On March 26, a handover ceremony for the donation of electronic equipment by PetroChina Nile Company to Juba University, the highest institution in South Sudan, was held in Juba. 20 computers, 15 uninterruptible power supply equipment and a 40KW high-power battery pack were officially handed over. According to the work plan, the remaining 25 computers and 15 uninterruptible power supply equipment will be handed over to Juba University in the second half of the year.

Ma Qiang, Chinese Ambassador to South Sudan, Mayom, Executive Vice President of Juba University, Okwan, Director of the Planning, Training and Research Department of the Ministry of Petroleum of South China, and representatives of the China Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs attended the ceremony and delivered speeches. Lu Jiangbo, general manager of PetroChina Nile Company, handed over donated materials to the school.

Ambassador Ma Qiang said that since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and South Africa 13 years ago, the relations between the two countries have continued to develop, which cannot be separated from the deep cultivation of practical cooperation by Chinese companies represented by PetroChina in South Africa. As one of the major investors in South Africa's petroleum industry, PetroChina has made important contributions to the development of South Africa's petroleum industry. PetroChina also actively fulfills its social responsibilities and supports education, health and humanitarian undertakings in South Africa through various means such as donations, donations, and aid construction, benefiting ordinary people in South Africa, demonstrating the responsibility of Chinese enterprises. Focusing on the future, the Chinese government and people will always stand with South Railway Station to jointly implement global development initiatives, global security initiatives and global civilization initiatives, deepen exchanges and cooperation under the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative and the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, and benefit the people of both sides., jointly build a China-Africa community with a shared future.

Lu Jiangbo, general manager of PetroChina Nile Company, said that since entering South Sudan, PetroChina has always adhered to the concept of "mutual benefit, win-win cooperation, cooperative development", promoted cooperation in the oil field with the South government, and actively assumed corporate social responsibilities. PetroChina donated computers and other electronic equipment to Juba University in order to help students improve their learning conditions and better build their motherland after completing their studies. PetroChina will continue to carry out oil cooperation with the Yugoslav government, actively give back to the local society, and make positive contributions to the stable economic and social development of Yugoslavia.

In their speeches, Executive Vice President Mayom, Director Okwan and representatives of the China Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Yugoslavia thanked PetroChina for its generous donation and said that for a long time, the Chinese government and Chinese companies have actively supported the peace process and economic and social development in Yugoslavia, demonstrating the brotherhood of South China and China. The development of South China's petroleum industry is inseparable from the efforts of PetroChina. The two sides have formed a close cooperative relationship in which you have me and you have me. PetroChina's donation of electronic equipment to Juba University is not only a good blessing for the university's 50th anniversary next year, but also a microcosm of Chinese corporate responsibility. The Yugoslav government and people will continue to develop friendly cooperation with China and deepen the friendship between the two countries.

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Local mainstream media such as South Sudan National Television, Vision Radio, City Review, Dawn and Xinhua Agency reported on the event.



Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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