So close! At the Shanghai airport jet bridge, a passenger's backpack suddenly caught fire...
10月20日下午上海虹桥机场T2航站楼一进港航班下客时廊桥内突然起火Suspected of spontaneous combustion of the charging treasure机场工作人员赶到将火扑灭疏散旅客机上人员一切正常
Don't use charging treasure while flying**** **飞机客舱属于增压环境,**在飞机起降过程中,客舱压力是变化的,会从起飞前的1个大气压降到巡航时的约0.6个大气压,降落时再慢慢增加到1个大气压。
**关于容量:**飞机上充电宝的容量有严格的限制。额定能量不超过100Wh(瓦时),无需航空公司批准;额定能量超过100Wh但不超过160Wh,经航空公司批准后方可携带。However, power banks larger than the specified capacity are not allowed on the plane.
**关于携带:**充电宝必须是旅客个人自用携带;充电宝只能在手提行李中携带或随身携带,严禁在托运行李中携带。同时需要注意,Each passenger is allowed to carry no more than two power banks.
Usage: During the flight, it is prohibited to use power banks to charge electronic devices. For power banks with a start-up switch, the power bank should remain turned off throughout the flight.
What situations are prone to explosion and combustion in power banks?
inferior products
此外,如果充电宝的外壳质量不过关,一旦发生挤压、冲击、针刺或磕碰、跌落,充电宝内部电路和电芯极易出现短路、电芯漏液等问题,从而发生剧烈反应,就可能造成Smoke, fire, explosion.等严重后果。
overcharge time
Power banks usually take several hours or even longer to fully charge. If the charger is left plugged in, charging the power bank all day and night, the battery will be in a state of overcharging, which can easily lead to circuit malfunctions and subsequently cause explosions.
充电时,如果将充电宝Placed in environments such as quilts, boxes, etc., which are not conducive to heat dissipation.,或将充电宝placed in high-temperature areas below the sun,都有可能引发充电宝的自燃爆炸。
充电宝平时应存放在Moderate temperature, dry.的地方,防止暴晒,Its optimal operating temperature is ℃.
How to extinguish a power bank fire? Moisture, crushing impact, damage, high temperature都可能引起充电宝起火。如果遇到充电宝起火,该采用哪种灭火方式呢?
The charging treasure has a useful life 如何避免充电宝变“充电爆”?
Purchase regular products
正规厂商的产品包装上都会有厂家生产地址、电话、防伪码、条形码等信息,另外还要Please pay attention to the presence or absence of the "" marks.。
Daily standardized use
Do not exceed the service life
在充电宝的一侧,通常有可循环使用标识,The middle number represents the rechargeable lifespan of the battery inside the power bank.
带充电宝乘飞机请务必严守规范Disable charging treasure during flight日常使用也要注意Timely replace hidden charging treasure确保安全
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