"It's too hard to get a ticket!" Behind the "instant sell-out" of concert tickets, who is the mastermind?
Tickets are hard to come by, where have all the concert tickets gone?定好闹钟,屏气凝神,无数次的刷新和点击之后,屏幕上依旧出现了“售罄”的字样。为了抢到11月9日周深苏州演唱会的门票,“90后”公司职员陈明惠提前多日登录购票App填好了个人信息,并让朋友们用多个账户帮忙抢票,但一顿操作猛如虎之后,所有人一无所获。失望之余,陈明惠转战某二手交易平台,却发现有大量票务发布的演唱会票信息,卖家信誓旦旦地表示:“自己票源充足,各个价位都有。”还有卖家不停催促她尽快下单,“再过段时间买,就不是这个价了。”
This year, the national performance market has experienced a massive surge. According to the "Brief Report on the Development of the National Performance Market in the First Half of the Year," large-scale performances have shown a continuous upward trend in the first half of the year. The box office revenue from concerts and music festivals increased by .%, and the number of spectators increased by .%. Behind the booming performance market, many audience members' most direct feeling is that it is extremely difficult to get a ticket for a concert. A staff member from the cultural tourism department said with a wry smile, "In the past, people would go to great lengths to ask him for complimentary tickets, but now, friends are offering 'real money,' asking him to help buy a ticket through official channels, yet he still can't manage it." The imbalance between supply and demand is the main reason for the difficulty in obtaining tickets. "The audience has accumulated years of performance-watching demand that erupted this year. Many young people are willing to pay for emotional value and are more inclined to travel to a city for a performance," said Yang Runsen, Vice President of the Jiangsu Stage Art Society. Yang believes that any scarce resource will become an object of scalping by "scalpers." Taking the example of Jay Chou's concert in Nanjing this year in July, it is expected that there will be a total of 100,000 spectators for the performance, but the number of people marking it as "want to see" on Damai has already exceeded 1 million. Journalists searched for the keyword "ticket sales" on multiple social platforms and found that many accounts were selling concert tickets. What is perplexing is that many sold-out concerts had a large number of remaining tickets in the hands of "ticket sales," with various price ranges available, no official limit of two tickets per person, and even promises of "seating together."
黄牛溢价倒卖,并非新闻。2023年9月,文化和旅游部、公安部发布的《关于进一步加强大型营业性演出活动规范管理促进演出市场健康有序发展的通知》中指出,大型演出活动实行实名购票和实名入场制度,每场演出每个身份证件只能购买一张门票,购票人与入场人身份信息保持一致。针对5000人以上的大型演出,则明确了扩充可公开销售门票的比例,演出举办单位面向市场公开销售的门票数量不得低于核准观众数量的85%。“强实名制”在一定程度上遏制了黄牛的猖獗,使得黄牛无法随意贩票,否则电子票与观演人信息不匹配,将导致无法入场。但从今年的演出市场来看,五花八门的门票仍层出不穷,很多买不到票的观众既纳闷又气愤:官方渠道一票难求,但黄牛手中的票究竟从何而来?Under the "strict real-name system," how can scalpers still manage to "produce" tickets?在采访中,很多业内人士在谈及这个话题时都十分谨慎,一再强调不要透露自己姓名,“因为票务市场是一个巨大的产业链,里面暗存一些潜规则。”一位业内人士说道。“据我所知,有些演唱会公开销售的票不足总票房的50%。”曾经在南京某票务公司工作的“小朱”表示,虽然文旅部门明确规定,面向市场公开销售的营业性演出门票数量不得低于核准观众数量的85%,但在实际操作过程中,每一场演出到底开出多少票,其中又有多少是公开发售的,这个信息并不透明。另一方面,主办方还会留给演唱会团队、赞助商、各协办单位等机构一定的公关票,很多不可出售的“赠票”经过层层转手,成为了“黄牛”的票源。
A Nanjing promoter who has been "struggling" in the performance market for years also told reporters that he once encountered scalpers collectively coming to negotiate business. "Scalpers, without a single ticket, had already started pre-selling on second-hand platforms, bringing a million dollars' worth of online orders to negotiate business with him, demanding group purchase of tickets at a discount price, and then they would sell them at face value or with a markup depending on the popularity of the performance." The promoter admitted that the relationship between promoters and scalpers is "complex and subtle." Now, the costs of concerts are rising, with some artists demanding larger arrangements, such as booking an entire floor of a hotel or even chartering a plane, and the costs of venue rent, labor construction, etc., are all increasing. However, due to policy reasons, concert ticket prices cannot be set too high. When the revenue from ticket sales is insufficient to cover the costs of the concert, some promoters, in order to maximize their own interests, can only intercept a large number of "public relations tickets" and hand them over to scalpers at a higher price. The scalpers then sell them to consumers at even higher prices, which is one of the reasons why the premium on concert tickets has become increasingly severe. "Handing tickets over to scalpers, for some popular performances, can earn more profit. For some poorly selling cold shows, scalpers can also provide a safety net, reducing market risks. But doing so is undoubtedly testing the limits of the law, and in the long run, it will disrupt the healthy development of the entire entertainment market," the promoter said. Another puzzling issue is—how do scalpers resell tickets under the current "strong real-name system"? Fan Ms. Zhang told reporters that scalpers obtain internal tickets through various channels, which can be divided into entry tickets and invitation letters. The so-called entry tickets involve directly providing your name, ID number, and phone number to the scalpers, who then enter the information into the system, allowing you to see the ticket information on platforms like Damai, usually a week before the performance. Invitation letters, on the other hand, are given directly by the scalpers as a QR code, which you can scan to enter your information. In addition to reselling tickets at a markup, scalpers also offer a proxy bidding service targeting the strong real-name system. "Scalpers will sell proxy bidding services online in advance, collecting a certain fee in advance and pre-entering the customer's identity information into the system to bid on their behalf. For artists like Jay Chou and Mayday, the proxy bidding fee is basically around 1,000-2,000 yuan, and for other concerts, it also requires around 1,000 yuan," Ms. Zhang said. "Scalpers use specialized software that can snap up hundreds or even thousands of tickets in seconds. How can ordinary people's hand speed compete with machines?"
