During this year's National Two Sessions, General Secretary Xi Jinping participated in group activities three times, emphasizing the development of new productive forces. New quality productivity is becoming an important focus in promoting high-quality economic development. All regions, departments and all walks of life are studying how to develop ideas, develop new quality productivity, and move towards "new".

Developing new productive forces requires continuously deepening understanding, working together, and promoting practice. 新质生产力不仅是生产力理论的重大创新,更是生产力领域的重要变革,涉及重组要素资源、重塑经济结构,是激发新的动能、改变竞争格局的关键力量。集中精力推动科技创新、集聚资源推动科技创新,就能够促进新质生产力加快发展,促进高质量发展不断取得新的突破,就能够在保持经济长期向好基本趋势的同时,打开高质量发展的新空间。
无论是理论上还是实践中,新质生产力都有明确的内涵和外延,不能把什么想法、什么举措都披上新质生产力的外衣,甚至不顾实际条件,硬往新质生产力上面靠。 Putting concepts, talking empty words, shouting slogans... generalization and abuse of new productive forces will not only easily lose the direction of development, but also miss development opportunities. 新质生产力是创新起主导作用,摆脱传统经济增长方式、生产力发展路径,具有高科技、高效能、高质量特征,符合新发展理念的先进生产力质态。需要我们牵住创新的“牛鼻子”,挖掘和发展符合高效、智能、绿色、可持续等特征的新业态新模式,进行生产方式、组织管理的全面革新,推动经济发展方式转变。如果忽略新质生产力的边界和特征,把七七八八的工作都纳入进来,就很难抓住主要矛盾带动全局工作。
It is worthy of recognition that all localities and industries seize opportunities and have a sense of urgency and ability to develop new productive forces. 但同时,我们对发展新质生产力,既要有足够的热情与敏锐,也要保持必须的清醒和冷静,明确本地发展定位,因地制宜,找准着力点,谋定而动。有些地方在发展新质生产力方面已经有成熟的条件,并取得一定成果,可以出大力、挑大梁,而有些地方则需要进一步培育和壮大产业基础,优化调整要素配置,发展新质生产力将是一个比较漫长的过程。要根据各地差异、发展实际,充分挖掘地方的发展潜能和优势,客观看待区域发展落差,把本地特色传统产业改造好,稳扎稳打夯实现代化产业体系基底,真正实现发展动能的转变,有力助推经济高质量发展。


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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