On February 29, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized when presiding over the 12th collective study session of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee that energy security is related to the overall economic and social development. Actively developing clean energy and promoting green and low-carbon transformation of the economy and society have become the general consensus of the international community to respond to global climate change. We must follow the trend and take advantage of the momentum, promote the high-quality development of China's new energy with greater efforts, provide safe and reliable energy security for Chinese-style modernization, and make greater contributions to the joint construction of a clean and beautiful world.

As a major energy producer and consumer, China's new energy industry has ranked among the top in the world. The core link of high-quality development of new energy is to achieve low-cost, stable and clean supply of energy. The most urgent thing at present is to focus on solving major key issues in the development process of new energy in accordance with the requirements of developing new quality productive forces and on the basis of the advantages of development scale that have been achieved, break the shackles of development, and improve the quality of new energy development.

China's new energy maintains rapid development

Data from the National Energy Administration shows that as of the end of 2023, the country's total installed capacity of renewable energy power generation reached 1.516 billion kilowatts, accounting for 51.9% of the country's total installed capacity of power generation, and accounting for nearly 40% of the world's total installed capacity of renewable energy power generation. In 2023, the country's renewable energy installed capacity will be 305 million kilowatts, accounting for 82.7% of the country's new power generation installed capacity and half of the world's new installed capacity; the country's renewable energy power generation capacity will be nearly 3 trillion kilowatt hours, close to the whole society. 1/3 of the electricity consumption; the country's major renewable energy power generation projects have completed investment exceeding 769.7 billion yuan, accounting for about 80% of all power supply project investment.

China's new energy development still faces challenges

The development of new energy industries has made important contributions to China's economic and social development and has also become an important force in promoting green and low-carbon development in the world. However, while China's new energy industry is developing rapidly, it is also facing unbalanced and inadequate problems. It is still necessary to adhere to a problem-oriented approach, highlight key points, and accelerate various tasks with powerful and effective measures.

First of all, the instability of new energy supply is more prominent 。一是新能源发电易受季节、天气变化影响,存在输出不稳定问题。风力发电主要集中在春冬两季,光伏发电主要集中在夏秋两季;大小风年的风电利用小时数相差超过20%,光伏利用小时数相差约10%。新能源发电出力(发电设备输出的电功率)波动性大可导致电力供应紧张和弃风弃光问题同时存在。促进新能源基地电力供应稳定的储能设施、智能电网等建设尚处于规划或论证初期,需要一定的周期及发展积累,同时其效果有待进一步检验。二是大力发展分布式新能源面临的问题。分布式能源的主要产业形式为天然气冷热电联产、可再生能源、储能和燃料电池等,目前以分布式光伏、分布式天然气为主,储能和燃料电池尚处于起步试点阶段。截至2023年底,光伏累计装机并网容量6.08918亿千瓦,其中集中式光伏电站3.54481亿千瓦,分布式光伏2.54438亿千瓦;分布式光伏中户用光伏为1.15797亿千瓦。目前,全国分布式光伏面临产能过剩、技术创新能力不足、微电网技术复杂且维护困难、隔墙售电有一定难度等挑战,用户认可度总体较低。

Secondly, the power transmission from new energy bases is limited by objective conditions 。一是基地电力外送通道建设面临一定困难。国家层面一直在加强大基地外送通道规划和建设统筹。目前,大型新能源基地主要位于沙漠、戈壁、荒漠等偏远地区,新能源基地外送通道线路里程长、投资巨大、涉及多地利益,其中线路站址资源稀缺,协调建设有一定难度。二是要提升需求侧响应水平。大基地运行顺畅的前提条件是送端电网和受端电网的负荷特性紧密关联且保持匹配,即便有调节电源,需求侧响应也应保持高效。根据《电力需求侧管理办法(2023年版)》,到2025年,各省需求响应能力将达到最大用电负荷的3%—5%,其中年度最大用电负荷峰谷差率超过40%的省份达到5%及以上。这与发达国家仍有一定差距。

Finally, the construction of the national unified power market needs to be accelerated. 《关于进一步深化电力体制改革的若干意见》实施以来,中国电力市场多元竞争主体格局初步形成,市场化交易电量比重提升。目前,全国市场化交易电量3万亿—4万亿千瓦时,占全社会用电量的40%左右,仍有提升空间。中国已建成32个地区电力交易中心和北京、广州两大区域电力交易中心。北京区域电力交易中心主要覆盖国家电网区域内交易,广州中心覆盖南方电网区域内交易,两者均无法反映全国市场的总体情况,不足以支撑全国范围内电力交易。随着高比重的可再生能源以及分布式能源、电动汽车等新型市场主体广泛接入电网,未来电力市场业务需求更加灵活多变,供需主体多元,亟待依靠高效价格机制调节电力流向。

Take multiple measures to promote high-quality development of new energy

To solve the problems faced by China's new energy industry in the development process, the following measures need to be taken.

First, take various measures to improve the stability of new energy supply. 一是加快建设风光水储、风光火储一体化新能源基地。根据大基地所处区位的特点及资源条件,打造风光水储、风光火储一体化基地,因地制宜开展新型能源体系建设。重视发展调节性火电、水电、抽水蓄能项目。针对“三北”地区新能源基地遍布以及进口管道天然气必经的特殊区位,可考虑发展气电调峰,兼顾电力供应稳定与低碳要求,布局一批气电项目。二是规划布局好分布式能源项目,提高社会认知度,增强地区能源需求响应能力。有条件的地区应尽可能形成多类型新能源(含储能)集成的分布式新能源发展格局,以增强电力供应稳定性。加强柔性配电网建设,规范上网电价,依靠电价调节产出,最大程度提升分布式能源自消纳能力。积极打造“基地+分布式”的新能源供应体系,促进风、光、水电、地热等新能源实现互补。

Secondly, combine supply-side reform with demand-side response to promote the construction of infrastructure such as power grids. 一是加快建设输电通道,优化布局,与重点产业匹配。重点推进建设强大的输电、变电网络。可在大气污染防治行动计划12条重点输电通道建设的基础上,将新增跨省区输电通道规划纳入国家层面重大项目范畴,发改委、能源局等统筹协调项目选址用地等问题。结合低碳发展要求,考虑建设石化、电力等重点排放项目的新能源直供专线。基于不同种类新能源之间的稳定性差异,以及地区之间的新能源禀赋差异,应加强输电通道的联通。二是强化需求侧管理,促进电力供需动态匹配。立足需求侧负荷供应实际需要,以需求侧用电及调节成本最低为原则,统筹优化大基地与需求侧电网资源,以有效适应基地新能源发电出力存在的短期波动性。

Finally, accelerate the construction of a unified power market, activate price adjustment functions, and promote cross-regional market-oriented power transactions. 在地区电力交易中心、区域电力交易中心运行基础上,推动完善全国电力交易中心建设,形成全国统一电力大市场。切实落实《中共中央、国务院关于加快建设全国统一大市场的意见》,畅通市场信息交换渠道,推动交易平台优化升级,形成高性能柔性结算能力,建立依法规范、权责分明的公司法人治理体系和运营机制,完善议事协调和监督机制,破除电力交易的地域界限,依靠基于供需的电力价格形成机制,实现更大规模、更高效率的跨区域电力资源配置。

This article was originally published on page 6 of China Petroleum News on March 26, 2024. The original title was "Adhere to Problem Orientation and Promote High-Quality Development-Problems Facing China's New Energy Development and Countermeasures"

author:Jimin Energy Strategy Scholar

edit:Guo Siqing

editor:he Li

audit:Li Xiangyang

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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