产粮大县是保障粮食安全的主力军,是国家商品粮的主要供给者。在新一轮千亿斤粮食产能提升行动中,有关部门在全国部署了720个粮食产能提升重点县,带动重点粮食品种和产能提升任务有效落实。但产粮大县经济发展水平低、财政困难,支持粮食生产发展的能力有限,普遍存在农业设施老化、粮食生产抵御自然灾害能力较弱和粮食生产后劲不足等问题。 We should speed up the improvement of the interest compensation mechanism for large grain-producing counties, enhance the comprehensive grain production capacity and county economic development capabilities, and achieve a win-win situation in increasing grain production and economic development.

In order to serve the national food security strategy, large grain-producing counties bear the opportunity cost of economic development, invest land and labor resources in grain production, and are unable to participate in the development of planting economy, industrial industrialization, land capitalization and other aspects with higher economic benefits. Coupled with the short grain industry chain, low added value, and small tax contribution, the economic development of large grain-producing counties is relatively lagging behind, forming a development dilemma of "large grain counties, small industrial counties, and financially poor counties". There are too many debts in the development of social, economic and cultural undertakings. If this problem is not resolved, it will dampen the enthusiasm of major grain-producing counties to attach importance to agriculture and grain, and affect the overall situation of grain production and supply.

On the Yellow River tidal flat in Ronghe Town, Wanrong County, Yuncheng City, Shanxi Province, farmers drive harvesters back and forth to harvest rice. Photo by Yan Xin (Zhongjing Vision)

为了缓解产粮大县的财政压力,促进产粮大县发展粮食生产,中国不断完善产粮大县利益补偿机制。 In the vertical direction, we will strengthen fiscal transfer payments and rewards and subsidies to major grain-producing counties, and tilt key projects to major grain-producing counties to ensure that major grain-producing counties focus on agriculture and grain production can be affordable and developed. 针对产粮大县公共服务薄弱问题,中国启动实施产粮大县公共服务能力提升行动,推动基本公共服务资源下沉,解决种粮农民在公共服务方面的急难愁盼。今年,在内蒙古、吉林、黑龙江、安徽、河南5个粮食调出量大的主产省份开展试点,然后再逐步推开,力争到2030年基本覆盖全中国制造粮大县。 Horizontally, we are actively exploring the inter-provincial horizontal compensation mechanism in production and marketing areas. Relevant departments are studying specific implementation measures. The main sales areas will provide certain financial support to the main production areas and further expand cooperation methods such as industries, talents, and technical services.

At present, a positive incentive mechanism across the country to encourage major grain-producing counties to focus on agriculture, seize grain and produce more and make more subsidies has taken shape. However, there are still some unsatisfactory areas, and there are still many pain points and blockages that need to be dredged. Judging from the reward and subsidy policy, the current fiscal transfer payments and the total amount of rewards and subsidies to major grain-producing counties are limited, which is not enough to support investment in grain production development and the development of economic and social undertakings. The scale of rewards for major grain-producing counties should be expanded and a reward mechanism linked to commodity grains should be established. From the perspective of project support, projects to support rural economic and social development require a certain proportion of local matching funds. The more projects there are, the more supporting funds. Some major grain-producing counties in economically underdeveloped areas have to give up central financial subsidies because they cannot provide matching funds.

Fortunately, China has taken substantial steps in this regard. This year's Central Committee Document No. 1 clearly stated that to build high-standard farmland, it is necessary to appropriately increase the level of central and provincial investment subsidies and cancel local funding requirements for major grain-producing counties. In view of the problem that agriculture-related projects are decentralized and difficult to integrate by relevant departments, we should further promote the overall integration of agriculture-related funds in major grain-producing counties, improve the efficiency of the use of fiscal agriculture-related funds, and form a financial system of "multiple channels to divert water and one tap to release water". A new pattern of investment in agriculture.

Major grain-producing counties must get rid of financial difficulties, achieve the organic integration of grain production increase and economic development, receive "blood transfusions", and improve their "blood-making" capabilities. 产粮大县粮食资源丰富,但粮食加工业总体规模小、就地加工转化率不高。要大力发展粮食加工业,拓展延伸产业链条,鼓励引导粮食产业链向主产区、产粮大县集中,形成粮食产业集群效应,促进就地就近转化增值,提高粮食产业发展效益和竞争力,把粮食产业链的增值收益和税收尽可能地留在产粮大县,加快产粮大县兴县富民步伐。

It is particularly worth mentioning that Article 28 of the Food Security Law, which will be promulgated and implemented on June 1 this year, clearly stipulates that the state will improve the fiscal transfer payment system for major grain-producing counties and establish and improve benefits for major grain-producing counties. Compensation mechanism. Solving difficult, pain and blockages from the legal level will definitely speed up the improvement of the interest compensation mechanism for major grain-producing counties, allowing major grain-producing counties to develop grain production wholeheartedly and make greater contributions to ensuring national food security.


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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