付后,会让我们更容易买买买吗?The answer is yes. 一般情况下,我们会对大额消费进行控制,对小额消费却不太在意,使用电子支付就会弱化这种对开销的“抓大放小”管理。而且,使用现金带给我们视觉和触觉上的冲击也是电子支付不能替代的。不同的数字、颜色、纸张大小都代表着现金不同的面值,每一次掏钱包时会真切地感受到一张张纸币的流失。用手机支付时,这些属于纸币的特征就都消失了,取而代之的只剩下屏幕上数字的变动,这就导致我们对大额消费和小额消费之间差异性的感知在不知不觉中减少。

many friends around


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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