■ 据交通运输部消息,5日预计全社会跨区域人员流动量超2.24亿人次。其中,铁路客运量预计1265万人次,公路人员流动量预计2.09亿人次,水路客运量预计100万人次,民航客运量预计162万人次。
■ 据民政部消息,5日全国共接待祭扫群众1460.36万人次。其中,选择绿色低碳祭扫方式的群众占现场祭扫人数的72.9%。 配图为少先队员4日在上海龙华烈士陵园烈士墓碑区域献花。王翔摄(新华社)

■ 农业农村部最新农情调度显示,At present, 7.6% of the country's grain has been sown in spring,早稻育秧过八成,进展顺利。

■ 国家防总于4日20时针对福建、江西、广东3省防指和长江、珠江、太湖等流域防总Launch Level 4 Flood Control Incident Response Service ,并派出工作组赴相关地区协助指导防汛工作。

■ 据 中国三峡集团消息,The cargo volume of the Three Gorges Ship Lock exceeded 30 million tons in the first quarter,接近三峡船闸通航初期2004年年度货运总量。

■ 据国家邮政局消息,The average daily express delivery volume nationwide in March was 442 million pieces, 同比增长17.6%。
■ 最高人民检察院、国家金融监督管理总局日前围绕加强金融领域执法司法合作等进行了深入交流会商。双方强调,将进一步凝聚维护金融安全工作合力,更好服务金融高质量发展。
■ 生态环境部与中国民用航空局近日联合印发通知,加强和规范民用运输机场环境影响评价管理,助力行业实现绿色低碳发展。
■ 农业农村部日前开展2024年“绿剑护粮安”执法行动,Concentrate efforts to crack down on illegal activities that harm farmers and endanger food security

The accompanying picture shows farmers plowing fields in Qingxi Town, Zhenyuan County, Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture, Guizhou Province. Photo by Wu Jibin (Xinhua Agency)

■ 5日,中国国家航天局同泰国高等教育科研与创新部共同签署了关于探索与和平利用外层空间合作的谅解备忘录和国际月球科研站合作的谅解备忘录。

■ 当地时间3日,国家电网巴西控股公司与巴西电力监管局在巴西利亚签署“巴西东北特高压项目”特许经营权协议。This project is the largest transmission concession project in Brazilian history. ** ■**当地时间4日,根据美国经济分析局和美国人口普查局公布的数据,美国2月国际贸易逆差为689亿美元,高于1月份的676亿美元(经修订)。

■ 据交通运输部5日消息,中国将于今年内全面实现居民身份证、护照、外国人永久居留身份证等实名证件网上购买电子客票。
■ 截至5日16时26分,In 2024, the total box office of Qingming Festival (4th-6th) exceeded 600 million yuan
■ 教育部、国家消防救援局日前研究制定了《中小学校、幼儿园消防安全十项规定》。规定明确,Primary and secondary schools and kindergartens should regularly carry out fire safety training for faculty and security personnel.


** How to choose sugarcane /**① Touch:Feel the hardness and softness of sugarcane with your hands. Fresh sugarcane has a hard texture, while mouldy sugarcane has a soft texture.② Look:The fresh sugarcane pulp is milky white, and the mouldy sugarcane pulp is slightly darker and light brown.③ Smell:Fresh sugarcane has a fragrant aroma. If you smell mildew or distiller's grains, do not buy or eat it.


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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