After repeated tempering, quenching into steel.
China Baowu Masteel Group (hereinafter referred to as "Masteel") relies on the "Masteel spirit" that takes the lead, relies on hard work, self-accumulation, and rolling development to build China's first wheel hub, the first set of high-speed wire rod rolling mill, and "China's First Steel Stock"(A+ H-share listed company), the first hot rolled H-shaped production line, and the first heavy-duty H-shaped beam production line were born here.
On August 19, 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out during an inspection and investigation at Masteel that we must grasp our own advantages, comply with the current trend of enterprise modernization development, and seize opportunities in the reform and development of modern enterprises, especially in the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta., follow the trend, and make our own contribution to the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta.
Standing at a new starting point, Magang people keep in mind the General Secretary's instructions, adhere to the original intention of serving the country with steel, bravely shoulder the mission of a manufacturing power, comply with the development trend of high-end, intelligent and green manufacturing, transform and upgrade secondary entrepreneurship, and embark on a new journey of high-quality development.

01 cross the cycle:From No. 9 Blast Furnace to Youte Steel Quality Base

Since its birth, Ma Steel has shouldered the mission of "serving the country with steel". Its predecessor, Ma 'anshan Ironmaking Plant, was included in the national "First Five-Year Plan" and became part of the basic pattern of the steel industry in New China that was "divided into north and south and supported at multiple points." With the support of builders from all over the country, at 18:05 on September 16, 1953, the first furnace of molten iron poured out in East China after the founding of New China. By the beginning of this century, Masteel had developed into a large-scale steel complex integrating iron, steel and steel products.
Entering the new era, Magang has taken the lead in actively participating in supply-side structural reforms and actively integrating into the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta.
De-production capacity, the strong man breaks his wrist.
With the joint efforts of all steelworkers, China has become a "major steel country" with output ranking first in the world year after year. However, the large number of companies, disorderly competition, and low industrial concentration are still pain points in the industry.
From 2016 to 2018, Masteel Group "should do everything possible" to resolve excess production capacity, shut down all production lines in the old factory area, and achieve large-scale and modernization of the overall equipment. In the past three years, Masteel withdrew 2.24 million tons of iron-making production capacity and 2.69 million tons of steel-making production capacity, diverting and resettling more than 18,000 employees.
In the Masteel Exhibition Hall, there is quietly lying a "Permanent Suspension of Production Commemoration" iron plaque cast with the last hot iron of No. 9 blast furnace. The No. 9 blast furnace is the first modern blast furnace of more than 200 cubic meters in East China that was completed and put into operation in 1958. In the same year, Chairman Mao Zedong inspected Masteel and boarded the No. 9 blast furnace platform. April 23, 2018 was a rainy day. Dozens of workers at the scene watched as the fire of No. 9 blast furnace, which had been operating safely for 60 years, slowly went out.
"The blast furnace kindling put into construction and use by Masteel is all taken from the No. 9 blast furnace. Although the No. 9 blast furnace has stopped production, the spirit of Masteel it represents is still passed down from generation to generation." According to the staff of the exhibition hall, the No. 9 blast furnace will be permanently preserved as a patriotic education base and industrial site.
Promote concentration and take the lead in action.
After experiencing the tempering of de-production capacity, China's steel industry has become stronger. Under the trend of reduction and development in the steel industry, the survival of the fittest in the market is intensifying, and the reorganization and integration of steel enterprises is imperative.

This is a mobilization order for high-quality development and starts a new journey of Masang's second entrepreneurship and transformation and development. “我们要牢记国之大者,勇当高质量发展的排头兵,增强核心竞争力,坚定不移打造后劲十足大而强的新马钢。”马钢集团党委书记、董事长丁毅表示。

The characteristics of "special steel" lie in its quality and toughness. “马钢正处于战略转型的关键时期、项目建设的爬坡阶段,叠加市场周期性波动,压力确实很大。但我们坚信高质量发展的方向是正确的。”丁毅说,在行业承压的背景下,马钢一方面以变应变、适应市场变化,拓渠道、降库存;另一方面苦练内功、坚持转型发展,优结构、提效率。2023年四季度以来,经营绩效持续大幅改善,成为中国宝武有效应对钢铁寒冬的典型案例。
02 Innovation wins:Entering the "no man's land"

