Armed forces in the Middle East beat drums and spread flowers

2024 3 8 12:56 Sansi Hall

The war situation in the Middle East has changed. What has changed is not Israel and the US military, but the military and armed organizations in the Middle East. These armed groups are changing their plans and adopting new tactical actions to deal with Israel and the US military and consume them to maintain combat capabilities and ensure that their combat forces are not consumed by the US military. At the same time, it is possible to maintain a high level of consumption on Israel and the US military. While consuming Israel and the U.S. military, it contains Israel and the U.S. military, takes the initiative on the battlefield, and leads Israel and the U.S. military by the nose.

In response to the battlefield disadvantages of the armed forces in the Middle East and at the same time turning them into advantages, the armed forces in the Middle East adopted a war model of spreading rumors and fighting Israel and the US military. The purpose of beating drums and spreading flowers is to consume the United States and Israel and contain them. Israel and the U.S. military should not be given time to rest. Israel and the U.S. military should be kept at a high level of tension. Israel and the U.S. military should be in a state of high mental tension for a long time, every day, day and night, and be in a state of combat for a long time. The Israeli army and the U.S. military should not be given any chance to rest. "The Israeli-Palestinian War Completely Changed Israel"

Beat the drum and spread the flowers. Today you attack the U.S. military in Iraq, tomorrow you attack the U.S. military in Syria, the day after tomorrow, the Houthi armed forces shell the U.S. military, attack the U.S. military in the Red Sea to prevent U.S. military supplies, and Western combat supplies enter Israel. In this way, you take turns attacking the U.S. military and attacking U.S. interests and high-value targets in the Middle East. At the same time, they maintain long-term online and seamless attacks on Israel on the Israeli border, and carry out long-term attacks and harassment on Israel's land and military day and night. The Israeli army, citizens, and the U.S. military must be on the verge of mental tension for a long time and be in a state of mental collapse for a long time.

The Middle East military armed forces beat the drums and spread the flowers to preserve themselves, consume and destroy the enemy. While the enemy still has a breath of breath and strong fighting capabilities. Armed forces in the Middle East cannot participate in high-intensity frontal confrontations for a long time and consume weapons. We can only selectively attack high-value targets in Israel and the U.S. military, so as to eliminate an enemy without a single bullet to ensure sustained combat capabilities. "The Palestinian-Israeli War Ends American Hegemony in the Middle East"

The current battlefield situation in the Middle East is unfavorable to the military armed forces in the Middle East. Due to the insufficient weapons and equipment of the Middle East, their weapons and equipment are lagging behind Israel and the US military. At the same time, the insufficient artillery fire in the Middle East and limited lethality, all of which limit the battlefield capabilities of the Middle East armed forces. Due to the gap in weapons and equipment, the survival of the Middle East armed forces is threatened, and the fighters of the Middle East armed forces are severely depleted. The US military's joint operations against Hussain alone have had a great impact on the combat capabilities of Hussain's armed forces. "Five Layout of Related Forces in the Middle East in the Palestinian-Israeli War"

Faced with the tactics of beating drums and spreading flowers, the Middle East armed forces have changed their tactics and their combat capabilities have become more conservative. Therefore, they need the support of relevant forces in the Middle East and the support of Russia, Iran, emerging powers and other countries. Support the financial resources, military equipment and other materials of the armed forces in the Middle East to ensure the continuation of the war and ensure the initiative on the battlefield. The key now is to preserve the effective force of the Middle East armed forces and ensure the normal supply of military equipment.

If the relevant forces in the Middle East realize their strategies now, they will contain the actions and strategies of Israel and the US military in the Middle East. We must increase firepower support for the Middle East, support destructive weapons, and support the weapons and equipment of Israel and the US military. As a result, it continues to consume Israel and US troops in the Middle East to achieve its strategic goals. Otherwise, a long-term fierce war will not be conducive to all armed forces in the Middle East, because of backward equipment, resulting in battlefield losses and missed opportunities on the battlefield. It will give Israel and the U.S. military more opportunities to eliminate armed forces in the Middle East.


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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