The inaugural meeting of the Secretariat of the IEC Sustainable Electrified Transportation Systems Committee was held in Beijing

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China's first IEC System Committee Secretariat established

On the morning of March 26, State Grid Corporation of China organized the International Electrotechnical Commission in Beijing (hereinafter referred to as "IEC") Sustainable Electrified Transportation Systems Committee (hereinafter referred to as "SyC SET") Secretariat Inaugural Meeting was held at the State Administration for Market Regulation, State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, National Energy Administration, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Under the witness of relevant ministries and commissions such as the Ministry of Transport, the IEC SyC SET Secretariat was successfully unveiled.

** The meeting pointed out that **SyC SET is the first IEC System Committee established under the leadership of China and responsible for the secretariat in the history of China's standardization development, which is an important milestone. In September 2023, with the joint efforts of relevant domestic parties, SyC SET successfully settled in China, and NARI Group, a subsidiary of State Grid Co., Ltd., assumed the secretariat work. SyC SET is committed to the top-level design of international standards in the field of sustainable electrified transportation and coordinates the work of relevant technical committees within IEC. Having China assume the SyC SET Secretariat and achieving a breakthrough in China assuming the "zero" Secretariat of the IEC Systems Committee is of great significance for China to lead the internationalization of standards in the field of sustainable electrified transportation, participate in the formulation of international standards, and assist industrial development.

It was stressed that 要切实履行国际秘书处职责,积极践行“共商、共建、共享”全球治理观,以全球视野推进可持续电气化交通国际标准化工作,营造友好的合作氛围,服务好各成员协同共建国际标准体系,不断提升秘书处国际影响力;要立足中国在可持续电气化交通领域的产业优势和技术优势,充分利用中国在动力电池、轨道交通电气化、智能电网等关键领域积累的丰富经验,进一步整合国内外优势资源,推动全球交通电气化转型进程,贡献中国智慧和中国方案;要以承担IEC系统委员会秘书处为新起点,在新兴前沿技术领域国际标准路线图制定、推动中国标准“走出去”和培育中高端国际标准化人才等方面持续发力、作出表率,不断谱写能源电力标准国际化事业发展新篇章。

The meeting also shared the standard digitalization innovation practice of State Grid Corporation of China, and released results such as the business model of the Power Grid Digital Standards Museum and the white paper on the standard digitalization of State Grid Corporation of China. 标准数字化是贯彻落实数字中国战略、《国家标准化发展纲要》的担当之举,是支撑能源电力数字化、智能化转型的必然要求,是赋能企业高质量发展关键一招。** 电网数字标准馆** 以业务需求为导向,围绕标准文本数字化、标准研制数字化、标准实施数字化“三条主线”,着力打造标准在线协同编制、标准数据智能服务等“十大能力”,构筑国家电网标准数字化发展生态。 State Grid Corporation of China Standard Digitalization White Paper 提出国家电网机器可读标准等级模型、电网企业标准数字化能力等级评价方法,围绕7大核心业务,提出26个电网标准数字化典型应用场景,赋能电网业务质效提升,全方位服务新型电力系统建设。

A total of more than 140 people from industry associations, research institutions, universities, and system units of State Grid Corporation of China attended the meeting.

author:Editor Mo Fei:Kong Kaixin proofread:Han Yuxi


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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