■ Li Zuojun Tian Huimin

The report of the 20th CPC National Congress proposed to improve the social governance system, improve the social governance system of co-construction, co-governance and sharing, and enhance the efficiency of social governance, which puts forward the basic direction for promoting the modernization of social governance. The 2024 "Government work report" proposed that we should effectively ensure and improve people's livelihood, strengthen and innovate social governance, improve the social governance system, and make specific arrangements for improving the social governance system. Social governance is an activity in which relevant subjects coordinate social relations and deal with social affairs in an institutional or non-institutional way in order to maximize social public interests. it is an important task of social construction and an important part of national governance. The social governance system is a system in which the government, social organizations, enterprises and institutions and individual citizens participate, coordinate and shoulder their respective responsibilities to jointly promote social stability and order, fairness and justice, and people living and working in peace and contentment. Improving the social governance system is the only way to further promote the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity, and it is also the key measure to transform China's institutional advantages into the effectiveness of national governance. To improve the social governance system, we must stand at the strategic height of promoting the modernization of the national security system and capacity, enhance the efficiency of social governance, and consolidate the cornerstone of "governance of China" with the modernization of social governance.

1. Strengthen institutional guarantees and form a synergy in social governance

Strengthening institutional guarantees is the key to building a social governance system in which everyone is responsible, everyone fulfills their responsibilities, and everyone enjoys it. The synergy of all social governance entities can be enhanced by establishing and improving the social governance system of joint construction, co-governance and sharing. To this end, it is necessary to improve the leadership system of the party committee, improve the government responsibility system, establish a mechanism for promoting the responsibility of groups, improve the coordination system of social organizations, and build a system for people's participation.

First, improve the leadership system of the party committee. 党委领导是社会治理的核心和关键。各级党委要发挥总揽全局、协调各方的领导核心作用,把党的路线方针政策贯彻到社会治理的各个方面,确保社会治理工作的正确方向。 Second, improve the government responsibility system. 政府负责是社会治理的重要支撑。政府作为社会治理的主要力量,要承担起保障人民群众基本生活和公共服务的责任。突出防控化解政治安全、社会治安、矛盾纠纷、公共安全、网络安全五类风险隐患。 Third, establish a mechanism for promoting responsibility by groups. 把适合群团组织承担的社会管理服务职能按法定程序转由群团组织行使。找准群团助推着力点,引导群团组织聚焦群众所急、党政所需、群团所能的领域,助推社会治理取得实效。 Fourth, improve the coordination system of social organizations. 健全社会组织培育扶持机制,重点扶持发展治保维稳类、专业调处类、公益慈善类、居民互助类等社会组织。扩大社会组织有序参与,确保社会组织按照党的路线方针政策和决策部署开展业务活动。加强社会组织规范管理,促进其不断提升服务绩效和社会公信力。 Fifth, build a system for people's participation. 畅通群众参与社会治理的制度渠道,保障群众的知情权、参与权、表达权和监督权。健全群众参与的引导机制,创新完善群众工作机制,推动听民声、察民情、解民忧常态化,使市域社会治理深深扎根于人民群众之中。


The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed to promote multi-level and multi-field legal governance and improve the level of legalization of social governance. In the general environment of governing the country according to law, the spirit of the rule of law is the spiritual support for social governance, the rule of law is an important cornerstone of social governance, and the rule of law order is the fundamental guarantee of social governance. Multiple measures should be taken simultaneously to ensure the "last mile" of social governance with the rule of law, continuously improve people's satisfaction and social credibility, improve the rule of law protection in all aspects of the social governance system, and form a governance state of overall coordination, high-quality, efficient, and healthy operation. Continuously consolidate the foundation of social governance.

First, strengthen the overall deployment of legalization of social governance. 做好中长期规划与阶段性工作部署,健全依法开展社会治理工作的长效机制,不断提升治安防控和基础民生领域依法治理的能力。第二,依法构建坚强的社会治理领导体系和完备的社会治理制度体系、高效的社会治理运行体系、严格的社会治理监督体系、客观的社会治理评价体系。第三,增强法治观念,健全规范体系。在全社会树立起“宪法法律至上、法律面前人人平等”的法治理念,让法治成为社会共识和全民信仰。加强法治宣传教育,提高公众的法治意识和法律素养。加强社会治理的社会制度规范和道德规范建设,着力提高规范过程中的民主参与度和透明度,厚植社会治理规范的民意基础。第四,依法有效化解矛盾,增强社会安全感。运用法治思维和法治方式畅通和规范群众诉求表达、利益协调、权益保障通道,加强矛盾排查和风险研判。推动各类社会主体有效运用法治思维和法治方式管理和调节社会事务,将社会各领域工作纳入法治轨道进行有效治理,依法推进社会治理现代化进程。充分发挥人民调解的第一道防线作用,发挥行政机关化解纠纷的“分流阀”作用,同时发挥律师在纠纷调解中的独特作用。

