Jointly shoulder the primary responsibility of ensuring power supply

Join hands to promote the transformation of energy green and low-carbon

Recently, Zhang Zhigang, chairman and secretary of the party group of State Grid Co., Ltd., successively visited China Huaneng Group Co., Ltd., China Datang Group Co., Ltd., China Huadian Group Co., Ltd., SPIC, and State Energy Investment Group Co., Ltd., to strengthen communication and exchanges, deepen practical cooperation, jointly shoulder the primary responsibility of power supply, and jointly promote the green and low-carbon transformation of energy. We will speed up the construction of a new power system and a new energy system, and promote the high-quality development of the energy and power industry. Zhang Zhigang and China Huaneng Party Group Secretary and Chairman Wen Shugang, General Manager and Deputy Party Secretary Deng Jianling, China Datang Chairman and Party Group Secretary Zou Lei, China Huadian Party Group Secretary and Chairman Jiang Yi, Party Group Deputy Secretary and General Manager Ye Xiangdong, State Electric Investment Party Group Secretary and Chairman Liu Mingsheng, General Manager and Deputy Party Secretary Li Baoqing, and State Energy Group Secretary and Chairman Liu Guoyue. Yu Bing, general manager and deputy secretary of the party leading group, held talks. Chen Guoping, deputy general manager and member of the party group of State Grid Corporation; Wang Wenzong, member and deputy general manager of China Huaneng; qu Bo and Zhang Chuanjiang, member and deputy general manager of Datang; Tao Yunpeng, member of the party group and chief accountant; Gou Wei, member of the party group and deputy general manager of China Huadian; Shao Guoyong, Wang Xuxiang, Wu Jingkai, deputy general manager of China Huadian; Xu Shubiao, member of the party group and deputy general manager of China Electric Power Co. Wang Min, deputy secretary of the party leading group of the State Energy Group, attended the relevant talks. Wang Lixiang, assistant to the general manager and director of the office, Wang Guochun, deputy chief engineer and director of the National Dispatch Center, Feng Kai, deputy chief engineer and director of the Development Department, and the person in charge of the Beijing Electric Power Trading Center attended the relevant talks.

▲ Qinghai-Henan ±800 kilovolt UHV DC project sends clean energy to Central China

▲ Employees of State Grid Jiangxi Electric Power inspected the "Fishery and Light Complementary" photovoltaic power generation project in Shuitian Township

Zhang Zhigang thanked his brother units for their understanding and support for the work of State Grid Corporation of China. He said that the company has thoroughly implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speeches and important instructions on energy and electricity, implemented the new energy security strategy of "Four Revolutions, One Cooperation", kept in mind the entrustment and forge ahead with gratitude, shouldered the responsibility of ensuring supply, promoted energy transformation, and deepened Reform and innovation, vigorously improve quality and efficiency, accelerate the construction of new power systems and new energy systems, accelerate the development of new quality productivity, and strive to promote the high-quality development of the company and the power grid.

▲ State Grid Xinyuan Zhejiang Tianhuangping Pumped Storage Power Station Upper Reservoir

▲ The company's Communist Party member service team assisted in the investigation of potential safety hazards in Huaneng Dezhou Lingcheng Dingzhuang Reservoir 200 MW photovoltaic power generation project

Zhang Zhigang said that energy security and security are related to the national economy and people's livelihood and are the "greatest in the country" that cannot be ignored for a moment. The company and the five energy power generation groups are both key energy enterprises and shoulder common missions and responsibilities. They must strengthen communication and cooperation in ensuring power supply, ensuring energy security, and promoting energy transformation.

one is扛牢电力保供首要责任,统筹保供资源,源网协同发力,确保电力安全可靠供应,有力满足经济社会发展的用电需要。

second is推动能源绿色低碳转型,加快“沙戈荒”大型风电光伏基地建设,促进新能源开发利用和并网消纳,推动新能源健康可持续发展。

third is开展关键核心技术攻关,发挥各自科技优势,深化技术协同创新和成果推广应用,加快构建新型电力系统,助力实现高水平科技自立自强。

fourth is落实各项改革攻坚任务,持续完善电力市场建设,深入实施国有企业改革深化提升行动。

fifth is高质量共建“一带一路”,推动海外重点项目落地,加强国际能源合作,为推动世界能源转型和能源电力可持续发展贡献中国智慧、中国方案。

▲ Company employees inspect Datang International's 100 MW distributed photovoltaic power generation equipment

▲ Company employees conduct electricity inspections at Dabancheng Wind Farm to ensure safe access to the Internet for clean energy

On April 3, Zhang Zhigang visited the China Electricity Council and held talks with Yang Kun, Secretary of the Party Committee and Executive Vice Chairman of China Electricity Council. Wang Shuxiang, assistant to the company's general manager and director of the office, attended the talks.

▲ The company actively serves the construction of the State Power Investment Corporation Ari Kunduleng scenery complementary project

▲ The company actively serves the grid-connected consumption of photovoltaic power generation in Ningxia's Tengger Desert New Energy Base, helping the stable delivery of green power across the border.

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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