The emperor guards the country, and the king dies the country

Many people know that China and the United States are both important global powers. However, there are fundamental differences in their stance towards other countries.

The US military takes dominating the world as its own responsibility and pursues the creed of "those who obey me will prosper, and those who resist me will die"; while China advocates a "win-win cooperation" attitude. 在这两者之间的对比中,大多数国家更倾向于与中方合作,并对中方表现出比对美国更友好的态度。

最近,中东地区成为全球焦点,原因十分简明扼要——Because the United States has personally intervened in Middle East affairs and has been involved in conflicts with various armed forces in the region.

不久前,在约旦的一处军事基地遭受了严重袭击,这次袭击给美军带来了沉重的打击。The base has been reduced to ruins, and sadly,三名美国士兵 in the attack不幸丧生

As soon as the news was exposed, the United States immediately expressed its firm position. 首先,他们指出伊朗应该对这次袭击负责,尽管他们尚未掌握确凿的证据,但他们坚信这次袭击与伊朗有关。随后,美国再次表示,他们将对伊朗及其相关武装采取报复行动。

Sure enough, facts proved that the United States kept its word. They directly carried out air strikes against the Iranian Revolutionary Guards in Syria and Iraq.

据报道,The latest attack killed at least one senior Iranian Revolutionary Guard official and killed more than 40 civilians. 此后,伊拉克和叙利亚均对美国发出了强烈谴责,并直接表示将对其进行报复。

值得注意的是,由于地区局势紧张,中东大部分国家已关闭领空,或者对美国实施了限制。与此形成鲜明对比的是,Chinese warplanes can still freely enter the airspace of the region under such circumstances, and Iran is one of the most prominent examples.

It is reported that at the kind invitation of Saudi Arabia, a Chinese Air Force's "August 1 Flying Demonstration Team" has arrived in the Middle East. The team consists of seven J-10C fighter jets and a transport aircraft, aiming to participate in the international defense exhibition held locally.

这次行程与以往不同,中方空军直接从中国西北地区出发,途经巴基斯坦后,惊人的是,伊朗竟然直接开放了领空,允许中方飞机穿越,中方无需在途中作任何停留,直接飞抵沙特, This series of incidents involves several key points and is of great significance.

First of all, the Chinese aircraft arrived in Saudi Arabia directly from the country. Although there were conflicts among some countries they passed through, they all opened their airspace to China. This is very noteworthy!

It is obvious that ** China and the United States treat the Middle East very differently. ** China's popularity in Middle Eastern countries has far exceeded US expectations.

What is more noteworthy is that China's scientific research has not stalled. You know, China's J-10C fighter jet itself has a limited range, but now it can reach Saudi Arabia directly. This undoubtedly means that refueling operations have been carried out in the air. It can be clearly seen that the technical level of the Chinese People's Liberation Army's fighter jets is constantly improving.

This is enough to show that the military gap between China and the United States is gradually narrowing. As this trend develops, when we engage in a head-on confrontation with the United States in the future, we will not be at a disadvantage.

Patriotic, let's be together!

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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