Sima Hong, Deputy Mayor of Beijing City

■ China Economic Times reporter Chen Shuhan

On March 25, Sima Hong, Vice Mayor of Beijing City, attended the 2024 Annual Meeting of the China Development Forum and delivered a keynote speech at the symposium on new consumption and the release of domestic demand potential.

Sima Hong said that in recent years, Beijing has made great efforts to build an international consumption center city. In adapting to the trend of upgrading consumption structure and releasing the development potential of new consumption, it has continuously explored and practiced four characteristics.

First, comply with the trend of networked information consumption ,形成一批新业态,借助新技术和物流配送体系,直播电商、即时零售、社区团购等新业态蓬勃发展。2023年,北京市实现网上零售额5458亿元。在京的抖音快手等头部直播电商平台的交易规模达到了3.6万亿元。即时零售提升服务效率品质,像美团、京东等企业加快拓展生活服务业,积极推进数字化升级。15分钟的养老服务圈、医疗圈、健身圈、生活服务圈加快形成,不断增进了市民的幸福感和获得感。

Second, in line with the trend of intelligent experiential consumption demand, a number of new models have emerged. 消费便利性体验性需求催生了智慧商圈等无接触式商业模式快速发展,打通了线上、线下渠道,带动实体销售数字化、智能化改造。

Third, in line with the trend of quality and personalized consumption, a number of new brands have been established. 借助互联网优势,适应年轻群体消费偏好,老字号、新品牌等加速崛起,凸显了文化优势,丰富了消费内涵,提升了消费潜力,新兴品牌彰显了城市魅力。

Fourth, follow the trend of immersive integrated consumption and create a number of new scenarios. 发挥北京商人媒体资源禀赋优势,创新推动多元化消费融合发展。10多个项目被认定为国家级夜间文化和旅游消费聚集区,成为年轻人热衷的打卡地。

At present, new consumption is constantly reshaping the consumption structure and releasing consumption potential. Beijing will also follow the new development concept, firmly grasp the strategic positioning of the capital city, continue to promote the implementation of consumption-promoting policies, strive to promote the iterative upgrading of commodity consumption towards intelligence, green, and quality, and strive to promote the quality improvement and expansion of service consumption to meet consumers. With the huge demand for diversification, personalization, and customization, we will strive to promote the formation of a mechanism for positive interaction between consumers, enterprises, and governments, and build an international consumption center city that integrates China and foreign countries, gathers the world, and leads the trend.

司马红说,具体工作举措有三方面。one is 就强化以消费者为中心的理念,营造更加便捷高效舒心的友好型消费环境,构建国际消费体验区、城市消费中心、地区活力消费圈和社区便民生活圈,彰显中国传统文化接轨国际时尚潮流,拓展沉浸式互动式的消费新场景。

second is 强化科技创新与消费融合发展,营造新业态、新模式不断涌现的生态环境,支持开发智能网联汽车、智能穿戴设备等绿色智能产品,培育新“科技+绿色”等新业态新模式,推动互联网平台企业向线下延伸拓展,加快传统线下业态数字化转型升级,促进直播电商、社交电商、汽车零售等持续升级,支持引导电商平台、服务机构、直播基地加速在京集聚发展,拓展服务消费增长空间,带动服务型消费快速成长。

third is 强化北京服务平台,营造促进新型消费发展的良好营商环境。进一步完善文、商、媒体多维融合的引导政策,促进多元化消费业态融合发展,创新“互联网+政务”服务模式,简化优化证照办理,为新型消费领域的企业提供更加便捷的服务。强化财政支撑,优化金融服务,拓展新型消费领域投融资渠道,深化包容审慎和协同式监管,加强新就业形态劳动者权益保护。

"Beijing is marching forward on the journey of modernization and will continue to bring new policy dividends, development space and investment opportunities. We warmly welcome domestic and foreign entrepreneurs and friends from all walks of life to join hands with us, pay attention to Beijing, invest in Beijing, and share Beijing's core consumption upgrade projects to create a new scene of Beijing's consumption life." Sima Hong said.


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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