3. Strengthen digital empowerment and improve social governance capabilities

China has entered the era of digital economy. Data has become an important productivity and key production factor, and is the country's core strategic resource and an important asset of society. Digital transformation should be strengthened to empower social governance and continuously improve social governance capabilities.

First, accelerate the construction of an integrated government big data system. 依托政务大数据体系,促进数据合理、高效、安全地汇聚,增进数据依法有序流动,激发数据要素作用和效用价值。在政府履职体系中形成用数据说话的决策机制,提升数据驱动决策力。 Second, build a social governance platform based on "one network" and rely on digital technology to promote social governance empowerment. 通过轨迹追踪将社会风险关口前移,在突发事件应对中实现精准治理,通过数字技术实现社会治理精准化,如北京实施的“街乡吹哨、部门报到”,江苏实施的“大数据+网格化+铁脚板”,湖北和福建实施的“随手拍”等。通过数字技术实现社会治理系统化和综合化,如上海等地实施的“一网通办”“一网统管”。通过数字技术调动人民群众参与社会治理的主动性,如安徽宁国市打造的集社区事务协商、社情民意反映、信息沟通交流功能于一体的“阳光议事厅”线上平台。通过数字化手段化解基层矛盾,如浙江宁波建立的“移动微法院”。 Third, use digital technology to improve the level of emergency management. 加强数字技术在灾害监测预警、资源调配、救援指挥等方面的应用,提高社会应对突发事件的能力。通过广泛应用数字化技术,全面提升社会治理现代化水平。 Fourth, objectively and rationally view the pros and cons of digital technology participating in social governance. 坚持技术应用与制度保障并重、政府监管与平台自律并重、社会智治与民主协商并重,在有效防范技术风险的前提下,加快推进社会治理数字化转型。

4. Promote the "Maple Bridge Experience" and give full play to the role of grassroots people

In the early 1960s, cadres and masses in Fengqiao Town, Zhuji County, Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province created the "Fengqiao Experience" of "mobilizing and relying on the masses, insisting on not handing over conflicts, and resolving them on the spot", becoming a model for grassroots social governance in China. In-depth exploration and promotion of the "Maple Bridge Experience" is of great significance to promoting social governance.

First, persist in promoting the "Fengqiao experience" and practice the Party's mass line. The cohesion of the masses reflects the ability of leadership. At the level of social governance, it is necessary to correctly handle contradictions among the people, closely rely on the masses, solve problems at the grass-roots level and resolve them in the bud. Second, persist in promoting the "Fengqiao experience" and create a new situation of pluralistic and good governance. To construct a pluralistic dispute resolution system, we should start with perfecting the top-level design of the four-level dispute resolution mechanism, strengthening the construction of the mediation team, making full use of the mediation platform of the people's court, promoting the diversion of complicated and simple cases within the court, and carrying out multiple performance evaluation, etc. give full play to the advantages of pluralistic dispute resolution system To comprehensively promote the modernization of grass-roots social governance and social comprehensive governance innovation, to promote the modernization of social governance system and governance capacity to add momentum. By improving the comprehensive mechanism of multiple prevention, mediation and resolution of social contradictions, we will resolve small contradictions and problems at the grass-roots level, and resolve a large number of disputes before litigation. Third, persist in promoting the "Fengqiao experience" and organically integrate the "three governance". "Fengqiao experience" is the concentrated embodiment of the organic integration of autonomy, the rule of law and the rule of virtue. Adhere to autonomy as the basis, the rule of law as the basis, and the rule of virtue as the priority, pay attention to the comprehensive application of autonomy, the rule of law, and the rule of virtue, and form a systematic, coordinated and integrated system and mechanism through people's autonomy, legal constraints, and moral concepts. Through top-down government guidance and mobilization of bottom-up social participation, we will promote the modernization of grass-roots governance.

(Li Zuojun is the director and researcher of the Institute of Public Administration and Human Resources of the Development Research Center of the State Council; Tian Huimin is an associate researcher at the Planning and Research Institute of China Development Bank)


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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