Peptide drugs have the advantages of clear targets and good drug properties, and have become one of the hot spots in new drug research. At present, globally approved polypeptide drugs have been widely used in many treatment fields such as metabolism and endocrine system, immune system, and musculoskeletal system. In particular, the popular weight-loss drugs of semiglutide and tierpositide in the past two years. The market demand is growing steadily and has huge potential for future development.

Although polypeptide drugs have low membrane permeability, short half-lives, and rapid elimination in vivo, new modification and production technologies have enabled the development of polypeptide drugs to overcome various difficulties. In addition, emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, high-throughput, and informatization have also made great progress in the development of polypeptide drugs in terms of target discovery, peptide library establishment, process development, characterization, and entire process management.

2024年4月9日,丹纳赫生命科学将携药相知共同举办Technology engine drives peptide drug development innovation exchange salon,将邀请来自深势科技、诺泰生物- 诺泰诺和生物医药科技、禾泰健宇、上海胜普泽泰医药和上海民为生物等的多位行业内知名、有影响力的专家就多肽药物开发的创新技术进行深入探讨和交流,诚邀大家参与交流!

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Author: spike

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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