After Zibo and Erbin

This "stormy wealth" came to Gansu

Gansu Tianshui Mala Tang is popular多次冲上热搜
The number of views on a certain Short Video platform has exceeded 1.4 billion目前热度还在持续上涨

甚至有多名网友Transformed as a "special force" and rushed to Gansu by high-speed rail just to taste this spicy and delicious food 这个低调的西北大省 悄悄把麻辣烫这种国民小吃的形制 发挥到了另一重极致
沾满辣子的土豆片 裹满酱汁的麻辣粉 ...... 食材丰富、色泽光亮、油润咸香 隔着屏幕都被甘肃麻辣烫Fragrance is confused

"Everyone has to queue up for up to 5 hours."
Someone traveled 2700 kilometers to eat
据湖北经视报道,3月12日,游客司先生告诉记者,He traveled 2700 kilometers from Xinjiang and made a special trip to Tianshui to eat Malatang. “我本身就是做餐饮的,全国各地的美食都会去尝,知道天水最近麻辣烫很火,想过来尝尝学习一下。”
司先生介绍,他在天水尝了好几家麻辣烫店不同口味的麻辣烫。"Everyone has to queue up. I waited in line for 5 hours for the longest one to eat. 最喜欢的就是麻辣烫的辣子,很带劲,还有那一口手擀粉。”
麻辣烫的美味 在全国范围内 都有着极高的认可度 那么天水麻辣烫的魅力究竟在哪里呢?👇👇👇
Compared with the always loved Sichuan Malatang, the small city of Tianshui located in the northwest has elevated this popular national cuisine to a new level.
The peppers praised by merchants and tourists this time are produced in Gansu and famous across the country.
In Tianshui, various vegetables are evenly wrapped in spicy oil-splashed chili seeds, while the crystal clear hand-rolling powder is soaked in the red soup, exuding an alluring luster. 天水的麻辣烫以其Enough red oil, nourishing and delicious,顾客可以选择加汤或干拌,食材单独下锅,尽享两种辣味的独特风味。

Because there were too many customers in the store, the owner of the Malatang shop was busy putting out a "mask of pain"

#Gansu Cultural Tourism quickly shouted online

#"Pay attention to expression management"

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After Uncle Malatang saw it,


大叔回应称: “看过自己的表情包,没想到我也火了, 欢迎全国各地的朋友来吃麻辣烫!” 相关话题迅速冲上热搜 引发网友讨论 “大叔太可爱了”

还有麻辣烫店的老板娘 从11点半开工忙到晚上九点多**一天只吃一顿饭
十天瘦了八斤!**老板娘说 客人大老远来 不放心让别人来调味

市民免费接送 **据了解,近一个月(2月12日至3月12日),The overall travel order volume on Ctrip destined for Tianshui, Gansu Province increased by more than 20% year-on-year. 其中:酒店订单同比增长超4成;门票订单同比增长超4倍;天水的搜索量较去年同期增长超1倍。
针对不断上涨的客流,Local government departments innovatively expand the "Tianshui Malatang +" diversified service model ,通过更新城市基建、提供志愿者服务、开通麻辣烫公交专线、设置外地旅游车辆临时停车点、举办麻辣烫“吃货节”、推出景区优惠政策等举措,提升保障服务水平,满足游客需求。
据新天水客户端消息,3月16日下午,Feng Wenge, Secretary of Tianshui Municipal Party Committee, presided over the promotion meeting on the service guarantee work of "Tianshui Malatang" ,传达甘肃省委书记胡昌升同志有关批示要求,安排部署服务保障各项工作。天水市委副书记、市长王国先出席会议并讲话。
会议现场 图源:新天水客户端
会议指出,天水麻辣烫火爆出圈,既是扩大城市知名度的难得机遇,更是考验服务水平和保障能力的实践实战。全市上下要把握机遇、乘势而上、全员行动,拿出十足诚意,下足精细功夫,周密安排、精心准备,全力做好各项服务保障工作, Strive to achieve "a bowl of spicy soup promotes the development of Tianshui". 3月16日,在天水市秦州区的天水名优小吃城一麻辣烫店,商家为游客加工麻辣烫。新华社发
会议强调,要坚持游客至上,以游客需求为出发点,以游客的满意度、体验感为最高追求,增加旅游供给,提升服务品质, Make every effort to create new consumption hotspots and new scenarios, so that "small resources" can continue to release "big effects". **天水开启“宠客模式”**👇👇👇


Some people travel thousands of miles to eat a bowl of authentic Tianshui Malatang
There are also many people who choose to reproduce the same model at home
** ** 据中国商报报道,一份最新的消费数据显示:两周来,甘肃麻辣烫底料、甘谷干辣椒、天水辣椒面等相关产品销量大幅增长,甘谷干辣椒成交额环比增长超10倍。而90后是天水麻辣烫头号粉丝,买走了近4成的天水麻辣烫产品。

Xiaoguan couldn't sit still anymore! Look, I'm hungry!

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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