The Dragon Kings of the Four Seas have gathered together!

🐉 🐉 🐉 🐉

From 07:00 to 09:00, April 10

will usher in the year

Year of the Dragon Month of the Dragon Day of the Dragon Hour of the Dragon


What is the Year of the Dragon, Month of the Dragon, Day of the Dragon, and Hour of the Dragon?


"Dragon year, dragon month, dragon day, and dragon hour" is an interesting phenomenon formed by using traditional Chinese stems and branches to mark year, month, day, and hour.

Wang Ke-Chao, head of the popular science department of Zijinshan Astronomical Observatory of Chinese Academy of Sciences, introduced that Jia, Yi, Bing, Ding, Wu, Ji, Geng, Xin, Ren and Gui represent the ten Heavenly Stems, and Zi, Chou, Yin, Mao, Chen, Si, Wu, Wei, Shen, You, Xu, and Hai represent the twelve Earthly Branches; they form a combination of 60 Stem-Branch cycles.:Jiazi, Yichou...Guihai, the sequence was used to record the years and days, cycling in this manner.

The Chinese lunar calendar still employs the system of Stem-Branch chronology for both years and days, with each lunar year being named according to its Stem-Branch and animal zodiac sign.,比如今年为甲辰龙年;农历日按数序纪法和干支纪法命名。

王科超说,The current agricultural calendar uses astronomical months as the standard for dividing the month, and numbers are used to determine the order of the month. ,但在2000多年前,古人已采用十二地支来标记月份,并以冬至节气所在的农历十一月为子月,十二月为丑月,正月为寅月……以此类推,并配合天干使用。按照这种干支纪法,今年的正月十五也可称为:甲辰年丙寅月戊午日。

中国古代同样也用干支纪时,即将One day and night is divided into twelve hours, with twelve Earthly Branches in a cycle to record the time 。对应到一天的24小时,两个小时为一个时辰,子时为23时至1时,丑时是1时至3时……亥时对应21时至23时。


There are 3 "Dragon years, Dragon months, Dragon days, and Dragon hours" this year.


The ancient Chinese used the twelve zodiac animals to correspond to the twelve Earthly Branches. This year is the Jiachen Year of the Dragon. Therefore, dragon month, dragon day, and dragon hour refer to the Chen month, Chen day, and Chen hour, respectively.

王科超说,2024甲辰龙年的龙月里有3个龙日,因此将出现3 times of "Year of Dragon, Month of Dragon, Day of Dragon, Hour of Dragon", respectively at 07:00-09:00 on April 10, April 22 and May 4

Internet users have expressed:It's such a good day!

And other netizens also care:What should I do today?

When are we going to get paid?

Can I give a dragon person a vacation?


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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