Night of March 21

Shanghai is particularly lively

Nanjing West Road Business District

Within an area of less than 1 square kilometer

Three consumption "feasts" were held at high density:

In the sunken square of Jing 'an Temple


Shanghai Jing 'an Apple Store opens

Apple CEO Cook also came to the scene

At Xingye Taikoo Hui


National launch event for Oleato's new product series

Howard Schultz, founder and honorary chairman of Starbucks board, visited Shanghai

at the Shanghai Exhibition Center

A subsidiary of LVMH Group

Luo Yiwei Loewe有史以来

The first brand exhibition "Crafted World" was unveiled

Apple is the global leader in the smartphone field

Starbucks is the global leader in coffee

LVMH is the global leader in the luxury goods field

Three major industry giants

Came to Shanghai together

#What do you like?

Apple Jing 'an store sparks craze

Seeing Cook like chasing stars

Early in the morning of the 21st, some citizens had come to the sinking square of Jing 'an Temple, waiting for the opening of this new store. The number of onlookers gradually increased. At about 6 p.m., the queue had already been divided into the infield and the outfield. The infield was no longer allowed to enter. The outfield lined the outer edge of the square to the entrance of Jing 'an Park.

队伍已排至静安公园门口。 摄影:查睿

#In 17 years, fruit fans lined up for two days and two nights "just to see him once"

That night, the first customer, Mr. Wang, lined up for two days and two nights to see Tim Cook. Finally, he took a selfie with Cook and asked Cook to sign his name on Apple products as a souvenir."As a 17-year fruit fan, I will never forget meeting Cook, and finally realize my dream!"

** Apple CEO Cook

#"Push open" Jing 'an flagship door

Cook's trip to Shanghai also attracted attention

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On the early morning of the 20th, I had a "chance encounter" with actor Zheng Kai on the Bund and tasted a traditional Shanghai breakfast, and experienced a "flower dream". The following day was almost full, especially the small sharing sessions with BYD, Lens Technology and Changying Precision, all of which are important suppliers of Apple's manufacturing chain in China (referred to as the "Fruit Chain"), became the biggest highlight. supplier.

Cook said at the scene that 30 years ago, the level of automation in Chinese factories was low, and issues such as green energy, green manufacturing, and material recycling received little attention. Today, the "Fruit Chain" factory has advanced manufacturing capabilities, extremely high levels of automation, and workers 'skills have also improved a lot.

Made in China game companies have also become Cook's favorite.

On the afternoon of the 20th, Cook appeared at the paper folding game company, mainly producing game works for women. He was known as one of the "Four Little Dragons of Shanghai Games". Representative works include "Miracle Warmth","Love and the Producer","Shining Warmth","Love and the Deep Sky", etc. Since its launch in January this year,"Love and the Deep Sky" has become the world's highest-spent female love game (one of the love simulation games). On February 3,"Love and Deep Space" announced the establishment of the Vision Pro version, which may be an important reason for Cook's visit.

Cook communicated with the paper folding game team.

During his stay in Shanghai, Cook publicly made good intentions to China:"Apple and China's supply chain are a very harmonious win-win relationship." 巧的是,就在前几天,国务院印发《扎实推进高水平对外开放更大力度吸引和利用外资行动方案》,再次表明了中国对吸引外资工作的高度重视。

"We believe that for multinational companies, traveling with China means traveling with opportunities, and investing in China means investing in the future." Aren't these words by Wu Hao, Secretary-General of the National Development and Reform Commission the best echo of Cook's "win-win theory"?

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Starbucks founder is also in Shanghai

Looking out from the floor-to-ceiling windows of the Starbucks Select Store on the second floor of Jiuguang Department Store, you can observe the flow of people at Apple's Jing 'an Store.

其实,昨晚 南京西路 太古汇 的人流也不少。 3月22日,星巴克中国开始发售新饮品——加入意大利Partanna特级初榨橄榄油的意榄朵。星巴克创始人兼董事会名誉主席霍华德·舒尔茨为此专程来到上海,作为意榄朵的创意者, The only stop on his trip to China was Shanghai.

Starbucks 'Shanghai Baking Workshop on Taikoo Hui on Nanjing West Road has replaced the door with Oleato, which shows the importance Starbucks attaches to this new product.

霍华德·舒尔茨的到来,Perhaps it proves the significance of the Chinese market to Starbucks。“中国是星巴克最重要的海外市场。”星巴克中国方面工作人员表示。

星巴克创始人兼董事会名誉主席霍华德·舒尔茨在星巴克臻选上海烘焙工坊 图源/星巴克中国

Jiuguang Department Store, a Starbucks selected store, is also a winery store. In addition to the regular Ilamado oatmeal lattes and Ilamado iced concentrates, customers can also order a cup of Ilamado coffee martini. At Starbucks Select Shanghai Baking Workshop, there are a number of special editions of Ilando drinks, including the Ilando lemon latte developed by a Chinese team that is only available in the Chinese market.

星巴克酒坊门店供应的意榄朵咖啡马天尼 施晨露摄

what's interesting is

They have to go to colleges and universities in Shanghai

On the morning of the opening of Apple's Jing 'an store, students from Shanghai Jiao Tong University ran into Tim Cook at the Xuhui Campus.

