On April 10, China National Petroleum Corporation held the opening ceremony and symposium of the second entrepreneur talent training class to thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's relevant important instructions on promoting entrepreneurship and the Party Central Committee's proposal to thoroughly implement the strategy of strengthening the country through talents in the new era. Deploy and promote the creation of a team of state-owned entrepreneurs that meet the needs of world-class enterprises. Dai Houliang, Chairman and Party Secretary of China National Petroleum Corporation, attended and taught the first lesson to the students.

Dai Houliang used his profound cultural heritage, broad thinking vision, profound understanding and experience and rich practical thinking, citing classics and anecdotes, and gave a wonderful and profound special tutoring. He expressed his ardent hope to all students. As the "leaders","leaders" and "top leaders" of each unit, we must thoroughly study and implement the central government's requirements and arrangements for building a good team of state-owned entrepreneurs, communicate with each other, learn from each other's strengths, and lead enterprises in the new era and new journey.

围绕深刻认识举办企业家人才研修班的目的和意义,Dai Houliang said that holding this seminar, It is to cultivate students 'feelings for family and country and strong will, promote entrepreneurship, and improve strategic thinking abilities and abilities. 以适应企业当前和未来面临的竞争格局,为集团公司锻造政治坚强、本领高强、意志顽强的“三强”企业家队伍,为党和国家培养后备人才力量。国有企业是我们党执政兴国的重要支柱和依靠力量,要把如何当好国有企业家作为重要课题进行深入思考,努力成为堪当世界一流企业建设重任的企业家人才。百年未有之大变局加速演进,要从党和国家事业发展的全局性需要出发,深刻认识公司所处的时代背景、形势任务和困难挑战,立足长远抓当前,增强战略管理能力,加强优秀年轻干部培养选拔,调动广大干部员工干事创业的积极性,攻坚克难谋划企业未来发展。

围绕如何培养企业家人才队伍,戴厚良与大家分享了认识和思考。 He said that we must follow General Secretary Xi Jinping's "twenty-character requirements" for state-owned enterprise leaders and deeply grasp the central government's requirements for party and government leading cadres and state-owned enterprise leaders. ,准确领悟对党忠诚、勇于创新、治企有方、兴企有为、清正廉洁之间的深刻内涵,与企业家精神结合起来,学以致用、融会贯通。百战归来再读书。要突出政治坚强,强化理论武装,牢牢把握习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的世界观和方法论,认真学习中国共产党百年历史上的三个历史决议,把推进中国式现代化作为新时代最大的政治,深刻认识中国的国有企业与国家发展紧密关联、共同成长,搞清楚国有企业家为了谁、依靠谁的问题。要突出本领高强,提高政治能力、调查研究能力、科学决策能力、改革攻坚能力、应急处突能力、群众工作能力、抓落实能力,培养既精通专业又懂党务的复合型人才。要突出意志顽强,大力弘扬愚公移山精神,树立敢于斗争、敢于胜利的信念,锚定目标持之以恒、久久为功,战胜一切风高浪急的风险挑战,发展新质生产力,加快推动高水平科技自立自强,全面推进加快世界一流企业建设进程。

围绕如何加强学习和自我提升, Dai Houliang said that we always feel shallow on paper. We must learn from practice, rely on our own understanding, have the courage to accept challenges, be good at thinking and summarizing, draw inferences from one example, communicate efficiently, and strive to become an excellent state-owned entrepreneur. 要从中华传统文化中学,从先进企业家经验中学,全方面提升认知和思维方式,结合企业实际形成独具风格的经营之道。要坚持人民至上,坚持自信自立,坚持守正创新,坚持问题导向,坚持系统观念,坚持胸怀天下,培养全球视野、战略眼光,以坚强的意志和执着的精神,推进企业高质量发展。

It is reported that the party group of the group company attaches great importance to the cultivation of entrepreneurial talents. This seminar is a specific action taken by the party group to thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's relevant important instructions on promoting entrepreneurship and implement the Party Central Committee's specific actions to thoroughly implement the strategic deployment of strengthening the country through talents in the new era. It is an important measure to implement the "Training 100 Entrepreneurs" project, enhance the leadership of entrepreneurs, and accelerate the construction of a world-class enterprise with a long-lasting foundation. The group company successfully held the first entrepreneurial talent training class last year. Starting from 2024, it will hold two entrepreneurial talent training classes every year, and carry out regular management and long-term operation of the training classes.

Huang Yongzhang, member of the party group and deputy general manager of the group company, presided over the meeting. Zhu Qingzhong, Assistant General Manager of the Group Company, General Manager of the Human Resources Department, and Director of the Party Leadership Organization Department, relevant responsible comrades of the Comprehensive Management Department, Party Leadership Organization Department and Beijing Petroleum Management Cadre College of the Group Company, as well as 21 students attended.

reporter:Sun Mengyu

photography:Chang Zhengle

edit:Yang Ziyi

editor:he Li

audit:Li Xiangyang

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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