Huang Jingsheng

Baoding Oil Production Operation Area of Huabei Oilfield No. 1 Oil Production Factory

Leader of Xiliu 10 Inspection and Maintenance Team

He is nicknamed "Lao Huang"

Not only are people who turn waste into treasure

Still a famous "maker"

Let's take a look at him today--

30 cents saves 300,000 yuan

On March 30, employees of the Xiliu 10 inspection and maintenance team in the Baoding Oil Production Operation Area of North China Oilfield No. 1 Oil Production Plant found that there was an abnormality in the sealing end face of the high-pressure flow automatic controller and it was impossible to inject water according to the allocated injection volume. Huang Jingsheng, the squad leader with rich maintenance experience, only replaced a 0.3 yuan O-shaped seal ring, and the equipment was running normally, saving nearly 10,000 yuan in purchasing new equipment. This alone can save nearly 300,000 yuan in equipment purchase costs every year. "30 cents saved 300,000 yuan" was temporarily rumored to be a good story.

"Our class compares who manages the longer operating cycle of the equipment and who has less maintenance costs. Currently, the longest used equipment-export pumps and high-pressure water injection pumps-have been around for 14 years." Huang Jingsheng said proudly.

"Broken" picks up the "Hundred Treasures"

Xihuan Hardware and Steel Market in Renqiu City, Hebei Province is a place where Huang Jingsheng often goes after work. Everywhere he stopped were "junk" that no one cared about in the corner.

The reporter saw that in the "Hundred Treasures" of the Xiliu 10 inspection and maintenance team, the "junk" he found-various screws, rubber rings, steel nails and other spare parts were arranged in categories, which made people dazzled. Some of these "rags" were picked up by Huang Jingsheng from everywhere, and some were removed from used equipment. Most of them were free of money. Therefore, he also got the nickname "Huang Lao Chui".

Using these low-cost accessories, Huang Jingsheng has repaired more than 120 high-pressure water injection valves and ordinary valves, and more than 100 sets (sets) of flow meters and liquid level gauges for more than 30 years, saving equipment purchase costs of more than 3 million yuan.

Front-line "maker squad leader"

From a transportation worker to being named a national model worker, Huang Jingsheng is not only an expert in turning waste into treasure, but also an "inventor" on the front line of innovation. "Others call me a 'maker squad leader', but I just want to solve the problem as soon as possible." Huang Jingsheng said.

On April 1, Han Huijuan, deputy squad leader of the Xiliu 10 inspection and maintenance team, shook a small crane boom shaped like a baby carriage to easily lift more than 100 kilograms of oil barrels steadily and accurately transport them to the designated position.

The female employee was weak, so Huang Jingsheng made a self-made lifting device, installed columns made of waste oil pipes on existing universal bearings, and used square pipes found on the market as lifting arms. A small crane was born, which not only reduced the labor intensity of employees, but also improved efficiency.

Save! Save! Save!

The reporter found that the top of the electric car shed in the station was covered with dark blue photovoltaic panels. "This is a photovoltaic charging carport designed and made by Huang Jingsheng. It generates more than 20 kilowatt-hours of electricity every day. It can not only meet the requirements for charging electric vehicles, but also provide daily electricity for the station." Han Huijuan said. At present, through photovoltaic power generation, more than 300 kilowatt-hours of electricity consumption can be saved every day, and the annual cost can be saved by 80,000 yuan.

Also eye-catching are rainwater collection ponds. "It costs 8 yuan per cubic meter to irrigate tap water, and now it's in the province." Huang Jingsheng said. Today, most of the more than 10 kinds of flowers, fruits and vegetables planted in the station are irrigated by collected rainwater, including roses, grapes, figs, and loofah.

His wish...

"We manage more than 200 sets of equipment and 116 oil and water wells, which require careful care. Throughout the year, I spend much more time in class than at home." Huang Jingsheng said. In order to make up for his debt to his family, he also renovated his home. Whether it is lights, air conditioning, TV, windows, or security doors, as long as there is a signal, it can be controlled remotely and in real time.

Huang Jingsheng, 59, will retire next year. he said:"Wherever there are problems, there is room for improving quality and efficiency. There are still many things to do in the class and many problems to solve. I have to continue to work hard."

reporter:Wang Xinxin and Gao Sui

photography:Liu Ming

edit:Yang Ziyi

editor:he Li

audit:Li Xiangyang

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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