The emperor guards the country, and the king dies the country

In recent decades, China's rapid development has become the focus of global attention.

从2000年的1.21万亿美元到2019年的14.36万亿美元,中国的GDP总量增长了惊人的1086%,This feat is regarded as a miracle by countries around the world!

中国崛起为仅次于美国的第二大经济体,这让一些国家开始重新评估全球格局。However, has this huge development momentum really shaken the United States 'world hegemony???

需要明确的是,Today's world has the theme of "win-win cooperation", and the United States 'hegemonic thinking is outdated!

Taking China as an example, in the face of relatively weak countries, we have always insisted on solving problems through "peaceful dialogue" and "equal exchanges".

与此不同,美囯作为世界霸主,其与其他国家的往来一直奉行“the jungle ”的原则。对于那些实力不及美国的国家,美国根本不愿进行平等对话,这一点在中俄两国与美国打交道时同样显而易见。

正是由于这种差异,After the rise of China, some countries are more willing to strengthen cooperation with China. This is the fundamental reason.

For these countries, cooperation with China will maximize their interests, while cooperation with the United States cannot provide equal treatment!

那些长期看好美方的国家如今也开始遭受损失,Solomon Islands has become the most typical representative.

The Solomon Islands consists of more than 990 islands, with a total area of 28,450 square kilometers and a population of 640,000. The country faces huge development challenges and relies mainly on fisheries and agriculture for its livelihood. In order to promote national development, Solomon Islands has taken the initiative to seek cooperation with China and expects China to provide investment support.

After learning about the tourism potential of Solomon Islands, China quickly signed a corresponding agreement with it.

然而,事态却出乎意料。Once they received China's development plan, Solomon Islands unceremoniously excluded China and instead图拉吉岛 及周边地区的开发权让给了AustraliaUS

这一决定令中方不胜惋惜,然而,由于未签署任何相关协议,只能黯然接受这一现实。然而,更出人意料的是,就在这个时候,An epidemic suddenly occurred!

In the shadow of the spread of the epidemic, the global tourism industry has fallen into a deep downturn. At this moment, the United States and Australia firmly believe that developing the Solomon Islands is not a top priority, so they rudely suspended relevant projects.

At the same time, Solomon Islands is also deeply threatened by the epidemic. However, what is unbelievable is that their eyes actually turned to China far in the east.

在目睹中方向各国伸出援助之手的同时,Solomon Islands unexpectedly made a huge request and even hoped that China would provide 100 billion yuan in aid.

Faced with such a huge number, we were not stupid, so we decisively refused Solomon Islands's emergency request for help.

Patriotic, let's be together!

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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