At present, many energy storage PCS manufacturers are embarking on technological innovation to iterate towards high-power, high-voltage, and modular clustering management to cope with new changes in the energy storage market this year. Industry insiders generally believe that the competition for energy storage PCS will become more intense this year.

Against the background of fierce competition in the energy storage industry, energy storage cell technology is accelerating its development towards large-capacity. The continuous pursuit of safety and cost by downstream energy storage systems is promoting the continuous innovation of technologies such as cells, energy storage converters (PCS), and battery management systems (BMS), energy management systems (EMS), fire protection systems, and temperature control equipment. In particular, energy storage PCS, as a core component in energy storage systems, continues to iterate and upgrade its technology is particularly important. An interview with a reporter from China Energy News learned that at present, many energy storage PCS manufacturers are starting to iterate towards high-power, high-voltage, and modular clustering management through technological innovation to cope with new changes in the energy storage market this year.

Industry insiders generally believe that judging from the demand for larger scale, higher energy density, longer service life and higher safety performance for energy storage PCS, the competition for energy storage PCS will become more intense this year, and many companies are seeking innovation and change. Continuously looking for the best solution.

Technology is diversified

The main function of the energy storage PCS is to convert electrical energy and other energy forms, such as converting solar energy into electrical energy or storing electrical energy in batteries. Data shows that during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, China's new energy storage installed capacity directly promoted economic investment of more than 100 billion yuan. This not only reflects the rapid growth of the energy storage PCS market, but also shows the energy storage industry's role in the entire economy."New momentum" role.

截至2023年底,新增储能装机规模约2260万千瓦/4870万千瓦时,较2022年底增长超260%。尽管锂离子电池储能占据主导地位,但其他类型的储能技术,如压缩空气储能、液流电池储能、飞轮储能等也在快速发展,这表明储能PCS技术正在向多元化方向发展。 As competition in the domestic PCS market becomes increasingly fierce, in order to stand out from the competition, companies are increasing investment in R & D and seeking technological breakthroughs, such as improving the efficiency of PCS, reducing costs, and enhancing system stability and security, in order to seize market opportunities.

锦浪科技副总经理陆荷峰对《中国能源报》记者表示,At present, energy storage PCS technology continues to be iteratively updated, which conforms to the natural laws of the development of power electronics technology. 其中,元器件的发展,特别是第三代半导体技术的进步,使得更高电压(1500V+)、更高转换效率、更高功率密度的PCS产品正在进一步发展。同时,自适应控制、远程交互等智能化功能,惯量、电压、频率、阻尼控制等提高电网强度和稳定性新需求,以及高效风冷液冷散热措施等方面也在逐步发展,这些都是技术迭代更新的重要体现。对企业而言,要适应这些技术发展趋势,必须在产品的软硬件设计上进行不断的更新迭代,以实现电力电子产品效率提升、安全保障和成本控制。

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Find a balance between efficiency, cost and reliability

When talking about the challenges faced by energy storage PCS during the rapid growth stage, industry insiders generally believe that the main problem is how to find a balance between efficiency, cost and reliability.

"At present, under the pressure of industry rankings, companies will sacrifice profits to pursue scale, which leads to further compression of costs." Liu Gang, chairman of China Electrical Equipment Group Henan Xuji Power Electronics Co., Ltd., said in an interview with a reporter from China Energy News,"In the laboratory, certain performance indicators, such as electromagnetic compatibility and long-term reliability, cannot be fully verified. This has led to some small factories sacrificing product quality in pursuit of low costs in the market competition, while large factories have become more cautious due to many failures and lessons."

Ni Tong, chairman of Xi'an Xinai Electric, told China Energy News that PCS accounts for about 15%-20% of the cost of energy storage systems and plays a key role in energy storage systems. 从物理原理上看,储能PCS的转化效率是企业产品被选择的重要依据。然而,储能系统是多维度的,不仅需要高效率,还需要可靠性和成本的可控性。单纯追求效率容易实现,但要既可靠又高效,且成本可接受,才是真正的挑战。

"Even experienced companies may make mistakes in the development of new energy storage PCS products." Ni Tong bluntly said that because the system involves hundreds of devices and complex arrangements, it is easy to ignore some factors outside the design. Therefore, it takes 3 to 4 years for a power electronics platform to be relatively stable. The diversity of today's energy storage PCS solutions leads to different forms, including small size, light weight, and high efficiency, but best practice solutions have not yet been found.

"Especially for increasingly large cells, they have higher requirements for energy storage PCS power." Ni Tong said,"But energy storage in the industrial and commercial fields requires large-scale standardized products to reduce costs, and the optimal solution for battery management requires that the energy storage PCS be matched with batteries of a specific size. This requires energy storage PCS producers to constantly adjust to adapt to changes, but it is also a challenge for companies because of the huge investment and uncertain benefits."

Diversification and segmentation are the direction

Many industry insiders believe that with the continuous development of new energy power generation, improving the conversion efficiency of PCS and reducing energy losses are the key to improving the overall performance of the energy storage system.

** In the eyes of industry insiders, the energy storage industry will form some best practice standards recognized by the industry in the future. In the energy storage PCS industry, whoever can find and adhere to these best practices fastest will be likely to lead the market, stand out in R & D, production, manufacturing, etc., and become an industry leader. **

"In terms of technical path, there are currently two main directions for energy storage PCS, integrated integration solutions and separate PCS equipment production." Lu Hefeng told reporters that no matter which path is used, security considerations are crucial. Whether equipment manufacturers produce energy storage PCS or integrated solution providers, they need to be committed to meeting market demand through technological innovation while ensuring product safety and reliability. In the fields of photovoltaic and energy storage, it is still in the incremental market stage, which is a positive signal for PCS manufacturers. However, due to the industry leapfrog and interactive nature of the energy storage market, there are currently many players in the energy storage PCS industry. There are many manufacturers from photovoltaic inverter manufacturers, uninterrupted power supply manufacturers, charging pile manufacturers, grid-side transmission and distribution equipment and other fields, which are intertwined with each other, so the competitive pressure is great.

In the eyes of industry insiders, with the development of big data, cloud computing, Internet of Things and other technologies, intelligence will become an important development trend for energy storage PCS. By integrating advanced control strategies and management systems, PCS remote monitoring and intelligent scheduling are realized. and optimized operation. "For different energy types such as wind energy, solar energy, and batteries, and application scenarios such as power grid regulation, microgrids, and electric vehicle charging, energy storage PCS will develop into segments in the future. Enterprises need to provide diversified and segmented energy storage PCS solution." Ni Tong said.

original title:Energy storage PCS companies are still looking for the best solution


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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