--Interview with Wang Yun, deputy director and researcher of the Xi Jinping Research Center for Economic Thought

■ China Economic Times reporter Guo Jinhui

The Central Economic Work Conference held in December 2023 and this year's "Government Work Report" both deployed the cultivation and expansion of new consumption. Since the beginning of this year, the vigorous development of new consumption has attracted attention. How to further cultivate and expand new consumption and expand domestic demand? A reporter from the China Economic Times interviewed Wang Yun, deputy director and researcher of the Xi Jinping Research Center for Economic Thought.

New consumption continues to maintain vigorous development

China Economic times:How do you evaluate the development trend of China's new consumption this year?

Wang Yun: 今年以来,互联网和数字技术催生的新业态、新模式、新场景等新型消费继续保持了蓬勃发展态势,成为带动消费持续扩大的重要力量。1-2月份,全国网上零售额达21535亿元,同比增长15.3%,占社会消费品零售总额比重为22.4%,其中实物商品网上零售额同比增长14.4%,增速比去年全年加快6个百分点。

New e-commerce models such as live streaming and instant retail continue to maintain rapid growth. For example, during the Spring Festival holiday, major platforms provide convenient and fast real-time retail services. Suning Tesco's real-time retail orders in the same city increased by more than 80% year-on-year during the Spring Festival. Meituan's flash purchase orders in 2023 will increase by 23.9% year-on-year, and the scope of flash purchase categories will also expand from traditional daily necessities such as food to consumer electronics and other products.

Consumers 'green consumption concepts have been significantly enhanced. The "2023 China Consumer Trend Report" shows that 73.8% of consumers give priority to green and environmentally friendly products in their daily lives. In the first two months of this year, sales of new energy vehicles increased by 37.2% year-on-year, and the total sales of green smart home appliances to the countryside on major e-commerce platforms increased by 21% year-on-year.

Rich innovations in consumption scenarios and consumption content have stimulated more cultural and tourism integrated consumption. National trend culture and brand consumption have become a highlight, and wearing Hanfu to experience traditional culture has become a consumer fashion. For example, Jingdong data shows that since January this year, Jingdong's turnover in Hanfu categories such as horse face skirts has increased by more than 300% year-on-year.

The trade-in action of consumer goods provides broad space for new consumption

China Economic times:The State Council recently released the "Action Plan to Promote Large-scale Equipment Renewal and Exchange of Consumer Goods with Old Products." In your opinion, what development space and opportunities will the implementation of the trade-in action of consumer goods bring to new consumption in the future?

** Wang Yun:** Implementing the old-for-new action focusing on automobiles, home appliances, consumer home improvement goods, etc. can provide broad development space for the development of new consumption.

On the one hand, the trade-in of consumer goods focusing on low-carbon, environmental protection and green upgrades has adapted to consumers 'green lifestyle needs. Price subsidies and service improvements will help unleash the potential of consumption upgrades and promote the rapid development of green consumption. Judging from the market response, online platforms have quickly launched trade-in promotional activities. For example, Tmall has already implemented door-to-door delivery and replacement of old products or "send new products and collect old products separately" services in 1500 districts and counties across the country. In 2024, joint merchants will invest 500 million yuan to expand the scope and intensity of commodity subsidies. Jingdong's trade-in has covered more than 200 home appliance segments. Douyin has launched the "Three-Year 1 Billion Green Electricity Subsidy Plan", covering refrigerators, TVs, kitchen appliances, washing machines, air conditioners, water heaters and other major home appliance categories.

On the other hand, the trade-in of consumer goods focusing on intelligence can well meet consumers 'needs for smart life. Price subsidies, preferential promotions and other methods can help stimulate potential consumption and accelerate new consumption such as smart homes and health consumption. development. The number of home appliances in major categories such as refrigerators, washing machines, and air conditioners in China exceeds 3 billion units, and most of them have reached the stage of replacement. The upgraded consumption of smart homes can not only drive the upgraded consumption of green smart home appliances, but also drive home decoration and household supplies. Upgrade consumption, as well as the derivation of intelligent and healthy consumption at home, has created a new consumer market space of trillions.

Further cultivate and expand new consumption

China Economic times:Cultivating and expanding new consumption is one of the key tasks this year. What suggestions do you have for the next step in cultivating and expanding new consumption?

Wang Yun: 新型消费具有深度融合性、配置高效性、发展持续性和循环畅通性等突出特点,为扩大内需提供了增长新空间。2023年年底的中央经济工作会议和今年的《政府工作报告》都对培育壮大新型消费进行了部署,重点就是要充分发挥新型消费带动内需扩大的驱动力和更好满足人民美好生活需要的作用。

To further cultivate and expand new consumption, we can increase efforts from the following aspects.

one is 支持提升新型消费产品和服务供给质量。鼓励发展新业态、新模式、新场景,加快以新技术促进新装备新设备应用。鼓励定制、体验、智能、时尚消费等新模式新业态发展,推进商贸物流、新型信息等相关基础设施建设和布局优化,促进数字化、智能化新场景的普及应用和拓展,加快实现线上线下消费双向深度融合。

second is 增强新型消费发展的要素保障。加快数据要素、技术要素市场培育与发展,推动要素价格市场化改革,健全要素市场运行机制。支持拓展新型消费领域投融资渠道,优化与新型消费相关的支付环境及金融服务。加强新职业、新工种技能培训,探索从业人员个人技能提升与企业、行业健康发展相互促进的长效机制。加快健全劳动法律法规及相关劳动保障制度,更好维护劳动者权益。

third is 促进新型消费与新型基础设施建设相协调、相匹配。协同推进与新型消费有关的新基建、传统设施数字化改造等领域的投资。发挥好政府投资的带动放大效应,引导地方用好专项债等政策工具,健全政府和社会资本合作新机制,带动社会资本参与新型基础设施等领域的建设。重点鼓励支持数字消费、智能消费、绿色消费、在线休闲娱乐、在线医疗健康等新型消费发展壮大,牵引带动相关产业投资。

fourth is 完善新型消费发展相关基础性制度。加快落实全国统一大市场建设的相关改革和举措,进一步消除阻碍公平竞争的制度障碍,强化市场基础制度规则统一。加快出台电子商务、共享经济等领域相关配套规章制度,制定分行业分领域管理办法,有序做好与其他相关政策法规的衔接。深化新业态新模式的包容审慎监管。建立健全政策评估制度、常态化政企沟通联系机制。畅通消费者维权渠道,健全消费纠纷解决机制,着力营造安全、放心、诚信的消费环境。


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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