Zhejiang's nearly 300,000 distributed photovoltaic stations have all achieved intelligent management and control 据国网浙江省电力有限公司3月19日消息,截至2月底,浙江省能源大数据中心全量接入浙江全省近30万座分布式光伏站点,实现分布式光伏100%实时监测和控制,为浙江分布式光伏科学健康有序发展提供数据分析支撑,推进能源绿色低碳转型。 据了解,光伏发电可分为集中式光伏发电和分布式光伏发电。近年来,中国分布式光伏快速发展,经济性不断增强、商业模式不断创新、开发规模屡创新高,实现了大规模跨越式发展,在保障电力安全可靠供应、推动能源绿色转型发展、带动农民增收就业等方面发挥了重要作用。但同时,这也给新能源消纳、科学规划和电网运行稳定性等带来影响。

浙江常山同景光伏电站。翟胜闻 摄

Data show that as of the end of February, Zhejiang new energy power generation capacity was 41.48 million kilowatts, of which distributed photovoltaic installed capacity was 28.78 million kilowatts, accounting for 80 percent of the total installed photovoltaic capacity. "there are a wide range of distributed photovoltaic points, superimposed distributed photovoltaic intermittent, volatility and other power generation characteristics, the use of digital means can effectively improve the level of intelligent management of distributed photovoltaic." Yan Jiaxiang, director of the product operation room of Zhejiang Energy big data Center. Nowadays, relying on the provincial energy big data center, Zhejiang correlates the data of power grid equipment and distributed photovoltaic power stations, develops a distributed photovoltaic capacity analysis platform, and constructs an accurate prediction model of distributed photovoltaic generation output. effectively improve the level of observable, measurable and controllable management of distributed photovoltaic. "the distributed photovoltaic capacity analysis platform can accurately predict key data such as power generation, annual power generation efficiency and annual equivalent hours of photovoltaic stations, providing strong guidance for the operation and management of our power plant." Zhejiang Changshan Tongjing Photovoltaic Power Station Director Zhu Jianwei said. Relying on this platform, Zhejiang has achieved one-minute observation of distributed photovoltaic output. In addition, relying on Zhejiang Energy big data Center, Zhejiang also has data analysis support in distributed photovoltaic development planning. At present, Zhejiang has realized the calculation of the open capacity of nearly 300000 distributed photovoltaics that have been connected, providing a theoretical basis for the expansion of the distributed photovoltaic industry, effectively guiding distributed photovoltaic investors to invest scientifically, promoting local consumption of new energy, and improving the efficiency of new energy utilization.

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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