Shanghai's credit investment policy this year has a clear direction. 3月15日,中国人民银行上海总部发布消息称,近日,中国人民银行上海市分行制定印发了《2024年上海信贷政策指引》(以下简称《指引》), Focusing on doing a good job in technology finance, green finance, inclusive finance, pension finance, and digital finance ,加大对重大战略、重点领域和薄弱环节的金融支持力度,从九个方面提出工作指引,引导辖内金融机构在保持信贷合理增长的基础上,持续优化信贷供给结构,盘活存量、提升效能,服务上海“五个中心”建设,为促进上海经济高质量发展提供更有力的金融支持。

具体来说,《指引》强调,2024年,辖内金融机构要积极用好科技创新和技术改造再贷款、“沪科专贷”“沪科专贴”等货币政策工具资金,支持科创金融改革试验区建设,提升科技金融服务能力;发挥好结构性货币政策工具定向支持作用,提高金融支持绿色低碳发展质效,推动绿色金融与转型金融有效衔接;持续推进“四贷”长效机制建设,提升普惠金融服务能力, Promote the development and growth of the private economy;健全适老金融产品体系,支持养老金融加快发展;加快金融机构数字化转型,强化数字科技赋能; Maintain stable and orderly real estate financing and maintain a good financial environment for the stable development of the real estate market ;加快支持大规模设备更新和消费品以旧换新行动,强化制造业、交通物流等重点领域金融服务,提升金融服务乡村振兴能力,助力消费扩容升级和文旅行业发展,推动外贸外资保稳提质,充分利用创业担保贷款政策,更好满足民生领域金融服务需求。


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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