China-centered global trading system

2024 3 1 11:00 Sansi Hall

Trade protectionism in Europe and the United States, removing risks, decoupling and breaking links, and high-tech trade protection policies have led to the disintegration of the global trading system, but it has led to the formation of a China-centered trade globalization system.

Soft wars such as the trade war between the United States and China, U.S. trade protectionism, the United States 'arbitrary breaking of the international rules it has formulated, so that countries in the global South understand that the so-called rules of the United States are U.S. rules, not the rules of global society. U.S. rules are tools to control others. U.S. double standards, U.S. rule-breaking behavior, soft war with China, trade protectionism, national conservative policies. As a result, the global international community parted ways with the United States. The global society distanced itself from the United States, isolated the United States in disguise, actively embraced China, entered China's trading system, and entered the China-centered free trade system.

China actively increases its economy, trade, investment and market opening with countries along the Belt and Road Initiative through the Belt and Road Initiative, actively purchases products from countries along the Belt and Road Initiative, helps countries along the Belt and Road Initiative develop their economies, and actively promotes infrastructure construction in relevant countries. In 2023, import and export trade between China and countries along the Belt and Road will reach 19.47 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 2.8%. It accounts for 46.6% of China's total foreign trade value. Among them, China-Europe freight trains operate 17,000 trains and deliver 190 TEUs of cargo, and its western land and sea freight trains have 860,000 TEUs, an increase of 14%, achieving rapid growth. "Financial War, New Power in China's Economy"

In 2024, China will actively promote trade liberalization and actively participate in globalization. Hold the China-Africa Summit Forum, the Belt and Road Strategy Conference, hold the Global Supply Chain Conference, actively expand trade liberalization, and actively promote the development of global trade. According to Chinese Customs estimates, the import and export trade between China and Russia will exceed US$200 billion in 2024, possibly reaching a historic equivalent of US$300 billion. Its trade growth between China and Eastern European countries reached 120.5% from 2014 to 2022, which is 3.2 times the growth rate of China-EU trade volume. However, the trade volume between China and ASEAN will reach US$911.7 billion in 2023 and is expected to exceed the US$100 trillion mark in 2024.

Even if Europe intends to decouple from China and de-risk, China still actively guides Europe and China to develop economic and trade relations. In addition, we will develop cooperation with Europe and actively promote European companies to invest and develop in China. Companies open their doors to investment in Europe, encourage Europe to invest in China, and provide more convenience and policy support to European companies. Nowadays, many large, medium and small European companies are actively entering the Chinese market, opening new factories and business offices in China, and their representative offices embrace China. "Trade Liberalization and Friends Circle Economy"

Since the signing of the RCEP, the trade volume between China and RCEP related countries has increased significantly, especially ASEAN countries 'exports to China have shown explosive growth. The total import and export volume between China and the 14 member states of RCEP was 12.6 trillion yuan, an increase of 5.3% from 2021 before the agreement came into effect. Trade among member states promotes the development of relevant countries and also promotes the development of regional economy and trade. In 2023, China's exports to RCEP member countries will be 64.1 trillion yuan, accounting for 1.1% higher than 2021 to 27%.

The global trade center has shifted to Asia and a China-centered global trading system. China's huge manufacturing industry and vast consumer market are driving the development of Asia's economy and trade. Goods made in China sell well in 145 countries around the world that trade with China, including the United States, which is in a trade war with China, and Europe, which is de-risky. China's huge consumer market is attracting the attention of the global community. China-ASEAN free trade and free trade in Africa and Latin America are both continuing to grow. Its bilateral trade volume between China and Latin America increased 35 times between 2000 and 2022. In particular, China-Latin America trade reached a historical high of US$480 billion in 2022. The trade volume between China and Latin America is expected to exceed the US$550 billion mark in 2024. "Financial War China's Confidence and Future"

The global trade center has shifted from the Atlantic Ocean as the center to Asia and Southeast Asia with China as the center. China is now developing trade with 145 countries around the world. While maintaining growth in global trade, it is also committed to maintaining global trade and ensuring the normal operation of global trade. In 2023 last year, despite being extremely surrounded by the United States, China still completed its full-year trade target, reaching an astonishing 41.76 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 0.2%. Among them, exports were 23.77 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 0.6%, and imports were 17.99 trillion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 0.3%.

Countries in the South around the world are actively embracing China and vigorously developing political, economic and trade relations with China. Nowadays, all countries that have trade and economic relations with China use the RMB for transactions. RMB transactions have surpassed the euro and become the world's second largest traded currency. Now, the oil countries in the Middle East, OPEC, are also stepping up RMB trade with China. If the United States fails in Ukraine and the Middle East, the petrodollar system will collapse.

In recent years, China has increased its investment in the world, increased its monetary support and trade support to some economies and relevant countries. Provide measures such as trade exemptions and exemptions to poor countries to develop global trade. In 2023, China's external investment will be US$1,041.85 billion, an increase of 0.9%, and its external non-financial investment will be RMB 916.99 billion. China has invested 224.09 billion yuan in countries related to the First Road and Belt Initiative, with an investment growth rate of 28.4%.

Now, global economic and trade, including the trade war with China, and the de-risk Europe and the United States are strengthening trade with China and actively developing trade relations with China. This year, a 100-member U.S. trade delegation and U.S. Treasury Secretary Yellen will visit China one after another to discuss economic and trade issues. Due to the United States 'own problems and the impact on global economic and trade caused by the trade war with China, the United States' global economic and trade capabilities have declined and the United States has also lost its global credibility. With the weakening of U.S. manufacturing capabilities, coupled with the U.S. dollar and financial crisis, the United States must strengthen cooperation with China. Otherwise, there will be a major crisis in the U.S. economy and trade.

Global liberalization of trade has formed a China-centered trade ecosystem. This is unexpected by the United States and Europeans, and is also the result of the United States and Europe's own iniquity. The establishment of today's China-centered global trading system is the result of the United States and Europe. It is also the expectation, trust and support of the entire world for China's economic and trade development. (Relevant data comes from the Internet)


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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