A toddler in the United States shoots and kills a baby
According to the news from the CCTV news client, on a certain date, a shooting incident occurred in Texas, USA, where a toddler in a car picked up a loaded long gun and pulled the trigger, resulting in the death of an infant.
据悉,枪击事件发生在得克萨斯州圣安东尼奥市一个医疗中心附近的停车场。当地警方表示,案发时车中有一名女性和三名分别为3岁、2岁以及10至11个月大的婴幼儿。警方称,其中一个年龄较大的儿童拿起放在车尾的一把上膛长枪,"Accidentally pulled the trigger.",开枪打中了最小的婴儿,酿成了悲剧。目前该案还在进一步调查中。
Title: "Accidentally Pulling the Trigger" - A Toddler in Texas, USA, Accidentally Shoots and Kills a Baby
Source: CCTV News Client
Editor: Wu Beibei
Editor: Song Fangcan
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