At 7:23 on January 1, 2024, facing the dawn of the New Year, China's first "Fuxing" long-consist EMU G364 equipped with Chinese-made high-speed wheels drove out of Wuhan Station, marking the development of Masteel The high-speed rail wheels have entered the stage of loading and using China's high-speed rail trains.
At the China Rolled Steel Wheel Exhibition Hall of Masteel Rail Transportation Materials Technology Co., Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as "Masteel Transportation Materials"), the "China Standard EMU Fuxing" wheel running at 350 kilometers per hour, the world's first heavy-duty wheel with an axle weight of 45 tons, green and environmentally friendly wheels that fill the gap in domestic subway applications and other highlights.
The most dazzling thing to Magang people is the rusty wheel hub in the exhibition hall. In the 1960s, Comrade Deng Xiaoping decided to build a wheel and hub factory in Ma 'anshan. The advent of Chinese-made train hubs and rolled steel integral wheels ended China's long-term reliance on "foreign wheels and hubs". Masang's "fighting wheel" has become famous.
With the repeated speed-ups of China's railways, the "competitive wheel" has passed through the steam era and the bullet train era, and entered the era of high-speed rail. "High-speed rail is a representative of China's high-end equipment manufacturing, but the ones you wear on your feet are still 'foreign shoes'." Lu Song, chief engineer of Masteel's Materials Technology Center, said,"The 'competition wheel' must fight for another breath, break the monopoly with independent innovation, and let the high-speed rail wear 'Chinese running shoes'!"

Four pairs of wheels support a high-speed rail carriage, and each pair of wheels has to withstand more than ten tons of pressure for a long time; when driving, the wheels turn dozens of revolutions per second, ensuring that the mass on either side of the track when turning is almost the same; withstand each time The high temperatures of thousands of degrees Celsius caused by the huge friction during starting and braking must withstand a low temperature environment of minus 60 degrees Celsius...
With high technical requirements, high production difficulty, and high processing precision, the research and development and production of high-speed wheels are recognized as the "tip of the pyramid" of industrial manufacturing. A few foreign companies with production capabilities all list this as a core technology and adopt the "three noes" confidentiality measures of "not applying for patents, not publishing papers, and not accepting exchanges and visits."
Since 2008, Masteel has continued to tackle key problems in the manufacturing of high-speed rail wheels in China. Hundreds of R & D personnel have been invested, dozens of rounds of industrial tests have been carried out, and hundreds of patents have been obtained. From 200 kilometers per hour to 250 kilometers per hour, from 350 kilometers to 400 kilometers, Masteel's wheels are running faster and faster. In June 2023, Masteel's high-speed wheels set a record of 453 kilometers per hour in a single row.
In the workshop, stacks of shiny wheels are ready to go. On the display wall, certificates such as EU TSI certification, British RISAS certification, and international railway industry standard certification are full of weight. "Masteel's high-speed rail wheels have been exported to more than 70 countries and regions." Wang Zhigang, deputy director of Masang Jiaomei Wheel and Axle Factory, said proudly.

Employees of Masteel Rail Transportation Materials Technology Co., Ltd. are rushing to make orders for high-speed rail wheels. Photo by Wang Wensheng (Zhongjing Vision)

In the repeated challenges to extreme specifications, Masteel's manufacturing capabilities have achieved breakthroughs one after another. 马钢长材事业部技能大师圣立芜回忆,在早期生产中,因钢坯重量导致轧制扭矩过大,轧机经常卡钢,只好一次次停机报废,调整工艺后再从头轧制。“现在马钢能轧制高度1172毫米的H型钢产品,是目前国内的最大块头。”他说。

