Huge gains from Iran's retaliation

2024 4 14 12:45 Sansi Hall

In the early morning of April 14, Middle East time, Iran dispatched hundreds of drones and missiles to launch retaliatory strikes against Israel. According to reports, explosions occurred in Tel Aviv, Israel, the desert city of Mona, and many places in Jerusalem, causing certain casualties and damage to buildings.

This is Iran's retaliation against Israel in the days since Israel airstrikes on the Iranian Embassy in Syria. This military retaliation seems to be a limited military strike and Iran's selective restraint. Iran intends to warn Israel and the United States that attacks on Iran will not be unpunished and Iran will not swallow its humiliation. Once Israel retaliates again, Iran will expand the scale of retaliation and provide the intensity of retaliation.

Although Iran carried out limited and controlled retaliatory actions against Israel, Iran gained a lot from this retaliatory action, which was also what Iran needed. That is, today's retaliation seems to be a drill, but in fact, it is a new systematic manifestation of Iran's military ability against Israel and a severe warning to Israel. At the same time, Iran retaliated against Israel, and Iran has also gained a lot.

1 We practiced attacking Iran in advance, gained experience for attacking Israel in the future, and also learned about the interception capabilities of Israel's air defense system and Israel's fighting will and fighting confidence. Israel's air defense capabilities are claimed to be the strongest in the world, especially Israel's Iron Dome air defense system. In the past, Israel's air defense capabilities were god-level in the Middle East, and Israel's Iron Dome air defense system was the most efficient air defense system in the world. Today, it seems like nothing more than that. Today, Israel would have suffered more losses if it had not been for the help of the air defense systems of the United States and Britain in Jordan. At the same time, it would have caused significant damage to some Israeli targets.

Iran verified Israel's air defense system today, but that's all. In addition to rumors around the world, it is obvious that Israel's air defense system has been over-mythical and over-exaggerated. Today's retaliation, on the contrary, confirms that Israel's air defense system is also fragile, but that's all. Iran's tentative verification attack today gave Iran more understanding of the reality of Israel's air defense system, as well as some understanding of Israel's air defense capabilities, and its performance and capabilities.

At the same time, Iran's retaliation also verified Israel's fighting confidence. Although Iran retaliated, Israel threatened to retaliate. However, in the end, Israel was entangled and beaten by the Palestinian-Israeli war, Hussein, Hezbollah, and militia groups. Israel is now exhausted. Now, a Hamas force has exhausted most of Israel's military resources and can still fight a full-scale war with Iran. As for the fate of the United States, yours may be Israel's wishful thinking. Because the national interests of the United States are above Israel's national security.

2 To test the bottom line of the United States, Iran retaliated against Israel, to test the United States 'rock-solid commitment, to test the United States' air defense capabilities, and at the same time, to test the United States 'combat capabilities in the Middle East. Iran's controlled retaliatory strike may seem to be a military game, but it is actually a political and military contest, and it is also Iran's response to the United States 'military strategy in the Middle East.

Iran retaliated against Israel, and the U.S. air defense system intervened, giving Israel more or less face. At the same time, it also gave Iran a disguised warning. Iran retaliates against Israel. In fact, it has a certain tacit understanding and coordination with the United States. From this action, we can see that in the Middle East, the United States and Iran are playing a certain temporary balance, playing politics and war in a certain sense.

3 Deterring Israel and attack Israel's military confidence in defeating Iran. Iranian drones and missiles have penetrated Israel and the United States 'air defense systems, which in a sense have posed a certain threat to Israel. In this sense, it is equivalent to Iran telling Israel that your air defense system is ineffective against Iranian missiles, so you have to be careful.

Iranian drones and missiles penetrated the United States and Israel's air defense system, declaring that Israel's air defense system was fragile in a sense. Without the help of the United States, Iran's attack on Israel would have been terrible, and Israel's losses would have been very heavy and the cost would have been high.

4. Support and refresh the younger brothers in the region. Iran dares to shine a sword against the United States and Israel, giving self-confidence to the Hussein armed forces, Syria, Iraq militia groups, Hezbollah in Lebanon, anti-American and anti-Israeli organizations in the Middle East, and the Muslim world in North Africa, as well as encouragement to relevant armed forces.

Iran retaliated against Israel. Many drones and missiles were intercepted, which also verified Iran's missile capabilities. In the future, Iran will sell and support more weapons and equipment to our brothers to give them confidence in fighting. Because Israel's air defense system and air defense capabilities have been verified that Iran will make certain improvements in the future to improve the effectiveness of attacking Israel. Iran's improved missile drones will give Middle Eastern military armed groups greater confidence.

5 Let the United States know that if Israel wants to launch a second large-scale strike against Iran, Iran will definitely strike an eye for an eye. Iran's limited retaliation is strategic, warning and tactical. Retaliation means warning, and at the same time, it also means that Iran will have more options and legitimacy for retaliation.

Israel will inevitably restrain itself in this round of retaliation. If Israel strikes Iran again, Iran's larger-scale retaliation is already on the way. Iran will not remain indifferent to Israel's retaliation, nor will it calm down. As for the United States 'attack on Iran, Iran will inevitably adopt certain containment measures to strike. Today, Iran retaliates. Israel's military trump cards and military capabilities were also discovered by Iran and Iran's agents in retaliation, discovering Israel's strong outside and weak inside.

6 Meet the spiritual and emotional needs of domestic politics and society, and calm down different voices within Iran. This is also one of the reasons why Iran retaliates. Although Iran's public opinion has little to do with politics and war, war is sometimes an inevitable means and a tool to effectively safeguard sovereignty.

7 Iran gains greater geopolitical interests in the Middle East, and even the United States has to see Iran's color in the Middle East. Iran's retaliation enhances Iran's international political prestige in the Middle East, and also gives Iran a certain weight of political voice in the Middle East. Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates, seeing the United States 'strength on the outside and weakness on the inside, the relevant countries in the Middle East will not follow the lead of the United States in the future, will not give up anti-Israel, anti-America, and will not obey the United States.

8 Iran's limited and controlled retaliation will not give others any excuse for public opinion in the West. Although some Western countries have criticized it, Israel is at fault first, and the West cannot defend Israel and defend Israel against injustice.

Iran's retaliation is measured, limited and restrained. It is more of a need for regional security and regional peace. Because the Middle East does not want a full-scale war, nor does it want the war to expand. In addition, the eldest brother behind Iran does not want the Middle East war to expand now. Today's Iran, even Iran, which has been attacked by Israel, does not want to expand the war. Because direct war is not good for Iran. It would be of greater strategic value for Iran to continue to use Iraq, Syria militias, Hezbollah and Hussein to consume Israel, and also give Iran more say and strategic interests in the Middle East.


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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