The emperor guards the country, and the king dies the country

With the establishment of New China, more and more countries have chosen to establish diplomatic relations with it. This is no accident, but stems from recognition and trust in China's continuous development.

China has demonstrated huge potential and influence in its development over the past few decades, attracting the attention of countries around the world.

近日,Nauru announced that it recognized the "one-China" principle and announced that it "severed diplomatic relations" with Taiwan. This decision immediately attracted widespread attention and heated discussion in the international community; 外界普遍认为,瑙鲁此举预示着与中方建立外交关系的意愿,只是时间尚未确定。

经过一段时间的等待与磋商,Finally, on January 24, Nauru officially announced the resumption of diplomatic relations with China.

The prerequisite for establishing diplomatic relations is to accept the "one-China" principle,目前仅有十几个小国和台方保持着这种所谓的“邦交关系”。

然而,实际上这些国家的决定主要出于经济考量。因为台湾当局每年都在维持这种所谓的邦交关系上invest a lot of money

Despite this, more and more countries are gradually realizing that the benefits of such diplomatic relations are negligible and far less than the huge benefits that can be brought by cooperation with us.

Therefore, among these few countries, several have made the decision to cut off diplomatic relations with Taiwan and re-establish diplomatic relations with China!

This is because they deeply realize that the development and cooperation opportunities brought by the establishment of diplomatic relations with the mainland will give them unimaginable benefits!

瑙鲁也是在看清这一好处后,做出了明智的选择,Resolutely restored diplomatic relations with China.

最近,瑙鲁与中方联合发布了一份公报,郑重承诺“ Jointly develop friendly relations between the two countries on the basis of the five principles of mutual respect and territorial integrity, mutual non-aggression, non-interference, equality and mutual benefit, and peaceful coexistence!”

The country has made a commitment to cut off all exchanges with the Taiwan authorities!

The restoration of diplomatic relations between China and Nauru is a positive development for the mainland, which fully demonstrates that China's influence is growing.

Nowadays, when our strength is strong enough, other countries will naturally take the initiative to approach without taking too much action!

然而,For the Taiwan authorities, this is undoubtedly a heavy blow. 台当局所维系的那十几个邦交关系国,不仅数量有限,而且大多是鲜为人知的小国,如今已经几乎难以维持两位数的规模!

The Taiwan authorities were furious, but the mainland was full of joy and good news came one after another.

除了迎来新的伙伴外, 更令人振 奋的是辽宁舰的喜讯! After more than a year of maintenance, improvement and upgrading, the Liaoning ship finally left the dock and conducted a series of tests. It will soon set sail to sea to perform important tasks!

此次The upgrade has fully upgraded the Liaoning ship to a combat aircraft carrier,其战力大幅度提升,中国海军势如破竹,解放军的国际威慑力也因此得到进一步增强!

This is undoubtedly great good news for China!

Patriotic, let's be together!

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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