近日,江苏徐州徐海路幼儿园发布的 园内烧火做饭的视频走红The children skillfully scrape scales and kill fish, pancakes, filling sausages, and stewed pig's head meat引来网友追捧

Some parents travel thousands of miles to send their children to the kindergarten registration schedule is scheduled to the following year 园长张乾告诉媒体,幼儿园在徐州的一个乡镇。视频拍摄的是园内的生活课, 从2020年开始就有了。刚开始在室内,去年开始在室外搭锅台烧饭。孩子们不仅烧火做饭,还养了鸡鸭兔子。家长都特别支持,还给幼儿园送柴火。** 有远至哈尔滨、内蒙古等地的家长千里慕名来求学,现在幼儿园的报名已经排到后年了。** 据园长介绍,这是幼儿园日常开设的劳动课,目的是引导孩子少接触电子产品,多锻炼动手能力、生活能力。
对于视频发酵后,不少网友调侃称 “这是辛者库幼儿园” 幼儿园工作人员称 她反对被网友“玩梗” 冠以贬义的称呼

**如此有“烟火气”的幼儿园“这哪个父母能不心动?” **网友纷纷点赞: “很棒,开开心心掌握做饭技能” “The teacher is careful, and even using a knife to use fire requires careful teaching” “小朋友们比我都厉害” “ I am 29 this year and want to study in a large class!

擀面、摊饼、炒菜、包包子…… 在小小灶台前 孩子们全神贯注 做起饭来轻车熟路、有模有样 简直令人心生佩服
从孩子们认真投入的状态 和娴熟的手法可以看出,这样的烹饪课,他们经常上并乐在其中,不是拿着玩具过家家,而是端着厨具真干活。这既能让孩子们锻炼动手能力,培养合作意识,又能享受劳动带来的快乐和硕果,很有意思,很有意义!
把课堂搬出教室, 搬到“厨房”、田间,寓教于乐,丰富体验,让孩子们快乐学习、健康成长,这是学校教育的目的所在。
Looking forward to more such interesting and valuable classes


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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