The establishment of a division-level agency has attracted the attention of the industry. Recently, updated information on the official website of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology shows that the High-tech Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has set up a "Future Industries Division". This is the first time that a national ministry has set up a special business authority for future industries, which means that future industries have entered the national industrial layout plan, using technology Innovation promotes industrial innovation and accelerates the implementation and growth of industries will become the direction of future industrial development.

Future industries are a key force in leading scientific and technological progress, driving industrial upgrading, opening up new tracks, and shaping new productive forces. The future industry is driven by cutting-edge technologies and is still in the germinating stage or in the early stages of industrialization. It is a forward-looking emerging industry with significant strategic, leading, disruptive and uncertain nature. From the perspective of characteristics, this industry has high scientific and technological content and sufficient green development; from the perspective of direction, it has strong industrial connections and large market space; from the essence, the future industry is the result of deep cross-border integration of innovative technologies and multiple fields... These are all consistent with new The requirements for quality productivity coincide.

Developing future industries is an inevitable choice for China to actively participate in global future industrial division of labor and cooperation and deeply integrate into the global innovation network. Future industries have become a new focus of layout in developed countries. The United States has established a variety of investment systems to promote future industrial development, Germany has rolled out monitoring and tracking the development of future industries, and France has continuously optimized and improved specific areas of future industrial development. China also clearly proposed in this year's "Government Work Report" to formulate future industrial development plans, open up new tracks such as quantum technology and life sciences, and create a number of future industrial pilot areas.

To develop future industries, we must be vigilant against rushing into action and adapt to the actual conditions of the country. 一方面,要看到长板。中国具备工业体系完整、产业规模庞大、应用场景丰富等综合优势,为培育未来产业提供了丰厚土壤。各地发展未来产业积极性高涨,北京、上海、江苏、浙江等地出台了培育未来产业的政策文件,多所高校联合地方设立了未来产业研究中心;另一方面,也要看到短板。与发达国家相比,中国未来产业发展存在系统谋划不足、技术底座不牢等问题,产业核心基础零部件、核心软件、先进基础工艺、关键基础材料等受制于人,高端领域人才匮乏,缺乏成熟经验和政策引导等。

It must also be in line with industry reality. 并非所有处于萌芽状态的前沿产业都是未来产业,我们要发展的未来产业应是初步具备未来技术发展趋势和一定市场规模的产业,这也是各国的通行做法。比如,美国强调的未来产业是未来工业、空天科技等;欧盟聚焦高性能计算、量子科技、纳米技术等领域;日本着重促进量子技术和人工智能等发展方向。结合国际技术发展走向,立足国内产业发展实际,中国提出面向未来制造、未来信息、未来材料、未来能源、未来空间、未来健康六大重点方向,打造人形机器人、脑机接口、超大规模新型智算中心、第三代互联网等十大创新标志性产品。做出这样的选择,正是因为中国在通信、互联网、机器人、算力等领域已具备一定的技术和产业优势。

It must also be in line with the actual situation of various places. 首先要量力而为。未来产业的技术是颠覆性、前瞻性的,同时也具有不确定性,往往投资巨大、耗时很久才有收获,甚至可能“打水漂”。因此,科研基础扎实、经济实力雄厚的地区更适宜率先布局未来产业,再辐射带动其他相关区域。其次要因地制宜。只有错位发展才更易在细分领域形成核心竞争力,也避免投资重复和浪费。各地应立足当地特色和优势领域,找到发展未来产业的突破口。比如数字经济发达的省份,可聚焦未来信息、未来制造等方向;沿海地区则更适合布局未来材料、未来能源等领域。

In short, we must explore future industrial development paths with Chinese characteristics. We must neither rush into it and bloom everywhere, nor be too concentrated and cause new regional economic imbalances. Clarify key development directions, create a relaxed development environment, build a regional coordinated development pattern, accelerate the formation of a number of future industrial pilot areas, and provide more driving force for new quality productivity.

Reporter/Huang Xin


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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