Spring warms the mountains and rivers, and the country is clear. Before and after the Qingming Festival, in order to deeply remember the martyrs and trace the glorious footsteps of their ancestors, many PetroChina units held memorial activities to remember the deeds of the martyrs, understand the heroic spirit, strengthen the will to move forward, and gather the strength to forge ahead.

Daqing oilfield

Before and after the Qingming Festival, the Wang Jinxi Memorial Hall of the Iron Man of Daqing Oilfield held a grand commemoration of the martyrs during the Qingming Festival with the theme of "Remembering the martyrs and Remembering the Heart-to-Heart Words". Nearly 20,000 tourists walked into the Iron Man Wang Jinxi Memorial Hall.

On the morning of April 2, in front of the Iron Man Statue in the North Square of the Iron Man Wang Jinxi Memorial Hall, more than 600 visitors from all walks of life gathered in front of the Iron Man Statue in the Memorial Hall to express their deep respect for Comrade Wang Jinxi through flower laying, recitation, oaths, etc. Representatives of the old battle, representatives of the oil field heroes and models, and representatives of the oil field youth bowed three times to the iron statue in turn and laid flowers to the iron statue. The flower offering route is 19.59 meters long. 1959 was the starting point of Daqing Oilfield's century-old oil dream. The eight "Daqing Oilfield New Era Iron Man Model Soldiers" at the scene solemnly swore to the Iron Man statue and paid tribute to the martyrs.

The memorial hall held a recitation session on the theme of "Qingming Festival, Poetry and Remembering the Iron Man" and a cultural relic narration activity of "Seeing the Iron Man in Objects, Watching the Centenary" in the Sunshine Hall. On-site and online audiences jointly recalled the sages and expressed their condolences; the "Reading China in the Memorial Hall" was launched. The international exchange activity of "Reading China in the Memorial Hall" attracted 100 international students from Harbin Normal University to come to the memorial hall to participate in the Qingming Festival activities, reading Daqing in the history of the war and China in the history of petroleum.

On April 4, the Qingming Festival, various units affiliated to Daqing Oilfield held commemorative activities such as theme party days and flower baskets at the memorial hall. Everyone laid flowers to the statue of Iron Man Wang Jinxi and left their vows on the banner reading "Learn Iron Man from Iron Man Around Iron Man".

Since March, the Iron Man Wang Jinxi Memorial Hall has received more than 60,000 tourists and provided more than 240 explanation services. During the Qingming Festival holiday, nearly 20,000 people walked into the memorial hall to listen to the heroic deeds of the Iron Man and relive the oil-turbulent years. In addition to Daqing enterprises, institutions, schools, and social organizations actively participating in the activities, many foreign tourists and local citizens spontaneously went to the memorial hall to commemorate the Iron Man. Zhao Lei, an employee of China Railway First Bureau Group Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd., said:"Iron Man Wang Jinxi represented Chinese manufacturing workers in that era and showed the world that the Chinese people had ambition and backbone. His tenacious will and drive still inspire us today."

Huabei oilfield

On April 2, in order to commemorate the 85th anniversary of Bethune's death and the 85th anniversary of Mao Zedong's publication of "Commemoration of Bethune", young members of the North China Oilfield came to Bethune's Kodihua Memorial Hall, a national patriotic education base, to carry out the "Qingming Festival Sacrifice to Heroes" activity. Youth representatives from the North China Oilfield League members presented flower baskets to Bethune and Ko Dinhua, internationalist soldiers who heroically sacrificed their lives for the cause of the liberation of the Chinese people, to express their deep sorrow and high respect.

Jilin petrochemical

On April 1, 32 young party members and young people from the PetroChina Fire Emergency Rescue Jilin Petrochemical Detachment came to Beishan Martyrs Cemetery in Jilin City to sweep the tomb of Martyr Liu Fuquan, remember the martyrs, and inherit the heroic spirit. In front of the tombstone of martyr Liu Fuquan, all the team members stood in silence and listened to the heroic deeds. The team members said that they must always keep in mind the original mission, let the spirit of the revolutionary martyrs continue to be passed down and carried forward in the new historical period, and be not afraid of hardships and sacrifices in emergency rescue operations to protect the high-quality development of safe production and production of enterprises.

Shandong sales

On April 2, Shandong Sales Heze Branch organized party members and cadres to the Zhanhezhuang Martyrs Cemetery in the Chanhutun Office of the Heze City Development Zone to hold a party day activity with the theme of "Remembering the Revolutionary Martyrs and Inheriting the Red Gene" to pay tribute to the heroes. On the day of the event, party members and cadres visited the Red Education Exhibition Hall, listened to the touching deeds of revolutionary ancestors, reviewed the magnificent Red Revolutionary years, and accepted the baptism and edification of red culture. Party members and party activists stood in the memorial hall to review the oath of joining the party. They all expressed that they should take heroism as a spiritual beacon, do a good job based on their positions, and contribute to the development of the company with practical actions.

Sales in Liaoning

On April 5, volunteers from Liaoning who sold Dalian Baoshihua came to Fuqing Park in Jinzhou to pay homage to Martyr Wang Fuqing, the special hero of the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea. The Qingming Festival Celebrating Heroes and expressing condolences to veterans during the festival are public welfare activities that this volunteer team has been adhering to for 18 years. More than 200 volunteers have participated in and a total of more than 320 veterans have been expressed condolences, covering 39 prefecture-level cities in 15 provinces and regions. Veterans affectionately called the team's volunteers "oil good people."

Guangdong sales

On April 3, five party youth representatives from the Lechang Group of Guangdong Sales Shaoguan Branch went to the People's Revolutionary Martyrs Monument in Lechang County to commemorate the revolutionary martyrs. Representatives of party members participating in the memorial service said that they would follow the example of the revolutionary martyrs, inherit the red gene, integrate the lofty spirit of the revolutionary martyrs into daily work, adhere to the original intention, bravely shoulder the mission, devote themselves to work with more enthusiasm, and practice the core socialist values with practical actions.

Northwest sales

On April 2, more than 60 party member representatives from Northwest Sales went to the Zhang Yiwu Memorial Hall in Yuzhong and the Xinglongshan Martyrs Cemetery to carry out the Qingming Festival party day activity themed "Remembering the Revolutionary Martyrs and Drawing the Strength of Forging Forward" to commemorate the revolutionary martyrs. All party members paid their respects to the Revolutionary Martyrs Monument and Martyrs Memorial Pavilion, listened to the story of the Lanzhou Liberation Campaign, and received a vivid patriotic education lesson. Party members have expressed their desire to inherit and carry forward the patriotic spirit of the revolutionary ancestors, transform their nostalgia and admiration for the martyrs into practical actions of loving and dedicating "Western Marketing", consolidate the results of the "good start" in the first quarter, and continue to strive to successfully complete various annual goals and tasks.

graphic:Daqing Oilfield Zhang Tianshuo Zhao Dongwei Liu Bo, North China Oilfield Yang Weifeng Zhang Yanzheng, Jilin Petrochemical Jiang Shaohua, Shandong Sales Liu Yanli, Liaoning Sales Fu Xiaoshen, Guangdong Sales Qiu Xiaomei, Northwest Sales Guo Chao

edit:Summer Yuqing

editor:he Li

audit:Li Xiangyang

past review

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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