Ji Jie, a graduate student majoring in interaction design at Shanghai Jiao Tong University who won the first prize in the Mobile Application Innovation Competition last year, showed Cook his independently developed work "Chinese Character Restorer" that has been put on the Apple Store. "I have no background in programming, but I don't think it's enough to just be a designer. I hope to combine my design profession with cutting-edge technologies such as programming. Another hobby of mine is promoting Chinese culture. I want to develop an application that displays Chinese characters in an interactive way so that more people interested in Chinese culture can better understand the Chinese language. Next, I want to reveal to you the magic of Chinese characters." Ji Jie opened "Chinese Character Restorer", and the word that appeared was "door","It is very similar to the door we just walked through." Then she dragged a pink horse to the "door","Click to open the door for it. I believe you can vividly imagine how Ma Ma rushed out of the door. In fact, the word comes from another Chinese character,'chuang'."

Ji Jie, a postgraduate student majoring in interaction design at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, showed Cook his work "Chinese Character Restorer" Source/Apple China

The work of Zhang Junwei and Tan Yilan, graduate students of the School of Design at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, is an App developed for autistic children.:AR Game-based Music Assisted Therapy for Autistic Children "; Yu Jiaxing, a doctoral student at Zhejiang University, displayed" String Song "that can score ancient Chinese poetry; Huang Geng, a scholarship winner of the three-time Swift Student Challenge and founder of Shanghai Qingmao Internet Technology Co., Ltd. Tell Cook that Qingmao provides Swift programming support to nearly 20 primary and secondary schools in China. "They use programming to deal with complex challenges, protect traditional culture, and create successful careers," Tim Cook commented when he posted photos with several young people.

Cook and young students and entrepreneurs at Shanghai Jiao Tong University Photo Source/Apple China

有意思的是,霍华德·舒尔茨要去上海另一所高校。Tomorrow, he will have a dialogue with Lu Xiongwen, Dean of the School of Management of Fudan University, on innovation topics at the Fudan University Management Masters Forum 。“库克去交大了,但星巴克创始人要来。”已有复旦学生晒出海报,星巴克的咖啡小车将开到光华楼广场,为学生提供咖啡赠饮。“能不能喝到传说中那杯橄榄油咖啡呢?”这条分享被点了1000多次赞。

Why Shanghai?
Why now?

上海市商务委统计显示,今年四五月份,包括香奈儿CHANEL、缪缪MIU MIU、爱马仕Hermes、路易威登LOUIS VUITTON、勃肯鞋Birkenstock、诺悠翩雅Loro Piana、巴黎世家BALENCIAGA、乐高、安踏等国际大牌、潮牌和本土领军时尚品牌在内,带来的新品首发首秀首展更将是一浪高过一浪,活动场次接近10场, In addition, in March, there were nearly 20 events

上海市商务委副主任、一级巡视员刘敏表示,This is because Shanghai has unique high-quality soil to build a "global new product launch site". 上海是中国最大的经济中心城市和最具消费基因的城市,是国际品牌进入中国市场的首选之地,首店经济领跑全国,2023年上海新增各类首店1215家,全国级别以上高能级首店合计占比达13.7%。上海口岸消费品进口总额占全国比重提高到40%以上,其中口岸进口服装、化妆品、汽车分别占全国的比重约70%、41%和37%。上海全力支持老字号创新发展,共有197家老字号品牌示范创建成为商务部“中华老字号”,104个老字号品牌被认定为上海老字号。

"Since the reform and opening up, Shanghai has always led the innovative development of national commerce. From focusing on traditional department stores to introducing chain formats such as supermarkets, convenience stores, and member stores, to the emergence of new formats such as Live streaming eCommerce, in just 45 years, we have completed the evolution of a business format that took developed countries in the past century. The gathering of new products and the launch of new stores have become the most eye-catching scenery in Shanghai." Liu Min said.

The three giants unanimously agreed, one after another, luxury brands and fashion brand, and Shanghai has caught the "sky-shattering wealth". How should we carry out the "first launch economy" next?

Since February this year, the "Regulations of Shanghai City on Promoting the Construction of an International Trade Center" have been officially implemented, and Article 35 clearly states:"This city promotes the construction of an international consumption center city. The municipal commerce department shall, in conjunction with relevant departments, take measures to encourage enterprises to expand the import of specialty and high-quality products and services through multiple channels, support domestic and foreign brand enterprises to carry out new product launches, debuts, and exhibitions in this city, and create a global new product launch site and global consumption destination." Liu Min said that recently, the Shanghai City Commerce Commission is studying version 2.0 of the economic support policy for the development of Shanghai's first launch, focusing on launch activities, debut shows, first exhibition activities, as well as the establishment of the first store, and the establishment and support of the brand headquarters.

Actively promoting the energy level improvement of Shanghai's business districts is another starting point. "In accordance with the new round of" Shanghai City Commercial Space Layout Special Plan (2022-2035)", on the one hand, we must further enhance the leadership of high-end fashion trends in the business district, and on the other hand, we must combine historical districts and cultural landscapes to create a characteristic commercial body, relying on urban renewal, rejuvenation and create a number of 'small but beautiful' trendy districts. Only by planting sycamore trees can we make Shanghai's golden phoenix of 'first economy' fly higher and higher."



Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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