Masteel's heavy H-section steel production line is processing hot rolled heavy H-section steel products that will be exported overseas. Photo by Zhang Lei (Zhongjing Vision)
From the country's important equipment to the needs of people's livelihood, Masteel has used technological innovations to ensure national economic security and the stability of industrial and supply chains.:
More than 2000 products in Masteel's four series of wheels, hub rings, axles, and wheelsets have covered the entire wheel spectrum of freight, passenger and cargo movements and urban rail transportation; 500 MPa low-temperature steel bars that can withstand temperatures of minus 165 degrees Celsius make China's liquefied natural gas storage tanks use Chinese-made steel; one out of every three desktop computers, every five air conditioners, and every six refrigerators in the domestic market uses home appliance panels produced by Masteel...
"General Secretary Xi Jinping has clearly requested to strengthen the research and development of new materials and new technologies, develop and produce more new products with high technical content and high added value, and enhance market competitiveness." Mao Zhanhong, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and general manager of Masteel Group, said that over the past three years, Masteel has adhered to innovation leadership, and 27 new products have achieved national launches, 3 of which are global launches. A total of 3.71 million tons of new products have been developed and produced, and the sales rate of new products has increased from 6.3% to more than 9%.
"The so-called first product means that we have to make it first. R & D must always be one step ahead and one step faster, so that once market demand arises, it can be quickly transformed into products." said Zhu Tao, deputy director of the Masang Technology Center of China Baowu Academia Sinica.
Since 2020, with the support of China Baowu, Masteel's innovation efforts have continued to increase, and the R & D investment rate has increased from 2.22% in 2020 to 4% in 2022, reaching the advanced level in the same domestic industry. At present, Masteel Group has more than 2000 R & D personnel, accounting for 11% of the total employees. It has established a technological innovation organizational structure with the Professional Technical Management Promotion Committee as the decision-making level, the R & D unit as the main body, and each manufacturing unit as the auxiliary body. As of the end of 2023, Masteel has more than 3500 patented inventions and more than 4800 technical secrets, ranking among the top of the patent innovation index of Chinese steel companies.
In June 2023, the R & D building of Masteel Technology Center was completed, and the exterior facade of the glass curtain wall shone brightly. Core laboratories such as excellent and special materials, rail axles, high-quality plates and belts, and low-carbon metallurgy have been built in the R & D building, gathering national-level enterprise technology centers, academician workstations, postdoctoral workstations and multiple innovation platforms. "This will become an important innovation platform for promoting the manufacturing process of high-speed axles in China and building a high-quality base for special steel. It is also an important part of China Baowu's efforts to build a world-class enterprise research institute." Zhu Tao said.

03 Digital empowerment:Steelmaking is a tempering of people

On one side is the roaring production site. 以往每次站到热浪滚滚的钢卷前“打码”,马钢长材事业部工作人员贾龙杰都深吸一口气,举起左臂护住脸部以防烫伤,右臂则举起绑着油笔的1米多长竹竿,将13位编号写到钢卷侧面,用时需要5分钟左右。一天之中,身上衣服总是湿了干、干了湿。
“宝罗”是宝武机器人BAO Robot的“小名”。马钢现有489位“宝罗”,都是有编号的员工。钢卷拆捆、测温取样、高炉巡检……分布在各个车间的“宝罗”,正在代替高温、煤气、粉尘、噪音环境下的人工工作。
On one side is the bright and quiet operation center. 马钢智园是整个集团的“智慧大脑”。在几座掩映在树丛中的橘红色低矮建筑里,密布的巨型显示屏、错落的操作岛台、安静的工作环境,以及工作区域旁的咖啡座,使这里看起来更像是一家科技型公司。

The transformation to intelligent manufacturing not only focuses on improving production efficiency, but also focuses on improving the quality of workers.

From the impression of being stupid and rough, to the reality of being specialized and innovative, the steel industry is becoming more and more attractive to young people. 宛佳旺2019年刚参加工作时,同一批入职共3名员工,几个月后就有一个人“跳槽”了。“生产线上的工作重复性较高,年轻人怕干这个没前途。”宛佳旺说,“随着智能化改造的推进,一直有新的挑战、新的学习,工作变得更有吸引力。”入职几年来,宛佳旺已经从一名普通的轧机调整工成长为新特钢精整作业区作业长,负责协调4个工作区域,管理近百人,肩上的担子重了,步履反而更加轻盈。

