According to the Hebei Daily client, a reporter recently learned from Tangshan City that a working group composed of the Hebei Province Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, the Provincial Party Committee Organization Department, the Provincial Party Committee Political and Legal Affairs Commission, the Provincial Court, the Provincial Procuratorate, and the Provincial Public Security Department, under the guidance of relevant state departments, carried out comprehensive investigations and verification in accordance with disciplines and laws.

据工作组负责人介绍,When Ma Shushan reported that the county party committee leader was arrested and prosecuted, there were three problems in the relevant units and party members and cadres. 。一是迁西县委书记李贵富不正确履行职责,对涉及本人及其他应由上级受理的信访事项,应回避未回避,应报告未报告,违规研究办理。二是迁西县公安局侦查取证不全面,刑事拘留措施适用不当。三是迁西县检察院错误作出批捕决定,错误提起公诉,未严格依法进行羁押必要性审查。纪检监察机关依据《中国共产党问责条例》《中国共产党纪律处分条例》《中华人民共和国公职人员政务处分法》等, It has been decided to deal with 22 relevant responsible personnel in accordance with disciplines and laws

记者还了解到,工作组对马树山反映的10个具体问题进行了调查核实,尚未发现存在其反映的问题。 As a retired cadre, Ma Shushan violated organizational procedures to report problems through anonymous letters. His party organization decided to criticize and educate Ma Shushan on his wrong behavior. At the same time, during the investigation, Li Guifu, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Tangshan City and secretary of the Qianxi County Party Committee, was found to be suspected of serious violations of discipline and law. The Hebei Province Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision has filed a case for review and investigation and taken detention measures.

The person in charge of the working group said that in the next step, we will unswervingly persist in the fight against corruption and effectively ensure that corruption must be fought against and corruption must be eliminated. At the same time, we will learn from cases to enhance party members and leading cadres 'awareness of law and discipline and enhance their ability to rule of law. Adhere to the people-centered approach, promote the legalization of petition work, and guide the broad masses of party members and the masses to report problems and express demands in accordance with laws and regulations. Further strengthen the standardization of law enforcement and justice, and strive to allow the people to feel fairness and justice in every judicial case.


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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