其所在城市Man Kee Dessert is withdrawn from the store 但充值金额无法退款

客服及退款电话均No one connected 甚至出现个人账户被Direct clearing

"At present, we have not received any complaints about store cancellations without refunds. If a refund is registered, we will receive it in about 30 working days. As long as he applies, we will refund it as long as he applies." On March 13, Manji customer service responded to reporters and said,"Our Manji account is not cancelled after being withdrawn from the store. Even if a consumer applies for cancellation, it will not be cancelled. The account balance is cleared when consumers apply for a refund. It will be cleared within a few working days after applying for a refund."

Customers are worried about the balance after withdrawing stores in many places

"Manji Desserts in Shijiazhuang were withdrawn. After applying for a refund, the money was not refunded, but the account balance was cleared instead."

"A loyal user of Manji Desserts still has 507 yuan in it, but as a result, the shops in the city where they are located have been withdrawn and there has been no refund yet."

"Ningbo Manji Desserts are gone. What should I do with my balance?"


Manji desserts, which were once popular, are now mired in consumer complaints.

The reporter noticed that since 2022, Manji Desserts have been closed in Shijiazhuang, Ningbo, Xuzhou and other places, but the issue of refunds of the recharge balance of membership cards has been collectively complained by consumers. Currently, the recharge amount for Manji Desserts members includes three stalls: 100 yuan, 200 yuan and 500 yuan. A large number of consumers report that the recharge balance in their membership cards ranges from a dozen to hundreds of yuan, and some consumers even have not refunded The amount exceeds 500 yuan.

Xiao Jing from Ningbo told reporters that when Manji Desserts Ningbo store was closed in 2022, there was still a balance of 133.5 yuan in its account. At that time, the merchant's contact information was not found and it was impossible to apply for a refund. So far, Manji has not contacted him for refund, but her account has been cancelled and the balance has been cleared.

On the Black Cat Complaint Platform, there are more than 70 similar cases. "There is no refund channel for stored value cards after the Manji Dessert Store is closed, and Manji Dessert Mini programs cannot be consumed. We hope to coordinate refunds." One consumer said. Some consumers said that Manji Desserts had promised them a refund within one month, or reported that the refund would be received from the headquarters, but these promises have not been fulfilled. Currently, consumers cannot even dial the official customer service number of Manji Desserts.

In addition, there are also many complaints about store cancellations and refunds in the official Weibo comments of Manji Desserts. Many relevant consumers reported that their city stores were closed and needed refunds, but "the customer service phone number couldn't be reached." The reporter tried to call the Manji Desserts customer service hotline, but the official customer service hotline starting with "400" could not be dialed. At the same time, although the member recharge agreement clearly stated that the refund channel was open, in fact the refund hotline provided by it was also prompted that the number is empty.

It is reported that the current stores of Manji Dessert include two types: direct-sales stores and franchisees stores. In the past few years, it was a direct-sales model at the headquarters, and it was not until last year that it was opened to join. Statistics from the reporter found that, in fact, among the current complaints about the withdrawal of Manji Desserts stores without refunds, relevant stores such as Shijiazhuang Vientiane City Store and Nanjing Xinyao Jindi Store are mostly direct-operated stores in terms of operating hours, and are uniformly operated and managed by Manji Desserts Headquarters.

lawyer:Consumers have the right to request a refund

Zhang Zhenshi, a lawyer at Shanghai Zhonglian (Guangzhou) Law Firm, told reporters that consumers register on Manji Desserts 'online platform and sign contracts such as the "Manji Desserts Member Center Service Agreement" and "Manji Desserts Member Recharge Agreement", and the two parties have established a service contract relationship. Due to the suspension of business of Manji Desserts, the contractual purpose of prepaid card consumption cannot be achieved, which constitutes a breach of contract. Consumers have the right to request Manji Desserts to refund the balance.

Zhang Zhenshi also analyzed and pointed out that as the pre-stored membership fee charged by the headquarters, the responsibility for refund should be borne by the headquarters. In addition, if the pre-storage fee is charged by the franchise store, the franchise store will bear the refund responsibility, but it must also consider whether the Manji Desserts Headquarters has compensation for negligence or joint liability.

In the eyes of industry insiders, the pre-stored balance of Manji Desserts members belongs to a typical prepaid type of consumption. In this type of consumption, merchants attract consumers at preferential prices in order to achieve the purpose of quickly withdrawing funds. However, once a merchant encounters a capital chain crisis, prepaid cards will not be able to be consumed and the recharged money will be difficult to recover. At present, prepaid cards are common in the retail, catering, and e-commerce industries. Even for the leading brands of national chains, consumers need to be cautious when recharging.

Manji stores across the country have dropped sharply

According to public information, Man Kee Dessert is a chain dessert shop originating in Hong Kong. It was founded in 1995 and opened its first branch in Saigon. Later, it opened branches in many places at home and abroad through cooperation, mainly providing fruits such as durian and mangoes. Handmade desserts. In 2005, Manji welcomed its first store in the mainland in Shanghai, and after establishing Manji's Shanghai headquarters, it launched large-scale expansion in the mainland.

It is reported that at its peak, the number of stores in the mainland was close to 500. But since 2022, the brand has continued to report news of store closures. According to Manji officials, its total number of stores has dropped sharply to about 280, which is far from the peak period.


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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