No short supply

There is no day when the supply is cut off

September 1, 2004

Yaha condensate gas field in Tarim Oilfield

Natural gas produced as "pioneer gas"

Take the lead in entering the West-East Gas Pipeline

since then

Clean natural gas energy continues to flow

Crossing the thousands of miles of rivers and mountains of the motherland

Benefit the downstream people

Promote China to fully enter the "natural gas era"

As the downstream natural gas market demand grows,

Oilfield strives to improve natural gas production capacity

Take multiple measures simultaneously to increase production and ensure supply

200 billion cubic meters

December 2017

In December 2017, the cumulative supply of gas to the West-East Gas Pipeline Network exceeded 200 billion cubic meters.

300 billion cubic meters

March 2022

In March 2022, gas supply exceeded 300 billion cubic meters, helping the proportion of natural gas in China's primary energy consumption to continue to increase.

350 billion cubic meters

March 2024

累计向西气东输管网供应天然气突破3500亿立方米,It provides a solid guarantee for the production and domestic gas consumption of more than 400 million residents in 15 downstream provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities and more than 120 large and medium-sized cities.

Did you know that 350 billion cubic meters of natural gas

How significant is it?

this is equivalent to

Converted to substitute standard coal

4.66 billion tons

reduce carbon dioxide emissions by

7.57 billion tons

It has promoted the optimization and adjustment of the energy and industrial structure in eastern China, especially the Yangtze River Delta region, and created huge social, economic, ecological and environmental benefits.


with xiaobian

Further understand the West-East Gas Pipeline Project

In the nearly 20 years since the West-East Gas Pipeline Project was put into operation, the oil fields have successively implemented two trillion-cubic-meter atmospheric zones, Kela-Keshen and Bozi-Dabei, and have successfully developed the Keshen 9 gas field, the deepest onshore gas field in China, and the highest onshore pressure in China. 19 large and medium-sized gas fields, including the Keshen 13 gas field, have given "confidence" to downstream economic and social development and people's livelihood gas protection.

面对去冬今春频繁来袭的寒潮和强降雪天气,油田牢牢守住民生用能底线,确保群众温暖过冬,向西气东输管网日供气量由2023年10月初的5000多万立方米,提升至冬季用能高峰期的7483万立方米, The annual gas supply has exceeded 24 billion cubic meters for four consecutive years.

在加大增储上产力度的同时,油田持续提升供气保障能力,对连接塔里木油田各气源地和西气东输管网的重要枢纽站——西气东输第一站进行了3次扩建, The maximum annual gas supply capacity has gradually increased from the initial 12 billion cubic meters to 40 billion cubic meters.

截至目前,西气东输第一站已安全平稳供气7142天,无一时短供,无一日断供,实现了风险百分百受控、计量百分百准确、质量百分百合格、客户百分百满意, Won the title of "National Quality Trusted Team" in December last year

在供应清洁天然气资源的同时,油田还在西气东输第一站建成投运压差发电工程,每年生产出的520万千瓦时“绿色”电,可中和西气东输第一站日常生产中的碳排放, Achieve zero-carbon operation at the station.


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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