“村里有风电、集体增收益、村民得实惠”。为推动农村分布式新能源发展,国家发展改革委、国家能源局、农业农村部近日联合印发了《关于组织开展“千乡万村驭风行动”的通知》,在广大农村因地制宜推动风电就地就近开发利用,助力乡村振兴,促进农村能源绿色低碳转型。 This means that wind power, which has been mentioned for many years, has officially gone to the countryside.

China's rural areas are rich in wind energy resources with a wide distribution. Making full use of scattered land in rural areas and promoting the development and utilization of wind power locally and nearby is of great significance for expanding the collective economy of the village, assisting rural revitalization, promoting the green and low-carbon transformation of rural energy, and achieving carbon peak and carbon neutrality.

Dongchu Island Wind Farm, Shidao Management Area, Rongcheng City, Shandong Province. Photo by Wang Fudong (Zhongjing Vision)

Open up new space for wind power development. 与光伏发电集中式和分布式建设齐头并进不同,当前中国风电仍以规模化开发为主,分散式风电发展缓慢,单一化开发模式限制了风电市场空间。如果每年选择具备条件的1000个村进行试点开发,按每村装机2万千瓦测算,年可新增风电装机2000万千瓦,新增投资约1000亿元,既能为风电发展打开新的市场空间,也能更好发挥促发展、扩投资、稳增长的作用。

Promote the rural energy revolution. 由于冬季取暖刚性需求、农业现代化加速推进、农业机械化水平提升等因素影响,在中国农业生产领域,能源消耗碳排放有加速上涨态势。实施“千乡万村驭风行动”,推动农村地区风电发展,与农村分布式光伏、生物质发电、地热能等实现多能互补、深度融合,有助于调整农村能源结构,推动农村能源革命,助力实现碳达峰碳中和目标。

Promote rural revitalization. 支持各类投资主体与村集体按“村企合作”模式,共同开展风电项目开发建设;鼓励村集体依法通过土地使用权入股、设置公益岗位等方式,探索形成“共建共享”乡村能源合作新模式,可拓宽村集体和农民增收致富渠道,使风电发展真正惠及“三农”。据测算,1台单机容量4兆瓦的风机运行一年,可带来数百万元利润,根据入股比例不同,可为村集体增收5万元至10万元。如果一个村顶格建设5台4兆瓦风机,村集体最高可获得50万元左右收益。

It is feasible to implement wind power to "go to the countryside". 一般情况下,平均风速达到每秒6米以上才具有风电开发技术条件,因此以前中国风电建设主要集中在高风速的“三北”地区(西北、华北和东北)和中东南部山地。近几年,随着风机控制策略和智能化水平提升,塔筒增高、叶轮直径增大、单位千瓦扫风面积增加,以及制造成本降低、效率增加,平原地区、低风速地区就地就近开发日益具备可行性和经济性,这为风电“下乡”创造了前提条件。

Construction land is not a problem either. 在各种发电形式中,风电是最为节地的发电技术之一。平原地区修建的风电项目在土地复耕后,一个机位仅占用100平方米空间,建设期还能帮助乡村实施道路硬化,完善路网建设。据专家测算,开发1亿千瓦风电装机需安装2万台5兆瓦机组,占地200万平方米,仅与2个百万千瓦火电厂相当。若采用类似巴黎埃菲尔铁塔的桁架式塔架基础,支撑塔架的4个角各占地1.5平方米左右,总占地面积只有6平方米。只要利用好村前屋后、田间地头的大量零散未利用土地,风电“下乡”就能落地。

The competent authorities also provided policy convenience. “千乡万村驭风行动”提出,相关项目由电网企业实施保障性并网,以就近就地消纳为主,上网电价按照并网当年新能源上网电价政策执行。鼓励参与市场化交易,市场交易电量不参与辅助服务费用分摊。鼓励各地对相关项目探索试行备案制,依法加快办理相关手续。在政策支持下,有望保障风电“下乡”项目稳定合理的收益水平。

The "Thousand Villages Wind Control Action" is different from the development of conventional wind power projects. This action is not only an energy production activity, but also closely related to rural production and life. It requires energy authorities at all levels, agricultural and rural authorities, power grid companies, wind power investment companies, etc. Various business entities are linked up and down, divided into labor and cooperation. In the process of advancement, we must utilize rural wind energy resources and scattered idle land resources in various places according to local conditions, and must not occupy permanent basic farmland, so as to "not compete with grain for land","not violate the interests of villagers" and "not touch environmental protection red lines." Pilot projects can be carried out first in administrative villages with qualified conditions, and implemented one after another when conditions are ripe to resolutely put an end to mass action.


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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