04 Green blend:Drink Yangtze River water together

Trains pass through the city, which is summarized by foreign tourists as a "strange thing" in Ma 'anshan. On the streets in the center of the city, a train sometimes passes slowly. It is a railway transporting Ma Steel between the factory area and the Kuangqu. The whistle sounded gently, like a silk thread, connecting the inseparable connection between the "urban steel mill" and the "steel mill city".
Less than 10 kilometers east of Ma 'anshan City, you will arrive at the Aoshan Geological and Cultural Park located in Xiangshan District. A large word "source" is engraved on a piece of natural iron ore on the top of the mountain, which condenses the history of Ma 'anshan's development of steel due to mining and the establishment of a city due to steel. The three "general battles" in the 1970s turned the Aoshan stope into a "Magang Granary" with an annual production capacity of 6 million tons, and successively contributed more than 200 million tons of high-quality iron ore until the mine was closed in 2017. In recent years, the "general battle" of environmental management and ecological restoration has turned abandoned mine pits at an altitude of minus 215 meters into "artificial Tianchi". Under the sunshine, the concave mountain lake is like a piece of jasper, reflecting the surrounding mountains.
"Ma 'anshan and Magang have always been a relationship between you and me and you." Ge Bin, mayor of Maanshan City, said that Masang Group is backed by the Yangtze River, and the factories built one after another once accounted for about 40% of the urban area. The steel industry is an industry that consumes water, consumes electricity, and has large emissions. Energy consumption and environmental problems were once prominent. In recent years, through joint efforts by municipal enterprises, outstanding environmental problems left over from the past have been basically solved.
Looking out from the Guanjiang Platform, you can have a panoramic view of the long river, natural beaches and aquatic forests.
"The people protect the Yangtze River and the Yangtze River benefits the people." General Secretary Xi Jinping made a scientific conclusion during an inspection of Xuejiawa Ecological Park in Ma 'anshan. "We must deeply grasp and thoroughly implement the new development positioning given to Ma 'anshan by General Secretary Xi Jinping, strive to create a' cabbage heart', and constantly showcase the scenery of 'one river clear water'." Yuan Fang, Secretary of the Ma 'anshan Municipal Party Committee, said.
"At that time, prolific 'industrial grain' was needed by the country; now, protecting the clear water of a river is what the people hope for. Integrating green development into the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta is the mission of urban steel mills." Ding Yi said that China's steel industry is an important area for practicing green and low-carbon development. In the context of implementing the "double carbon" strategy, whether pollution reduction and carbon reduction can be promoted in a coordinated manner is related to the survival and development of steel companies. As an urban section steel factory located in the "heart of cabbage" in the Yangtze River Delta, Masteel must shoulder its responsibilities and set an example.

Masteel is committed to building a green urban steel mill. Photo by Zhang Mingwei (Zhongjing Vision)

Subtract from the increment to achieve "zero emission of wastewater, ultra-low emission of waste gas, and no delivery of solid waste." 事实上,马钢自身的绿色转型已是箭在弦上。2020年以来,马钢制定了三年规划,累计投入近百亿元,实施了198个“三治”项目。“港务原料总厂原料大棚改造15亿元,炼焦煤筒仓改造11.7亿元,脱硫脱硝改造项目约10亿元……”马钢能源环保部高级主任师顾厚淳掰着指头算账。
Add the stock and "make green" while "manufacturing green". 以废钢为原料的电炉短流程炼钢工艺因节约能源、减少排放,是中国钢铁行业近年鼓励发展的方向,但烟气处理一直是个“老大难”问题。电炉冶炼时产生的烟气温度高达1100摄氏度,用传统的水淋冷却等方法降温除尘,成本高、能耗大,还避免不了污染。
Integrated industry and city,"green" is the bottom line. 2023年5月26日是个值得纪念的日子:作为安徽省内首家完成A级创建钢铁企业,也是中国宝武第一家长流程企业全部完成超低排公示并创A的一级子公司,马钢超低排放改造和评估监测进展情况获得通过,全面完成环境绩效A级企业创建工作。与2019年相比,颗粒物、二氧化硫、氮氧化物排放总量分别降低57.14%、47.73%、63.64%。
Industry and city integrate, and "green" is the background color. 2022年8月,国家3A级旅游景区马钢工业旅游景区正式开园,游客们慕名而来,开启工业景区之旅。这是一场钢厂和城市的双向奔赴。


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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