Governor of Chang 'an Street (WeChat ID:Capitalnews) learned from the Ministry of Public Security on the 1st that recently, Chinese police and Myanmar police carried out international police law enforcement cooperation and launched a joint crackdown in the Muse area of northern Myanmar for the first time, successfully arresting 807 suspects for cross-border telecommunications network fraud. Among them, 455 are Burmese suspects and 352 are Chinese suspects. In accordance with the agreement between the two parties, all Chinese criminal suspects were handed over to us on March 31, and Burmese criminal suspects were attacked and dealt with by Myanmar.

According to reports, this operation is another major achievement in police law enforcement cooperation between the Chinese and Myanmar police, demonstrating the firm determination and clear stance of the two countries to jointly crack down on cross-border telecommunications network fraud crimes.

去年以来,针对缅北涉我电信网络诈骗犯罪严峻形势,公安部持续深化与缅甸执法部门的国际警务执法合作,联合开展了一系列打击行动,累计4.8万名中国籍涉诈犯罪嫌疑人被移交我方,缅北涉我电信网络诈骗犯罪形势明显好转。 However, there are still some fraud groups in the Muse area of northern Myanmar who are lucky enough to commit crimes against the trend, and even participate in fraud with armed forces to protect fraud. This is of a bad nature and serious harm. 为坚决打击电信网络诈骗集团的嚣张气焰,全面清除木姐地区诈骗窝点,公安部与缅甸警察总部开展多轮会谈磋商,达成一致意见,决定开展联合打击行动。

近日,根据我公安机关提供的诈骗窝点和相关人员线索,缅甸警察总部派员赴缅北木姐地区,组织指挥当地执法力量开展集中抓捕行动, 352 Chinese suspects involved in fraud were arrested, including 21 behind-the-scenes "gold owners", organization leaders and backbones, and 51 suspects at large. 现场缴获一大批电脑、手机、诈骗话术脚本等作案工具。目前,全部中国籍犯罪嫌疑人及涉案证据物品已通过云南瑞丽边境口岸顺利移交我方,公安部已部署安徽、江苏等地公安机关将犯罪嫌疑人有序押回,全力开展案件侦办工作。

The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Public Security said that telecommunications network fraud crimes have become a global problem in combating and governance, and strengthening international police law enforcement cooperation is the general trend. The Chinese police will continue to deepen police law enforcement cooperation with relevant countries and regions, continue to carry out in-depth joint crackdowns, resolutely eradicate fraud dens, arrest fraud-related personnel in accordance with the law, resolutely curb the high incidence of cross-border telecommunications network fraud crimes, and effectively safeguard people's lives and property security. The public security organs are warning telecommunications network fraudsters that overseas countries are not places outside the law. They must recognize the situation clearly, rein in at the brink of the precipice, return home as soon as possible and surrender themselves to the country, and strive for leniency.


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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