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On the 25th, the United Nations Security Council reviewed the issue of supplying weapons to Ukraine. Fu Cong, Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations, said in a speech that China expects both sides to the Russia-Ukraine conflict to continue to show political will, move towards each other, and start peace talks as soon as possible.

Fu Cong said that the continued flow of weapons and ammunition into the battlefield will only further aggravate the crisis, aggravate the cruelty, danger and unpredictability of war, bring more innocent casualties, make the hope of a peaceful end to the war even more remote, and will also affect regional peace and stability have far-reaching and wide-ranging negative impacts.

Source of the United Nations Security Council Data Map:CCTV News client

Fu Cong emphasized that an early ceasefire and ending the war and seeking a political solution are in the best interests of all parties. The current focus is to abide by the three principles of "no spillover of the battlefield, no escalation of the war, and no fire from all parties" and promote the cooling of the situation as soon as possible. Recently, parties to conflicts have signaled their willingness to negotiate to varying degrees. The international community should create conditions and provide assistance to this end, and work together to resolve the crisis politically.

Fu Cong said that China is not the creator of the Ukraine crisis, nor is it a party to the conflict. It has not provided lethal weapons and equipment to any party to the conflict, and has not and will not do anything to profit from it. China's position on the Ukraine issue is consistent and clear, that is, to promote peace, promote talks and resolve it politically.

Fu Cong said that Ukraine Foreign Minister Kuleba is currently visiting China, and Foreign Minister Wang Yi held talks with him. The two sides exchanged in-depth views on the Ukraine issue. China has noted that Kuleba said that Uzbekistan attaches great importance to China's opinions and has carefully studied the "six-point consensus" between China and Brazil on a political solution to the Ukraine crisis. Uzbekistan is willing and prepared to conduct dialogue and negotiations with Russia. China will continue to uphold an objective and fair stance, stand on the side of peace and dialogue, support the international community in gathering more consensus, make unremitting efforts to promote an early political settlement of the Ukraine crisis, and play a constructive role.

In response to the speech of the U.S. representative, Fu Cong emphasized that the U.S. is slandering China in an attempt to create a false narrative, mislead the international community, and blame China on the Ukraine issue. China will never accept this. In accordance with WTO rules and market rules, Chinese enterprises carry out normal economic and trade cooperation with countries around the world, including Russia and Uzbekistan. It is reasonable and beyond reproach.

source:Xinhua Agency

edit:Xu Dan

audit:Wang Xuquan and Han Feng

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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