据新华社报道,近日举行的全国社会工作部部长、信访局局长座谈会显示,So far, all provinces across the country have established party committee social work departments and begun to fully perform their duties.

The key tasks for this year's social work departments of party committees at all levels have also been clarified. Xinhua Agency reported that in 2024, the social work departments of party committees at all levels will focus on strengthening the party's overall leadership over social work, promoting efficient coordination and coordination of social work, effectively integrating social work forces, continuously improving the overall efficiency of social work, and striving to promote high-quality social work development.

The main responsible comrades of the Central Social Work Department proposed that the national social work system must persist in deepening the party's innovative theoretical arming, thoroughly implement the Party Central Committee's decision-making and deployment and General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions, deeply understand the decisive significance of the "two establishments", strengthen the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four self-confidences", achieve "two safeguards", and resolutely understand and implement the Party Central Committee's major reform decisions. The national social work system must keep in mind its responsibilities and missions, improve its professional skills, be brave enough to be a pathfinder, be willing to pave the way, and go all out to promote the implementation of various tasks. We must conscientiously perform our responsibilities of coordinating and guiding the people's petition work and guiding the collection of people's suggestions, comprehensively promote the legalization of petition work, and better listen to the voices of the people, understand the people's sentiments, pool the people's wisdom, and unite the people's hearts.

Coordinating and promoting party building to lead grassroots governance and grassroots political power construction is an important responsibility of the Central Social Work Department. 2024年,全国社会工作系统坚持和发展新时代“枫桥经验”,学习运用“千万工程”经验,运用好“四下基层”制度,推行“街乡吹哨、部门报到”等做法,破解基层治理“小马拉大车”突出问题,着力提升基层治理水平。全国社会工作系统将坚持党对行业协会商会的全面领导,加强全国性行业协会商会党的工作,协调推动行业协会商会深化改革和转型发展,充分发挥在服务经济社会发展中的作用。扎实推进混合所有制企业、非公有制企业和新经济组织、新社会组织、新就业群体党建工作,加强关心关爱,维护合法权益,促进健康发展。健全志愿服务制度和工作体系,深化重点领域志愿服务品牌建设,加强社会工作人才培养,提升志愿服务工作和社会工作人才队伍建设水平。

In March last year, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council issued the "Party and State Institutions Reform Plan" and deployed the establishment of the Central Social Work Department. As a functional department of the Party Central Committee, the Central Social Work Department is responsible for coordinating and guiding the people's petition work, guiding the collection of people's suggestions, coordinating and promoting party building to lead grassroots governance and grassroots political power construction, unifying the work of national industry associations and chambers of commerce, coordinating and promoting industry associations and chambers of commerce to deepen reform and transformation development, and guiding party building work in mixed-ownership enterprises, non-public enterprises and new economic organizations, new social organizations, and new employment groups. Guide the construction of social work talent teams, etc.

The "Party and State Institutions Reform Plan" also mentioned that provincial, municipal and county-level party committees should establish social work departments, which should be assigned to the responsibilities of the "two new" working committees of the organizational departments of the party committees at the same level.


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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