Nails, cockroaches, hair, steel balls...

A couple at multiple restaurants in Shanghai

吃饭时Bring your own foreign matter

Eat this **"overlord meal"** and ask for compensation


Pudong police successfully arrested two extortion suspects

Killed in 9 restaurants

The amount involved is more than 7000 yuan

“这菜里怎么有指甲?请你们店长来一下!”On the morning of March 23 this year, Qian and his girlfriend He Moumou were at a hotel in Jingyao Square, Qiantan.用餐时称吃到“指甲”。 店员叫来店长后,钱某当面上网查询食品安全法,Request for exemption ,并以当前消费370元的十倍金额进行赔偿,否则将向相关部门进行投诉。一套说辞有理有据,店长因担心影响店内生意,经协商后,予以免单并额外赔偿500元。

However, Qian's strange attitude still makes the store manager full of doubts. "The ingredients in the store are all uniformly distributed by the head office. The reputation has always been very good. How can there be a problem?" The store manager then sought help from the community police of Qiantan Police Station of Pudong Public Security Bureau.

民警获悉情况后,通过“平安商户联盟”微信群提醒周边商家注意类似情况。不出所料,两人很快在前滩太古里的一家餐厅same old trickHe ate "nails" from the meal and claimed compensation from the store。民警当即到场,将双方带到派出所进一步调查。

警方审理发现,钱某、何某某两人陆续Nine restaurants in Shanghai used the same means to request exemption and claim compensation. The cumulative amount of damage to the merchants reached more than 7000 yuan. 两人在餐品中吃出的异物“指甲”,都是何某某前提前剪好的“作案工具”。

据警方介绍,两名嫌疑人此前曾在外省市多次实施类似犯罪行为,异物包括蟑螂、头发等,没想到He was discovered only a few days after arriving in Shanghai 。目前,钱某、何某某因涉嫌敲诈勒索罪已被浦东警方criminally detained



Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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