当地时间上周日(3月31日),美国缅因州当地警方表示,A female victim was found in a parking lot near a bridge in Topsam ,事发地距离缅因州鲍登学院(Bowdoin College)不到一英里。

In December 2021, Zhan Qingyang recited a poem during the event

鲍登学院院长萨法·扎基在一份声明中表示,这名不幸离世的女生是该院学生,名叫詹庆阳(Qingyang Zhan,音译),Only 20 years old, from Shanghai, China ,在2019年来到美国生活,之前在美国加州上学,2021年秋季入读鲍登学院。鲍登学院是全美顶尖文理学院,美国25所“新常春藤”名校之一。

In the statement, the school called Zhan Qingyang "K"."K is smart and charming, and many people will remember her warmth and kindness. She participated in the founding of the Chinese Student Union, holds a dual degree in Government and Legal Studies and Asian Studies, has served as a study assistant in Asian Studies at Bowdoin College's Teaching and Learning Center, and has served as a piano and guitar player in the college's concert band."

The statement said,"K's death is a huge tragedy for her parents, her brothers, other relatives, her friends and classmates, as well as our entire college. I hope we can help each other and get through this difficult period together."

目前詹庆阳的遗体已被运往当地法医办公室进行尸检,Police are still waiting for the autopsy results ,本案具体情况仍在调查当中,法医办公室拒绝透露有关尸检和死亡原因等问题,并表示Testing takes 6 to 8 weeks

But according to many media reports, Zhan Qingyang's death seems unusual-the British Daily Mail used the word "mystery" to describe the case; the Portland Herald believed that the case left many questions and almost no answers.

It is unclear how the police characterized the case. It was an accident? Suicide? Medical malpractice? Or a homicide?

Several students at the school said staff raised the incident in class on Monday (April 1) and encouraged students to seek support. "The atmosphere (on campus) was very sad," freshman Grace Campbell said."I feel very sorry for her family." John Mono, the conductor of the band Zhan Qingyang belonged to during his lifetime, declined to be interviewed. needle


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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