近期猪价强劲反弹。大连商品交易所生猪期货2405主力合约一度从2月21日最低点14280拉升到3月21日最高点15920,The stage increase reached 11.48%

湖北省鄂州市一栋26层高的养猪大楼。 程敏 摄(新华社)
Pig prices were better than expected after the Spring Festival, and improving supply easing was the main reason why prices stopped falling and stabilized.。”农业农村部猪肉全产业链监测预警首席分析师朱增勇对记者说。
Pig prices rebound and the industry turns losses. Does it mean that a rising cycle has arrived? From the supply side, China's Nengfan sow population has declined month-on-month for 13 consecutive months. ,由2022年12月份的4390万头降至2024年2月份的4042万头左右的水平,累计去化348万头,去化幅度超过7.9%。尤其是去年下半年由于猪价旺季不旺,产能调减速度加快,10个月后(今年二季度)商品猪出栏量或同比下降,市场形势逐渐好转,生猪养殖效益提升预计带动二季度母猪产能企稳。 China's pork imports are expected to stabilize and decline slightly in 2024
1月份中国CPI同比上涨,表明中国消费需求将逐渐回暖,需求增长和供给回落带动供需关系逐渐改善,猪价将会逐渐反弹到成本线以上并带动养殖户盈利。 At present, the supply of live pigs is still relatively abundant, and pig prices do not have a basis for a sharp rise. 。从仔猪补栏积极性来看,仔猪价格进入2024年以来呈现涨势。当前7公斤仔猪价格为450元/头左右,15公斤仔猪价格为600元/头左右,种猪场已经实现小幅盈利或者盈亏平衡。


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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