Market is booming, how to make scalpers no longer "bull" up黄牛市场的野蛮生长,让欺诈事件屡见不鲜。“如果能买到票,谁愿意去找黄牛呢?”在南京某IT公司工作的程先生叹了口气。今年7月,他花了2400元在黄牛那里购得两张凤凰传奇合肥演唱会门票,可跑到合肥才知道,黄牛手中并没有票,仅是买通了现场的保安,让他在检票口悄悄混入,进场甚至连座位也没有。今年9月的周杰伦南京演唱会,更是黄牛诈骗的重灾区。一位歌迷向记者诉苦,自己花了3000元买了一张“录入票”,临近演出,黄牛迟迟不出票,再联系黄牛时,对方说没票了,后续财务进行退款,再后来就销声匿迹了。“其实根本没有所谓的财务,黄牛是明目张胆的诈骗。”近期,江苏永衡律师事务所蒋文律师也接到了不少被骗消费者的咨询。据他了解,强实名制下,黄牛会“一票多卖”,甚至是“无票多卖”。“黄牛网络中会有多层代理,上层黄牛拿到内部票之后会往下级传,层层加价,票也许只有一两张,但却最终卖给了很多人。最后他们会选择出价最高者出货,而面对众多付了钱没有拿到票的消费者,黄牛往往会直接‘跑路’。”黄牛为何如此猖獗?蒋文律师解释说,“诈骗的刑事立案标准一般是在3000元以上,一些黄牛会故意将诈骗金额控制在这个标准之下,以规避刑事处罚。交易过程中,很多消费者连黄牛的真实身份信息也没有,这给相关部门调查取证带来了极大的困难,很多人权衡维权费用和时间成本之后,只能选择不了了之。”一边是演出市场火爆,提振行业信心。一边是一票难求,歌迷怨声沸腾。如此乱象,究竟该如何整治?此前江苏省消保委曾对“强实名制”购票进行了建议,称文体演出行业可以参考铁路售票机制,完善购票、退票等流程,完善售后服务机制,建立完善的“候补”“退票”流程,避免“黄牛”票在二级市场泛滥。“我们应通过增加场次、延长时间等多种方式,进一步加大市场供给,缓解供需矛盾。”杨润森提到了今年7月11日发布的《国务院关于同意在沈阳6个城市暂时调整实施有关行政法规和经国务院批准的部门规章规定的批复》,文件中指出,将外国投资者、香港特别行政区和澳门特别行政区投资者、台湾地区投资者投资设立演出场所经营单位、演出经纪机构的审批权,下放至南京市、杭州市、武汉市、广州市、成都市人民政府文化主管部门。“审批权限下放到地方城市,审批效率或将提速,意味着今后将有越来越多的优质演出在南京上演,一票难求的状况有望得到缓解。”一位不愿意透露姓名的演出商建议,票务制度需要进一步公开透明,包括演出的总票数、普通票、录入票和邀请函的数量等信息都应明确公开,实现每一张票都可实名溯源。他特别点赞了此次刀郎南京演唱会的票务管理,直到开演前一天才释放了少量内部公关票,这也就有效压缩了黄牛倒卖的时间,减少了内部票流向市场。蒋文律师建议,打击黄牛的倒票行为,应完善相关法律法规,严格落实实名制购票政策以及售票平台保证金制度。消费者也应提高维权意识,用好法律手段。相关部门需加大对黄牛的处罚力度,提高违法成本,还需要积极研究对策,堵塞黄牛抢票的技术漏洞。他建议可以参考12306铁路售票的订、改、退模式。此外政府也应该加强引导,呼吁大众从正规渠道购票,维持公平的市场秩序。在全国各地大力提振消费的背景下,演唱会经济被称作“行走的GDP”,正在成为拉动城市消费的新引擎。在观演热情日益高涨的当下,唯有演出主办方、票务平台、消费者多方共同努力,才能营造一个公平、健康、有序、繁荣的演出市场。来源:新华日报·交汇点记者 王慧
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