For a long time, the argument that China is empty has been repeatedly verified, and has been repeatedly changed and repeated. Not long ago, some Western politicians and institutions concocted the "peak theory of China's rise". It seemed to be a novel angle, but it was exactly the same as the so-called "end theory of the Chinese miracle" concocted in 2013. History has always been a long-cycle development process. It is contrary to logic, common sense and fact to arbitrarily judge the "peak" and the "end" under any discourse system.
For more than 10 years, on the one hand, China's economy has been clamoring for its transformation from "disappointing" to "near collapse", and on the other hand, China's economy has moved forward under pressure and developed in waves. In 2023, China's GDP will exceed 126 trillion yuan, and the per capita disposable income of residents will be 39218 yuan, more than double the 56.8 trillion yuan and 18311 yuan in 2013. The growth rate of 5.2% is also significantly faster than the 2.5% in the United States, 0.5% in the Eurozone, and 1.9% in Japan. It is expected to contribute more than 30% to world economic growth and remains an important engine of global economic growth.

的确,肆虐3年的新冠疫情给世界和中国经济都带来了巨大冲击。但历史地看, No matter how serious the epidemic is, it is still short-term; no matter how great the impact on the economy is, it will not have a fundamental impact on long-term development trends. 2020年,中国就成为疫情发生后全球第一个恢复增长的主要经济体。如今,疫情给中国经济带来的“疤痕效应”正以肉眼可见的速度祛散。去年中国社会消费品零售总额超47万亿元,比上年增长7.2%,消费重新成为经济增长的主动力。
其二,“人口红利消失致顶”。This argument holds that China's total population has peaked, and the disappearance of the demographic dividend will make China's economic growth miracle over the past 40 years unsustainable.
In recent years, China's total population and structure have undergone major changes, but
The labor participation rate is at a high level in the world, labor resources are still abundant, and the demographic dividend has not disappeared 。更进一步看,对经济发展来讲,劳动力投入很重要,有效劳动的投入更重要,而有效劳动是“劳动力数量×劳动力的教育水平”。也就是说,相较人口规模,影响经济中长期增长的关键因素是人口素质。
目前,中国劳动年龄人口平均受教育年限提升至11.05年,接受高等教育的人口超过2.4亿人,人才资源总量、科技人力资源、研发人员总量均居全球首位,特别是中国理工科毕业生规模庞大,“工程师红利”业已形成。整体上看, Although the aging of the population has deepened, effective labor is increasing every year, and the "demographic dividend" is accelerating the transformation into a "talent dividend" ,为高质量发展提供了坚实的人力资源基础,进而成为经济持续增长的重要来源。
科技打压就能堵住中国发展之路?对这个问题,历史早已作出不止一次回答。新中国成立以来,屡屡被围堵打压,但中国人民坚持独立自主、自力更生,在一穷二白中都能渡过难关,而今更有坚实的物质技术基础, How can the "small courtyard and high walls" stop the sonorous pace of innovation and development! 今天的中国,既奉行“开放的大门永远不会关上”,又不断提升科技自立自强水平。In recent years, China has increased investment in scientific and technological innovation and is bearing fruitful results. C919大飞机实现商飞、中国制造大型邮轮开始商业运营、神舟家族太空接力、“奋斗者”号极限深潜……“大国重器”亮点纷呈,前沿科技领域厚积薄发,充分展现了“中国创造”的硬核实力。放眼产业层面,中国拥有的全球百强科技创新集群数量已跃居世界第一,人工智能、区块链等新兴技术正在加快转化应用,新能源汽车、锂电池、光伏产品给中国制造增添了新亮色。发挥新型举国体制下人才多、市场大、产业配套齐全等优势,中国的创新动力、发展活力勃发奔涌,新质生产力正在实践中形成,并显示出对高质量发展的强劲推动力和坚实支撑力。
经过30多年GDP年均9.9%的高速增长之后,近年来中国经济增长速度的确有所放缓,但这是经济发展阶段演进的自然结果。历史地看, The potential growth rate naturally falls, and the economy transitions from a period of high-speed growth to a period of medium-speed and stable growth. This is the general trend of economic development in modern countries and is regular and inevitable. 。在各国工业化进程中,一批成功的追赶型经济体如德国、日本、韩国等,经历了二三十年的高增长后,几乎无一例外地出现了增长速度的回落,平均降幅达30%左右。这是客观环境、客观条件和客观规律使然。
不仅如此,The phased transformation of China's economic growth also overlaps with the long-term structural adjustment of the world economy and a new round of industrial transformation and integration. 如果继续追求过快的增长速度,不仅违背经济规律,而且会加剧传统粗放增长方式的既有矛盾、带来诸多风险,造成经济的不平衡、不协调和不可持续。转换增长阶段,意味转换动力引擎。落后生产力不断萎缩和退出,先进生产力则不断产生和扩张,由此形成新的增长点、新的增长动力。
观察以高质量发展为主题的中国经济,不仅要看“体量”,还要看“体质”。结合这些年的增长数据与效益数据, China's economy did not peak and stagnate, but achieved effective qualitative improvement while climbing over obstacles. 目前,中国人力资源、资本形成、基础设施、产业体系等综合优势突出,经济发展潜力仍然巨大。比如,储蓄率仍处于较高水平,形成了较为完善和超大规模的基础设施网络,建成了规模庞大、体系完备和配套能力强的产业体系,等等。根据国内外多家研究机构的测算,未来很长一个时期内中国潜在增速仍能达到5%左右。
He repeatedly "sings empty" and fails every time. 或者简单用西方理论套用中国经济,或者夸大短期、局部问题,或者存在主观偏见,或者出于狭隘私利……综其原因,还是对中国经济强大韧性和中国经济发展规律的认识存在误区。中国经济长期在爬坡过坎中前进,既有笃定的追求,也在识变、应变、求变中调整。放眼未来,我们有庞大物质技术基础的坚实支撑,有工业门类齐全的供给能力优势,有全球第二大商品消费市场的需求潜力优势,有研发人员总量居全球首位的人才优势,有世界第二大“数据富矿”的新赛道优势,有制度创新不停步的改革开放优势。在发展新质生产力并形成与之相适应的新型生产关系中,中国经济的增长潜能还将源源不断地激发出来。


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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